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ConfigMgr (SCCM) – How to Rebuild NAL (Network Abstraction Layer)

I was part of a good discussion in Technet and Sabrina from MS provided the steps to Rebuild NAL. I thought of documenting it http://s0.wp.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif?m=1308974810g

When we find some registry key is modified or corrupted, we strongly suggest rebuild the whole environment. Note: Before modify the registry keys, please take a backup of the key.

*Latest Updated Post @  http://anoopcnair.com/2011/07/01/configmgr-sccm-how-to-rebuild-nal-network-abstraction-layer/

Rebuild NAL*

1. Stop sms_site_component_manager and sms_executive service.

2. New a registry key: HKLM\software\wow6432node\microsoft\Nal\server\providers

3. Add a Reg_Multi_SZ value under it. The name should be “Active Order”

4. Double click it, input the value LOCAL MSWNET NWNDS NWBIND

5. Open command line window. Go to the SCCM installation path. By default it will under “\program files (x86)\microsoft configuration manager\bin\i386” folder.

6. Run following command line: regsvr32 abnwsvr.dll regsvr32 falsvrn.dll regsvr32 mslmsvrn.dll

7. After all the .dll is registry successfully, there will be 2 new value generated under the Active Order.

8. Then we will do a site reset. Close the SCCM console if it is opened. Go to “Start\All programs\microsoft system center\configuration manager 2007\configmgr setup”

9. When the setup is launched, please choose “Perform site maintenance or reset this site”. NOTE: It is not default choice, please make sure the choose of “” here to avoid remove the site by mistake!

10. Choose the “Re-apply default file and registry permissions on this site server”

11. Click Next till finish. Then reset the site is doing.

12. After finish, there will be a new key generated. It called “Connections”, there is a value under it, it is “Operational Active Order”.

13. After that, the NAL seems rebuild. Then, you can check the package update DP works or not.