다음을 통해 공유

SQL Server Import/Export to Excel using Python script


In previous article, we saw how to import/export excel to/from SQL Server by executing R script within T-SQL.
In this post, let us see another similar approach to import excel into SQL Server and export SQL server data to excel by executing Python script within T-SQL.

There are some existing methods to do this using BCP, Bulk Insert, Import & Export wizard from SSMS, SSIS, Azure data factory, Linked server & OPENROWSET query and SQLCMD.

BULK INSERT statement, the BCP tool, or Azure Data Factory can't read Excel files directly  
BCP - Workaround has to be done to include the header while exporting
SSIS - Though it supports exporting to excel, with dynamic source & destination, handling mapping between source to target increases the complexity of the package
SQLCMD - Cannot export output in Excel file format

R & Python language extension was introduced in SQL Server 2016 & 2017 as part of machine learning. With support of R in Azure SQL database  and Java language extension support in SQL Server 2019, this new approach can be used extensively as it easy, fast and flexible.


We have used SQL Server 2019 evaluation edition on Windows 10 64 bit and WideWorldImporters SQL Server sample database for this example.

Below scripts will work starting from SQL Server 2017 and above (as execution of Python language using T-SQL was introduced in SQL Server 2017).

Only pre-requisite step is to install Python services and then from SSMS enable the external scripting feature. Restart the database engine and then verify the installation as mentioned in MSDN.

Provide folder permission to access the excel files during import / export process, right-click on folder -> Properties -> Security -> (Full Control) to "ALL_APPLICATION_PACKAGES".

pandas.DataFrame.to_excel & pandas.read_excel are used to export and import excel which are installed by default

We can check that by running below statement in SSMS:

EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script
@language =N'Python',
@script=N'import pip
for i in pip.get_installed_distributions():

Exporting SQL Server data (list of tables, views) into Excel file

For this approach, we have created a Stored procedure named "usp_ExportExcel" in "WideWorldImporters" database. Executing the Stored procedure based on input parameters exports SQL Server data to excel files

Stored procedure  -  Has below three input parameters and writes the output to excel file

Parameter Description
@ExportPath  Path for exporting excel files 
@SchemaName List of objects under this schema to be exported. Can have multiple values separated by comma 
@ObjectlisttoExport List of tables, views to be exported. Can have multiple values separated by comma 
CREATE OR  ALTER PROC usp_ExportExcel (@ExportPath NVARCHAR(MAX),
                                      @SchemaName NVARCHAR(MAX),
                                      @ObjectlisttoExport NVARCHAR(MAX)
IF ISNULL(@ExportPath,'') <> ''
 SELECT @ExportPath = CASE WHEN  RIGHT(@ExportPath,1) = '\' THEN @ExportPath ELSE CONCAT(@ExportPath,'\') END
 DECLARE @ValidPath TABLE (ValidPathCheck BIT)
INSERT @ValidPath
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
@language =N'Python',
import pandas as  pd
d = os.path.isdir(ExportFilePath) 
OutputDataSet = pd.DataFrame([d],columns=["Filename"])'
,@params = N'@ExportFilePath NVARCHAR(MAX)'
,@ExportFilePath = @ExportPath
        IF (SELECT ValidPathCheck FROM @ValidPath) = 1
 IF ISNULL(@SchemaName,'') <> ''  OR ISNULL(@ObjectlisttoExport,'') <> '' 
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #ExportTablesList, #FinalExportList
CREATE TABLE #ExportTablesList(TableCount INT IDENTITY(1,1),Cols NVARCHAR(MAX),TableName NVARCHAR(200))
--Get the list of objects to be exported 
INSERT #ExportTablesList (Cols,TableName)
SELECT  CASE WHEN TY.name IN ('date','datetime2','datetimeoffset','time','timestamp','decimal','bit','int','bigint') 
          ELSE C.name END Cols  -- To cover poor data type conversions b/n Python & SQL Server
  ,CONCAT(SCHEMA_NAME(T.SCHEMA_ID),'.',T.name) TableName
FROM Sys.tables T
JOIN sys.columns C
ON T.object_id = C.object_id
JOIN sys.types TY 
ON C.[user_type_id] = TY.[user_type_id]
WHERE Schema_name(T.schema_id) IN (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(@SchemaName, ',')) 
-- Ignore the datatypes that are not required to be exported
AND TY.name NOT IN ('geography','varbinary','binary','text', 'ntext', 'image', 'hierarchyid', 'xml', 'sql_variant')  
INSERT #ExportTablesList (Cols,TableName)
SELECT  CASE WHEN TY.name IN ('date','datetime2','datetimeoffset','time','timestamp','decimal','bit','int','bigint') 
          ELSE C.name END Cols  -- To cover poor data type conversions b/n Python & SQL Server
  ,CONCAT(SCHEMA_NAME(T.SCHEMA_ID),'.',T.name) TableName
FROM Sys.tables T
JOIN sys.columns C
ON T.object_id = C.object_id
JOIN sys.types TY 
ON C.[user_type_id] = TY.[user_type_id] 
-- Ignore the datatypes that are not required to be exported
AND TY.name NOT IN ('geography','varbinary','binary','text', 'ntext', 'image', 'hierarchyid', 'xml', 'sql_variant')  
--Dedup of object list
;WITH dedup
WHERE Rn > 1
--Forming columns list as comma separated 
SELECT TableName,IDENTITY(INT,1,1) AS TableCount
    , STUFF(
        SELECT ', ' + C.Cols
        From #ExportTablesList As C
        WHERE C.TableName = T.TableName
        FOR XML PATH('')
        ), 1, 2, '') AS Cols
INTO #FinalExportList
From #ExportTablesList As T
GROUP BY TableName
       ,@TableName NVARCHAR(200)
       ,@SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''
       ,@PythonScript NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''
       ,@ExportFilePath NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''
--Loop through the object list to export as excel    
WHILE @I <= (SELECT COUNT(TableName) FROM #FinalExportList)
 -- Just for testing purpose top 10 records are selected
SELECT @SQL = CONCAT('SELECT TOP  10 ',Cols,'  FROM ',TableName,';')
      ,@TableName = TableName
FROM #FinalExportList WHERE TableCount = @I
SET @PythonScript = N'
FullFilePath = ExcelFilePath+TableName+".xlsx"
EXEC   sp_execute_external_script
      @language = N'Python'
     ,@script = @PythonScript
     ,@input_data_1 = @SQL
     ,@params = N'@ExcelFilePath NVARCHAR(MAX), @TableName NVARCHAR(200)'
     ,@ExcelFilePath = @ExportPath -- file path where Excel files are placed
     ,@TableName = @TableName
SET @I = @I + 1
 END ELSE PRINT 'Schema name  of objects or list of objects (separated by comma) to be exported need to be mentioned'
 END ELSE PRINT 'Invalid folder path'
 END ELSE PRINT 'Export folder path need to  be mentioned'
PRINT 'Issue while executing this SP, please check  whether there is  permission to  execute the script / to access the folder and input params are valid'

Sample execution code blocks:


--Export path is mandatory
EXEC usp_ExportExcel @ExportPath = '',
                     @SchemaName = 'Sales',
                     @ObjectlisttoExport = ''


--SP can check if the folder path is valid
EXEC usp_ExportExcel @ExportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExpor',
                     @SchemaName = 'Sales',
                     @ObjectlisttoExport = ''


--Either Schema name or list of objects needs to be passed
EXEC usp_ExportExcel @ExportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
                     @SchemaName = '',
                     @ObjectlisttoExport = ''


--Example for exporting list of objects separated by comma
EXEC usp_ExportExcel @ExportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
                     @SchemaName = '',
                     @ObjectlisttoExport = 'Application.People,Sales.Orders,Purchasing.Suppliers,Warehouse.Colors'


--Example for exporting list of objects separated by comma and tables under Application schema
EXEC usp_ExportExcel @ExportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
                     @SchemaName = 'Application',
                     @ObjectlisttoExport = 'Application.People,Sales.Orders,Purchasing.Suppliers,Warehouse.Colors'


--Example for exporting all tables under Application,Sales,Purchasing & Warehouse schema
EXEC usp_ExportExcel @ExportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
                     @SchemaName = 'Application,Sales,Purchasing,Warehouse',
                     @ObjectlisttoExport = ''

Importing Excel file into SQL Server

For this approach, we have created a Stored procedure named "usp_ImportExcel" in "WideWorldImporters" database. Executing the Stored procedure based on input parameters imports excel files to SQL Server table

Stored procedure - Has below six input parameters 

Parameter Description
 @ImportPath Path where excel files are placed for importing into SQL Server 
 @DBConnectionString Target SQL Server database connection string where files are imported. Can be
Database=DB name; Trusted_Connection=True
Database=DB name;Uid= user name;Pwd=Password
 @ImportAll If set to 1 then all files in the mentioned path are imported. If set to 0 then only mentioned files are imported
 @CombineTarget Flag to decide single target table for each source file (files with same structure) or separate target table for each source file 
 @ExcelFileName If @ImportAll =  0 then excel file name needs to be passed to this parameter
 @ExcelSheetName If @ImportAll =  0 then corresponding sheet name of the excel file needs to be passed to this parameter 

From SSMS -> Object Explorer -> WideWorldImporters (database) ->Tables (right-click) -> Filter -> Filter Settings -> set Schema contains dbo. So that we can clearly see the tables being created on the fly while importing the files.

CREATE OR  ALTER PROC usp_ImportExcel (@ImportPath NVARCHAR(MAX),
                                      @DBConnectionString NVARCHAR(MAX),
                                      @ImportAll BIT,
                      @CombineTarget BIT,
                                      @ExcelFileName NVARCHAR(200),
                                      @ExcelSheetName NVARCHAR(50)
IF ISNULL(@ImportPath,'') <> '' AND  ISNULL(@DBConnectionString,'') <> ''
 SELECT @ImportPath = CASE WHEN  RIGHT(@ImportPath,1) = '\' THEN @ImportPath ELSE CONCAT(@ImportPath,'\') END
  DECLARE @ValidPath TABLE (ValidPathCheck BIT)
INSERT @ValidPath
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
@language =N'Python',
import pandas as  pd
d = os.path.isdir(ImportFilePath) 
OutputDataSet = pd.DataFrame([d],columns=["Filename"])'
,@params = N'@ImportFilePath NVARCHAR(MAX)'
,@ImportFilePath = @ImportPath
        IF (SELECT ValidPathCheck FROM @ValidPath) = 1
  IF (@ImportAll = 0 AND (ISNULL(@ExcelFileName,'') <> '' AND ISNULL(@ExcelSheetName,'') <> '')) 
  OR (@ImportAll = 1 AND (ISNULL(@ExcelFileName,'') = '' AND ISNULL(@ExcelSheetName,'') = ''))
import pandas as  pd
import os
import glob
from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData, rx_data_step
sqlConnString = "Driver=SQL Server;Server=Serv; ',@DBConnectionString,'"
Filefolderepath = ImportFilePath+"*.xlsx"
if ImportAll ==1 and CombineTarget==0:
    for FullFilePath in glob.glob(Filefolderepath):
       Filename = os.path.basename(FullFilePath).replace(".xlsx","")
       xl = pd.ExcelFile(FullFilePath)
       for sheetname in xl.sheet_names:
          Output = pd.read_excel(FullFilePath, sheetname=sheetname, na_filter=False).astype(str)
       if not  Output.empty:
          sqlDS = RxSqlServerData(connection_string = sqlConnString,table = "".join(fl for  fl in Filename if fl.isalnum())+"_"+"".join(sh for  sh in sheetname if sh.isalnum()))
          rx_data_step(input_data = Output, output_file = sqlDS,overwrite = True)
if ImportAll ==1 and CombineTarget==1:
   for FullFilePath in glob.glob(Filefolderepath):
       Filename = os.path.basename(FullFilePath).replace(".xlsx","")
       xl = pd.ExcelFile(FullFilePath)
       for sheetname in xl.sheet_names:
           Output = pd.read_excel(FullFilePath, sheetname=sheetname).columns.astype(str)
           Output = ",".join(list(Output))
           df1 = pd.DataFrame([[Filename,sheetname,FullFilePath,Output]],columns=["Filename","sheetname","FullFilePath","Headers"])
   sqlDS = RxSqlServerData(connection_string = sqlConnString,table = "Tbl_PyImpExp1")
   rx_data_step(input_data = df2, output_file = sqlDS,overwrite = True)
if ImportAll ==0:
   Filename =ImportFilePath+ExcelFileName+".xlsx"
   exists = os.path.isfile(Filename)
   if exists and ExcelSheetName in pd.ExcelFile(Filename).sheet_names:
         Output = pd.read_excel(Filename, sheetname=ExcelSheetName, na_filter=False).astype(str)
         if not  Output.empty:
             sqlDS = RxSqlServerData(connection_string = sqlConnString,table = "".join(fl for  fl in ExcelFileName if fl.isalnum())+"_"+"".join(sh for  sh in ExcelSheetName if sh.isalnum()))
             rx_data_step(input_data = Output, output_file = sqlDS,overwrite = True)
      print("Invalid Excel file or sheet name")')
EXEC   sp_execute_external_script
      @language = N'Python'
     ,@script = @PythonScript
     ,@params = N'@ImportFilePath NVARCHAR(MAX),@ImportAll BIT,@CombineTarget BIT,@ExcelFileName NVARCHAR(200),@ExcelSheetName NVARCHAR(50),@Serv NVARCHAR(200)'
     ,@ImportFilePath = @ImportPath
     ,@ImportAll = @ImportAll
     ,@CombineTarget = @CombineTarget
     ,@ExcelFileName = @ExcelFileName
     ,@ExcelSheetName = @ExcelSheetName
     ,@Serv = @Serv
     IF @ImportAll =1 AND @CombineTarget =1
        IF OBJECT_ID('Tbl_PyImpExp1') IS NOT NULL
                    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Tbl_PyImpExp2
                    ;WITH FileList
                    SELECT [Filename]
                          ,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) Rn
                          ,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY [Headers] ORDER BY [Headers]) Grp
                          ,DENSE_RANK()OVER(ORDER BY [Headers]) Grp1
                      FROM [dbo].[Tbl_PyImpExp1]
                      SELECT  *,FIRST_VALUE([Filename]) OVER (PARTITION BY Grp1 ORDER BY Grp ASC) AS TableName
                      INTO Tbl_PyImpExp2 
                      FROM FileList 
                IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Tbl_PyImpExp2)
                     DECLARE @I INT = 1
                            ,@SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) =N''
SET @PythonScript = CONCAT('
import pandas as  pd
from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData, rx_data_step
sqlConnString = "Driver=SQL Server;Server=Serv; ',@DBConnectionString,'"
if ImportAll ==1 and CombineTarget==1:
   for index, row in InputDataSet.iterrows():
       Tbl = "".join(T for  T in row["TableName"] if T.isalnum())
       Import = pd.read_excel(row["FullFilePath"], sheetname=row["sheetname"], na_filter=False).astype(str)
       Import["ImportKey"] = row["TableName"]+"_"+row["sheetname"]
       if not FinalImport.empty:
          sqlDS = RxSqlServerData(connection_string = sqlConnString,table = Tbl)
          rx_data_step(input_data = FinalImport, output_file = sqlDS,overwrite = True)')
                     WHILE @I <= (SELECT MAX(Grp1) FROM Tbl_PyImpExp2)
                     SET @SQL =  CONCAT('SELECT FullFilePath,sheetname,TableName FROM Tbl_PyImpExp2 WHERE Grp1 = ',@I)
                         EXEC   sp_execute_external_script
                          @language = N'Python'
                         ,@script = @PythonScript
                         ,@input_data_1 = @SQL
                         ,@params = N'@ImportAll BIT,@CombineTarget BIT,@Serv NVARCHAR(200)'
                         ,@Serv = @Serv
                         ,@ImportAll = @ImportAll
                         ,@CombineTarget = @CombineTarget
                     SET @I = @I + 1
     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Tbl_PyImpExp1,Tbl_PyImpExp2
     END ELSE PRINT 'Invalid parameters: If ImportAll = 0 then  pass Excel file & Sheet Name as  input. If ImportAll = 1 then pass Excel file & Sheet Name blank'
  END ELSE PRINT 'Invalid folder path'
END ELSE PRINT 'Import folder path or  database connection  string need to  be mentioned'
PRINT 'Issue while executing this SP, please check  whether there is  permission to  execute the script / to access the folder and input params are valid'

Sample execution code blocks:


--Path where files to be imported is mandatory
EXEC usp_ImportExcel  @ImportPath = '',
                      @DBConnectionString = '',
                      @ImportAll = 0,
                      @CombineTarget = 0,
                      @ExcelFileName = '',
                      @ExcelSheetName = ''


--SP can check if path provided is valid
EXEC usp_ImportExcel  @ImportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExpor',
--Database=WideWorldImporters; Trusted_Connection=True
                      @DBConnectionString = 'Database=WideWorldImporters;Uid=sa;Pwd=***',
                      @ImportAll = 0,
                      @CombineTarget = 0,
                      @ExcelFileName = '',
                      @ExcelSheetName = ''


--Example to import a Excel file Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures with sheet name VehicleTemperatures
EXEC usp_ImportExcel  @ImportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
--Database=WideWorldImporters; Trusted_Connection=True
                      @DBConnectionString = 'Database=WideWorldImporters;Uid=sa;Pwd=***',
                      @ImportAll = 0,
                      @CombineTarget = 0,
                      @ExcelFileName = 'Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures',
                      @ExcelSheetName = 'VehicleTemperatures'


--SP can check if the file name or sheet name is invalid
EXEC usp_ImportExcel  @ImportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
--Database=WideWorldImporters; Trusted_Connection=True
                      @DBConnectionString = 'Database=WideWorldImporters;Uid=sa;Pwd=***',
                      @ImportAll = 0,
                      @CombineTarget = 0,
                      @ExcelFileName = 'Warehouse.VehicleTemperature',
                      @ExcelSheetName = 'VehicleTemperatures'


--Example to import all the excel files in a folder to separate tables with naming convention filename_sheetname
EXEC usp_ImportExcel  @ImportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
--Database=WideWorldImporters; Trusted_Connection=True
                      @DBConnectionString = 'Database=WideWorldImporters;Uid=sa;Pwd=***',
                      @ImportAll = 1,
                      @CombineTarget = 0,
                      @ExcelFileName = '',
                      @ExcelSheetName = ''


If we execute below queries, we can see 46 tables in total (including 15 archive tables) been created from above examples.
Please note _archive tables has same schema as the base tables.

SELECT * FROM sys.tables
WHERE schema_name(schema_id) = 'dbo'
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
WHERE schema_name(schema_id) = 'dbo'
AND name  LIKE '%Archive%'

Now let us drop all the tables created from above examples

USE WideWorldImporters;
DROP TABLE  ApplicationCities_Cities
DROP TABLE  ApplicationCitiesArchive_CitiesArchive
DROP TABLE  ApplicationCountries_Countries
DROP TABLE  ApplicationCountriesArchive_CountriesArchive
DROP TABLE  ApplicationDeliveryMethods_DeliveryMethods
DROP TABLE  ApplicationDeliveryMethodsArchive_DeliveryMethodsArchive
DROP TABLE  ApplicationPaymentMethods_PaymentMethods
DROP TABLE  ApplicationPaymentMethodsArchive_PaymentMethodsArchive
DROP TABLE  ApplicationPeople_People
DROP TABLE  ApplicationPeopleArchive_PeopleArchive
DROP TABLE  ApplicationStateProvinces_StateProvinces
DROP TABLE  ApplicationStateProvincesArchive_StateProvincesArchive
DROP TABLE  ApplicationSystemParameters_SystemParameters
DROP TABLE  ApplicationTransactionTypes_TransactionTypes
DROP TABLE  ApplicationTransactionTypesArchive_TransactionTypesArchive
DROP TABLE  PurchasingPurchaseOrderLines_PurchaseOrderLines
DROP TABLE  PurchasingPurchaseOrders_PurchaseOrders
DROP TABLE  PurchasingSupplierCategories_SupplierCategories
DROP TABLE  PurchasingSupplierCategoriesArchive_SupplierCategoriesArchive
DROP TABLE  PurchasingSuppliers_Suppliers
DROP TABLE  PurchasingSuppliersArchive_SuppliersArchive
DROP TABLE  PurchasingSupplierTransactions_SupplierTransactions
DROP TABLE  SalesBuyingGroups_BuyingGroups
DROP TABLE  SalesCustomerCategories_CustomerCategories
DROP TABLE  SalesCustomerCategoriesArchive_CustomerCategoriesArchive
DROP TABLE  SalesCustomers_Customers
DROP TABLE  SalesCustomersArchive_CustomersArchive
DROP TABLE  SalesCustomerTransactions_CustomerTransactions
DROP TABLE  SalesInvoiceLines_InvoiceLines
DROP TABLE  SalesInvoices_Invoices
DROP TABLE  SalesOrderLines_OrderLines
DROP TABLE  SalesOrders_Orders
DROP TABLE  SalesSpecialDeals_SpecialDeals
DROP TABLE  WarehouseColdRoomTemperatures_ColdRoomTemperatures
DROP TABLE  WarehouseColdRoomTemperaturesArchive_ColdRoomTemperaturesArchive
DROP TABLE  WarehouseColors_Colors
DROP TABLE  WarehouseColorsArchive_ColorsArchive
DROP TABLE  WarehousePackageTypes_PackageTypes
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockGroups_StockGroups
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockGroupsArchive_StockGroupsArchive
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockItemHoldings_StockItemHoldings
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockItems_StockItems
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockItemStockGroups_StockItemStockGroups
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockItemsArchive_StockItemsArchive
DROP TABLE  WarehouseStockItemTransactions_StockItemTransactions
DROP TABLE  WarehouseVehicleTemperatures_VehicleTemperatures

Now let's try example 6 which consolidates the target when source files have same structure:

--Example to import all the excel files in a folder to same target tables when the files has same structure by setting @CombineTarget = 1
EXEC usp_ImportExcel  @ImportPath = 'H:\Temp\Blog\Python\ImportExport',
--Database=WideWorldImporters; Trusted_Connection=True
                      @DBConnectionString = 'Database=WideWorldImporters;Uid=sa;Pwd=***',
                      @ImportAll = 1,
                      @CombineTarget = 1,
                      @ExcelFileName = '',
                      @ExcelSheetName = ''

Now let us see how many tables created this time:
Previously we saw 46 tables been created, this time it is 31 tables this is because 15 archive tables which has same schema as the base table are imported into same target

SELECT * FROM sys.tables
WHERE schema_name(schema_id) = 'dbo'

Stored procedures mentioned in this post for importing / exporting are also published in TechNet Gallery and scripts can be downloaded from here. Other steps with examples are explained in this post. We need to be careful with indentations in python script as formatting them without understanding the code can result in error.


This post is just to give an overview of this new approach of importing / exporting to excel files in SQL Server using Python script. With respect to moving data (Import / Export) between SQL Server & Excel, there are various scenarios based on each requirement. We have covered some of them but tweaking the solutions mentioned above can cover any scenario.

See Also
