Change the FSIS Host Controller Service Logging Configuration
A variety of settings for the Host Controller Services logging can be modified through its configuration file. This includes the logging level output for both the HostControllerService.log and the Windows Event log. The following procedure explains how to change the log level for the HostController service and the FSIS Windows event logging.
The settings for the Host Controller Logging are found in the HostControllerService.exe.config file which is located at:
<FSIS_Install_dir>\FAST Search Server 2010 for Internet Sites\Host Controller\HostControllerService.exe.config
By default this is:
C:\Program Files\FAST Search Server 2010 for Internet Sites\Host Controller\HostControllerService.exe.config
The settings in regards to the logging are defined in the <appSettings> section, for example:
<add key="RepositoryPath" value="C:\Users\FSIS Service\AppData\Local\FSIS\Repository\ />
<add key="NodePath" value="C:\Users\FSIS Service\AppData\Local\FSIS\Nodes\ />
<add key="RuntimePaths" value="C:\Program Files\FAST Search Server 2010 for Internet Sites\Runtime\ />
<add key="TemplatePath" value="C:\Program Files\FAST Search Server 2010 for Internet Sites\Resources\Templates\ />
<add key="NodePortRangeStart" value="17002" />
<add key="NodePortRangeEnd" value="17199" />
<add key="NodePortBlockSize" value="20" />
<add key="NodeMemorySoftLimit" value="70%" />
<add key="NodeMemoryHardLimit" value="80%" />
<add key="TerminateNodesOnServiceShutdown" value="True" />
<add key="LogLevel" value="Info" />
<add key="LogFile" value="C:\Users\FSIS Service\AppData\Local\FSIS\Logs\HostControllerService.log" />
<add key="EventLog" value="FSIS2010" />
<add key="EventLogSource" value="FSIS Host Controller" />
<add key="EventLogLevel" value="Warning" />
<add key="ReplicateFrom" value="" />
<add key="SecurityMode" value="Transport" />
<add key="CertificateValidationMode" value="ChainTrust" />
<add key="CertificateIssuerName" value="" />
<add key="AuthorizedGroup" value="FSIS Administrators" />
These settings can be modified as follows:
- Stop the FSIS Host Controller Service through the Windows Services console.
This will stop all nodes currently running. If you have flows currently running you may wish to allow them to finish first or to stop them via the cmdlets.
- Open the HostControllerService.exe.config file in a text editor(notepad for example).
- Change the log level value settings for the LogLevel or EventLogLevel keys under <appSettings>. The following are the valid log level settings:
a) LogLevel (HostController - ‘Info’ is the default setting)
- Off
- Error
- Warning
- Info
- Debug
b) EventLogLevel (FSIS event logging - ‘Warning’ is the default setting):
- Error
- Warning
- Info
- Verbose
- Fine
- Finer
- Finest
For example:
<add key="LogLevel" value="Debug" />
<add key="LogFile" value="C:\Users\FSIS Service\AppData\Local\FSIS\Logs\HostControllerService.log" />
<add key="EventLog" value="FSIS2010" />
<add key="EventLogSource" value="FSIS Host Controller" />
<add key="EventLogLevel" value="Info" />
- Save the modified HostControllerService.exe.config file.
- Stop and restart the FSIS Host Controller Service
It is important to be aware that the log level settings are all case sensitive. If the correct case is not used, or the term is not spelled correctly, it will prevent the HostControllerService from restarting properly. In this event, the solution to this issue is to correct the case or spelling, re-save the updated HostControllerService.exe.config file, and start the FSIS Host Controller Service. It should then start normally.
As always if you have any concerns about modifying the configuration file it is always a good idea to create a copy of the original unmodified configuration file, and save it as a back-up. For example as ‘HostControllerService.exe.config.old’.
Thanks to Jason Greene for contributing this information