C#: Managed Wifi API
1. Download the Managed Wifi API:
About Managed Wifi API: This project is a .NET class library allow you to control Wifi (802.11) network adapters installed in your Windows machine programmatically.
The library uses the Native Wifi API, available since Windows Vista and Windows XP SP2 (in a limited fashion, and only after applying a hotfix provided in KB article 918997). Older versions of Windows are not supported.
2.Create a C # project file and add a reference to ManagedWifi.dll.
3.To code it:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using NativeWifi;
namespace ManagedWifiExample
class MyWifi
public List<WIFISSID> ssids = new List<WIFISSID>();
public MyWifi()
static string GetStringForSSID(Wlan.Dot11Ssid ssid)
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ssid.SSID, 0, (int)ssid.SSIDLength);
/// Enumerate the SSIDs received by all wireless devices
public void ScanSSID()
WlanClient client = new WlanClient();
foreach (WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces)
// Lists all networks with WEP security
Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork[] networks = wlanIface.GetAvailableNetworkList(0);
foreach (Wlan.WlanAvailableNetwork network in networks)
targetSSID.wlanInterface = wlanIface;
targetSSID.wlanSignalQuality = (int)network.wlanSignalQuality;
targetSSID.SSID = GetStringForSSID(network.dot11Ssid);
targetSSID.dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm = network.dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm.ToString();
targetSSID.dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm = network.dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm.ToString();
} // EnumSSID
/// Connect to an unencrypted SSID
public void ConnectToSSID(WIFISSID ssid)
// Connects to a known network with WEP security
string profileName = ssid.SSID; // this is also the SSID
string mac = StringToHex(profileName);
string myProfileXML = string.Format("
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns=\"http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1\">
</WLANProfile>", profileName, mac);
ssid.wlanInterface.SetProfile(Wlan.WlanProfileFlags.AllUser, myProfileXML, true);
ssid.wlanInterface.Connect(Wlan.WlanConnectionMode.Profile, Wlan.Dot11BssType.Any, profileName);
/// String to Hex
public static string StringToHex(string str)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
byte[] byStr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str);
for (int i = 0; i < byStr.Length; i++)
sb.Append(Convert.ToString(byStr[i], 16));
return (sb.ToString().ToUpper());
public string SSID = "NONE";
public string dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm = "";
public string dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm = "";
public bool networkConnectable = true;
public string wlanNotConnectableReason = "";
public int wlanSignalQuality = 0;
public WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanInterface = null;
4. The sample program allows enumeration of all wireless SSIDs received by the current network card and supports wireless hotspots that access open authentication (no password).