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Office 365 for Business Support: How to create New Service request

As Admin for Office 365 for Business, we will get free access from MS support team to help resolve technical issues as well as for sales and others services also.

We can contact  Microsoft support on behalf of the organization, so you should have access to raise request and see the update as well.

Being an IT admin we need to create frequently new service request to Microsoft as Office 365 keeps updating their product and features. We have noticed many times the features which were available in SharePoint on-premises or others products are missing or updated for Office 365.

So let’s start step by step creating with screenshots: Login to Office 365 portal page, if you don’t have much permission to access Office 365 Admin page directly you can access to support page.



On the above screen, it will ask us to log in with user account and password. So just enter authorized used id and password and click sign-on option.

It will log in to the Office 365 Admin Center landing page. Here we can see many options will be available for Home, Users, Groups, Resources, Billing, Support, Settings, Reports, Health and Admin centers.

Here we need to select Support option, it will expand with two options called support and Service requests. We can create New SR with Support and service request options.

Now click on Support options to create new SR and select a service requested as below given, if we will create support option will take us support overview page.



If we will click on service requested, it will take us to support page where we can see opened ticket details, here select + button to create a new service request.


This page also will take us to service page, here we need to expand all from default services. Here we need to select your service in case we are going to Project online support. Just click on Project online option.


After clicking on the above, will take us New service request here we need to select and mentioned below details:

Features: select from drop down

Symptom: Select from drop down

After selecting above below option will appear:

Issue Summary: enter your summary

Issue Details: describe issue.


Once select Next, it will take us review suggestions page if it will work select and see if you can fix b suggesting given a link or select yes continue.


Once all done click on next button, here we need to add given details as mentioned in the screen shot.

We can attach a file or error screen shot here, later also can add the same.


Once all done as above, click on next button and will get confirm and submit page, here we need to verify and submit a request.


Now we can see our request has been created.


We can update other left detail also after creating a new service request.

Just open the created ticket and from the given ticket number, will take us to details page, just down the details option we will get Notes on the left side of the screen.

Just select notes and here we can update our activity or other details. Also, we can close the ticket at any moment by clicking on Close request.


Now we will get option Files down of Notes option, here we can attach our screen shots or another document.


So above was the step by step method to create the ticket for Office 365 Business to get help from MS support team.