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Microsoft 365: Set Sensitivity Label on M365 Group

Starting Point

Microsoft 365 allows setting labels on entire groups and sites. The entire content of such M365 group or SharePoint site is then protected. You can set the label using User Interface or Powershell. The option becomes available after you enable labels for groups and sites.
There are several ways to set sensitivity label. Here you can find 5 :)  Pick the one that fits your scenario best.

PnP Powershell

If you are already connected to the site:

Set-PnPSiteSensitivityLabel -Identity "a1888df2-84c2-4379-8d53-7091dd630ca7"

when using tenant connection:

Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity "https://myTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/testLabel" -SensitivityLabel "a1888df2-84c2-4379-8d53-7091dd630ca7"

SharePoint Online Management Shell

Connect to your SharePoint Online tenant and then run the following cmdlet:

Set-SPOSite -Identity "https://myTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/testLabel" -SensitivityLabel "a1888df2-84c2-4379-8d53-7091dd630ca7"

Microsoft 365 SharePoint Admin Center

Navigate to Admin Center >> Active sites >> select a site >> Settings

Microsoft 365 Teams Admin Center

Navigate to Teams Admin Center. Enter **Manage Teams **tab.

In the top right corner click Edit Team. In the Edit menu, change the Sensitivity

Microsoft Graph Powershell

Microsoft Graph

See Also

List sensitivityLabels