다음을 통해 공유

Config Mgr Inactive Computer Remover Tool

Inactive computers has always been an issue for ConfigMgr admins. There are specific controls that stop inactive computers to be discovered from Active Directory.But sometimes they do not work the way we need them too. That@s why I created this app to delete inactive computer from ConfigMgr. Inactive computers has always been an issue for sccm admins. There are specific controls that stop inactive computers to be discovered from active directory.But sometimes they do not work the way we need them to. That's why I created this app to delete inactive computer from sccm. The app works as below.

 1- Download the zipped folder, unzip it and copy them on to the SCCM server in the same folder.


 2- Write domain name like as below


3- On the app there is a numeric control of which value is taken as days. That's why when you want to delete computers from sccm you have to enter a time period in days. For example if you want to delete the computers that have been inactive for 45 days you have to enter 45 as the value. (The app matches ad computers logon time stamp value with the value you have entered) After completing step 3, the app checks if the computers that match the criteria are also on the configuration manager db.
 If they are, it loads those computers on to the listview.

Finally you select the computers you want to delete. And Click delete button :) That's it. Requirement,* You must run the app on sccm management server* You must have read permission on Active Directory.


Download: Technet Gallery

