SQL Server Troubleshooting: It is not possible to enumerate the physical disk drives in the cluster resource group. The cluster group could not be found
When trying to Enumerate cluster Disk in SQL resource Group using SQL CAP for configuring DFSR "Replication Group for data collection in DSFR cluster", we may receive the error message "It is not possible to enumerate the physical disk drives in the cluster resource group. The cluster group could not be found".
A long time back we had this query on the TechNet Wiki: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/223699a5-fb51-4a55-819d-a0bbf626e3af/dfs-between-2-sql-failover-clusters-a-seperate-sites?forum=winserverfiles It got my interest when I got a live problem on that.
Environmental Details:
- Two separate clusters, SQL and DFSR.
- Agenda is to create "Replication Group for data collection in DSFR cluster" for the folders which reside on the cluster disk on a separate partition and as part of a SQL resource group.
- When we use a CAP for SQL Group to enumerate the cluster disk, we receive above mentioned error message.
To fix the same create one more CAP in SQL group and use this CAP to enumerate SQL group cluster disk.
Article Reference:
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/filecab/2009/06/29/deploying-dfs-replication-on-a-windows-failover-cluster-part-i/
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/filecab/2009/06/29/deploying-dfs-replication-on-a-windows-failover-cluster-part-ii/
- https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/filecab/2009/06/29/deploying-dfs-replication-on-a-windows-failover-cluster-part-iii/