다음을 통해 공유


1      Go to the Exchange mail flow section of the Office 365 portal

To create a User Mailbox, follow the below steps:

Sign into your organization’s Office 365 tenancy via the Office 365 portal as an Administrator.

b) At the Home screen, click the icon at the top left of the screen and select the ‘Admin’ option from the menu that appears:

c) You will now arrive at the ‘Office 365 admin center’ page. From the menu on the left, go to the ‘ADMIN’ option and select ‘Exchange’:

d) The ‘Exchange admin center’ page will open. From the menu on the left, select the ‘mail flow’ option:

e) You will now arrive at the ‘mail flow’ page, with a row of options along the top:

2       Set up the ‘Send’ Connector

a) At the ‘mail flow’ page Select the ‘Connectors’ option:

b) The screen will change to show the Connectors list. Click the ‘+’ icon to start creating the Send Connector:

c) The Connector creator will appear. On the ‘Select your mail flow scenario’ page set the ‘From’ drop-down to ‘Office 365’ and the ‘To’ dropdown to

‘Your organization’s email server’ and then click ‘Next’:

d) On the next page give your Send Connector a descriptive name and, optionally, a more detailed description. Ensure that you leave the two checkboxes enabled, then click ‘Next’:

e) On the next page select the radio option ‘Only when I have a transport rule set up that redirects messages to this connector’, then click ‘Next’

(you will set up the transport rule in Step 4):

f) Next you will be asked how to route messages. Click the ‘+’ icon to add a smart host to this list:

g) In the ‘add smart host’ box that pops up, enter <smtp.example.> then click ‘Save’:

h) You will be returned to the smart host list with your entry now present. Click ‘Next’:

i) The next page relates to the security of the connection. Leave the ‘Always use Transport Layer Security (TLS)’ option checked, and ensure that the

‘Issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA)’ radio option is selected. Click ‘Next’:

j) The confirmation page will appear. Confirm that the settings are correct then click ‘Next’:

k) The connector validation page will appear, which requires you to send a test message. Click the ‘+’ icon to specify an email recipient for the test message:

l) In the ‘add email’ box that pops up, enter the email address of the recipient of your test mail (note that this email address must not belong to an Office 365 mailbox), then click ‘OK’:

m) You will be returned to the connector validation page with your email entry now present. Click ‘Validate’:

n) The validation process will start:

o) When it has finished, click ‘Close’, then click ‘Save’ to complete the creation of the Send Connector:

3      Set up the ‘Receive’ Connector

Having completed the setup of the Send Connector you should now be back at the ‘Connectors’ section of the ‘mail flow’ page. Click the ‘+’ icon to

start creating the Receive Connector:

b) The Connector creator will appear. On the ‘Select your mail flow scenario’ page set the ‘From’ drop-down to ‘Your organization’s email server’

and the ‘To’ drop-down to ‘Office 365’ and then click ‘Next’:

c) On the next page give your Receive Connector a descriptive name and, optionally, a more detailed description. Ensure that the ‘Turn it on’ option is

checked and that the ‘Retain internal Exchange email headers (recommended)’ is unchecked, then click ‘Next’:

d) On the next page select the radio option ‘By verifying that the subject name on the certificate that the sending server uses to authenticate with

Office 365 matches this domain name (recommended)’. In the field below, enter smtp.exclaimer.net then click ‘Next’:

e) The confirmation page will appear. Confirm that the settings are correct then click ‘Save’:

f) Having completed the setup of the Receive Connector you should now be back at the ‘Connectors’ section of the ‘mail flow’ page with your Send and Receive connectors both listed:

4      Create the Transport Rule

a) Having completed the setup of the Receive Connector you should now be back at the ‘Connectors’ section of the ‘mail flow’ page. From the row of

options along the top, select ‘rules’:

b) The screen will change to show the Rules list. Click the ‘+’ icon and select ‘Create a new rule…’ from the drop-down menu:

c) The Rule creator will appear. Give your rule a descriptive name and then click the ‘More options…’ hyperlink:

d) From the ‘Apply this rule if…’ drop-down, select ‘The sender…’ and then ‘is external/internal’:

e) In the ‘select sender location’ box that pops up, ensure that ‘Inside the organization’ is selected, then click ‘OK’:

f) From the ‘Do the following…’ dropdown, select ‘Redirect the message to…’ and then ‘the following connector’:

g) In the ‘select connector’ box that pops up, ensure that the Send connector that you created in Step 2 is selected, then click ‘OK’:

h) Now click the ‘add exception’ button:

i) From the ‘Except if…’ drop-down, select ‘A message header…’ and then ‘matches these text patterns’:

j) Now click the ‘Enter text…’ hyperlink:

k) In the ‘specify header name’ box that pops up enter X-ExclaimerHostedSignatures-MessageProcessed then click ‘OK’:

l) Now click the ‘Enter text patterns…’ hyperlink:

m) In the ‘specify words or phrases’ box that pops up, enter true (in lower case), click the ‘+’ icon to add the phrase to the list, and then click the ‘OK’ button:

n) Now click the ‘add exception’ button again and from the ‘or…’ drop-down, select ‘The sender…’ and then ‘address matches any of these text  patterns’:

o) In the ‘specify words or phrases’ box that pops up, enter <>, click the ‘+’ icon to add the phrase to the list, and then click the ‘OK’ button:

p) Now click the ‘add exception’ button a third time and from the second ‘or…’ drop-down, select ‘The message properties…’ and then ‘include the  message type’:

q) In the ‘select message type’ box that pops up ensure that ‘Calendaring’ is selected, then click ‘OK’:

r) Click the ‘Save’ button to complete creation of the rule.