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ConfigMgr Client Installation Troubleshooting Check List

Seen Lot of questions/helps in many forums on the SCCM client issues like client is not reported to SCCM console ,site code unsuccessful, Client is installed but Console shows NO and many more.

Here is the check list which i have prepared to follow in brief .There may be other issues which are not mentioned here but mostly, issues lies under the below conditions.

There are a variety of Client deployment methods that are available to you when installing the client. Each has its advantages and disadvantages along with the need to meet specific business requirements.

If you choose to go SCCM client push installation method, Ensure you have created Client push installation account which should have Admin rights on the target computer else it may fail .Client push installation Step by Step Guide is here http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb632380.aspx and with Screen shots how to configure from Windows-Noob

Once you initiated the Client push installation from SCCM console( right click on computer,say install client etc ),you can start monitoring CCM.log from your <SCCM installation folder:>\Logs. For more info on how SCCM client push installation works,please refer this article for process and troubleshooting .

The procedure is same what ever the installation method you choose.The CCMSETUP.EXE will be downloaded to the system (c:\windows\system32\ccmsetup) and is executed. The ccmsetup.exe reads the manifest file (and also mobileclient.tcf) and fetches the remaining files(prerequisites files listed below ) to continue the client installation.  ** http://eskonr.com/2010/11/sccm-client-installation-troubleshooting-steps-check-list/**