SharePoint 2013/2016: Approve or decline Access Requests using Powershell and CSOM
The article below is using SharePoint Module for managing lists, items and files as an extension to SharePoint Management Shell. Install the module to proceed.
Find Access Requests
Import-Module C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SPOModCURRENT20170306.psm1
Connect-SPCSOM -Username Administrator -Url http://nicename :17007/sites/devSite
Get-SPOListItems -ListTitle "Access Requests" -IncludeAllProperties $true
Approve Access Requests
In order to approve or decline the access requests you need to update the field "Status". Value 1 means "Approved". See below for all possible values.
Set-SPOListItem -ListTitle "Access Requests" -ItemID 1 -FieldToUpdate Status -ValueToUpdate 1
Decline Access Requests
In order to decline the access requests you need to update the field "Status". Value 3 means "Declined". See below for all possible values.
End effect:
Possible Values for Status Field
0 pending
1 approved
2 accepted
3 declined
Bulk-approve all access requests
To see access requests
Get-SPOListItems -ListTitle "Access Requests" -IncludeAllProperties $true | select requestedBy
In order to approve all access requests in a given site, execute the following cmdlets:
$items=(Get-SPOListItems -ListTitle "Access Requests" -IncludeAllProperties $true)
foreach($item in $items) {Set-SPOListItem -ListTitle "Access Requests" -ItemID $item.ID -FieldToUpdate Status -ValueToUpdate 1}
End effect:
Bulk-decline all access requests
In order to decline all access requests in a given site, execute the following cmdlets:
$items=(Get-SPOListItems -ListTitle "Access Requests" -IncludeAllProperties $true)
foreach($item in $items) {Set-SPOListItem -ListTitle "Access Requests" -ItemID $item.ID -FieldToUpdate Status -ValueToUpdate 3}
Bulk-approve only pending access requests
In order to approve all pending access requests in a given site, execute the following cmdlets:
$items=(Get-SPOListItems -ListTitle "Access Requests" -IncludeAllProperties $true | where {$_.Status -eq 0})
$items | select Status
foreach($item in $items) {Set-SPOListItem -ListTitle "Access Requests" -ItemID $item.ID -FieldToUpdate Status -ValueToUpdate 1}
Verify the end results:
Get-SPOListItems -ListTitle "Access Requests" -IncludeAllProperties $true | select status
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