다음을 통해 공유

SQL Server Operations: Monitoring Disk Space with WMI and OLE Automation Objects


This article talks about various SQL methods to fetch the disk usage details and use of T-SQL in conjunction with invoking OLE automation procedures and WMI  class libraries using SQL Windows Shell interface.

The step by step  details about "OLE automation and WMI Query" approach to capture disk space and the use of sqlcmd with looping construct, data storage for querying and reporting are discussed below

Method 1 - Using OLE automation and Extended SP

In this method OLE automation and xp_cmdshell configuration components are enabled on the sql server. The sp_OACreate creates an instance of a Scripting.FileSystemObject OLE class. The sp_OAMethod gets a unique id for each volume attached to filesystem object and sp_OAGetProperty retrieves properties of each drive and filesystem.

The reason for enabling xp_cmdshell is to execute xp_fixeddrives an extended stored procedure. The output is stored in a temporary table. The records are traversed with a while loop construct  for %free space calculation. The sp_OAMethod requires a drive letter as its input . The below SQL has hard coded value for F drive. You can change the sql as per your requirement 

    @fso INT,  
    @drive CHAR(1)='F',  /* To demonstrate have hard coded the drive letter to F */
    @odrive INT,
    @TotalSize BIGINT,
    @freespace BIGINT,
    @AvailableSpace   BIGINT,
    @DriveCollection INT,
    @DriveCount INT,
    @FileSystemInstance  INT,
    @volumeName varchar(128),
    @IsReady VARCHAR(5) 
  EXEC sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@fso OUT
  EXEC sp_OAMethod @fso,'GetDrive', @odrive OUT, @drive  
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'TotalSize', @TotalSize OUT 
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'freespace', @freespace OUT 
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'AvailableSpace', @AvailableSpace OUT 
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @fso,'Drives', @DriveCollection OUT
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @DriveCollection,'Count', @DriveCount OUT
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'VolumeName', @volumeName OUT
  EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'isReady', @IsReady OUT
  @DriveCount driveCount
  ,@Drive DriveLetter,
  (@AvailableSpace/1048576)/1024 FreeSpace,
  @volumeName Volumne,
  @IsReady DriveStatus,
  (@TotalSize/1048576)/1024.00 TotalSize,
  (@freespace/1048576)/1024.00 FreeSpace

Data flow diagram

This process requires enabling OLE automation procedures and xp_cmdshell SQL windows shell components on all the servers. The servers are traversed one by one via batch scripting along with sqlcmd and the result is stored in a shared file. This file has a collection of insert SQL statements. later the insert statement is executed on the centralized server. The repository can be queried, used for forecasting and capacity planning and reporting.

OLE - Capturing Disk Space of multiple servers

The section describes the requirement and briefs about every configuration required for successful execution of the code. The major issue is enabling OLE automation procedures and xp_cmdshell on all the servers. There is a risk of exposing SQL server to a threat. The workaround is to add the little piece of configuring and de-configure sql statement in the sql file. Enable the configuration value in the beginning of the code and disable it at the end.


We can check the disk space by executing a T-SQL script using xp_cmdshell from SSMS. In order to do this, you need to make sure that xp_cmdshell is enabled on the SQL instance. You can execute the below script to check and enable xp_cmdshell . To enable xp_cmdshell you must have at least the ALTER SETTINGS server-level permission. 

  1. Enable xp_cmdshell on Centralized Server
  2. Enable Ole automation on all the listed servers
  3. Shared path for sql file
  4. Share path for output file to prepare insert statement
  5. Requires membership in the sysadmin fixed server role.

Step By Step Details

The below are the steps to store the data into a central repository

  1. Enable xp_cmdshell 
  2. List all Servers in c:\Server.txt
  3. Enable ole automation 
  4. Table Creation [TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails]
  5. save T-SQL script in SpaceCheck.sql
  6. Execute dynamic sqlcmd from SSMS
  7. select the output by querying TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails

Enable xp_cmdshell

The xp_cmdshell option is a SQL Server server configuration option that enables system administrators to control whether the extended stored procedure can be executed on a system also this procedure allows you to issue operating system commands directly to the Windows command shell via T-SQL code

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; 
sp_configure 'xp_cmdShell', 1; 

Enable OLE automation

Use the Ole Automation Procedures option to specify whether OLE Automation objects can be instantiated within Transact-SQL batches

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; 
sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1; 

List servers in text file

Lists all the servers in a text file c:\server.txt and enable the OLE automation across all the servers. The other way to get around this problem is to include the sp_configure commands in the sql file and take it out after it is been executed across all the servers


Create SQL Table 

Create TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails on the centralized server

CREATE TABLE  [dbo].[TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails]( 
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
    [ServerName] [VARCHAR](100) NULL, 
    [LogDate] [VARCHAR](10) DEFAULT  (CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(112))),
    [Drive] [CHAR](3) NULL, 
    [FreeSpaceGB] [INT] NULL, 
    [TotalSizeGB] [INT] NULL, 
    [percentageOfFreeSpace] DECIMAL(5,2) NULL

Create SQL File

Save the below content to sql file and place it on the shared path so that sqlcmd can read the file while traversing across listed servers. for example, the content is saved under Spacecheck.sql on \abcd\hq\ The full path of the file is going to be \abcd\hq\spacecheck.sql

    @fso INT,  
    @drive CHAR(1),  
    @odrive INT,  
    @TotalSize VARCHAR(20),  
    @MB NUMERIC  ,  
    @FreeSpace INT,  
    @free INT,  
    @RowId_1 INT,  
    @LoopStatus_1 SMALLINT,  
    @TotalSpace VARCHAR(10),  
    @Percentage VARCHAR(3), 
    @drive1 varchar(2), 
    @TotalSizeMB varchar(10), 
    @FreeSpaceMB varchar(10), 
    @percentageOfFreeSpace varchar(10), 
    @RowId_2 INT,  
    @LoopStatus_2 SMALLINT, 
    @DML nvarchar(4000)  
--Table to Store Drive related information  
CREATE TABLE  #drives  
     drive CHAR(1),  
     FreeSpaceMB INT  ,  
     TotalSizeMB INT  NULL,  
     percentageOfFreeSpace INT 
--Inserting the output of xp_fixeddrives to #SpaceSize Table  
INSERT #drives(drive,FreeSpaceMB) EXEC master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives  
--Using the sp_OACreate, sp_OAMethod and sp_OAGetProperty system stored procedures to create Ole Automation (ActiveX) applications that can do everything an ASP script can do*/  
--Creates an instance of the OLE object  
EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@fso OUT 
 SET @MB = 1048576  
 SET @RowId_1 = 1  
 SET @LoopStatus_1 = 1  
--To Get Drive total space  
WHILE (@LoopStatus_1 <> 0) BEGIN 
 ( ID = @RowId_1 )  
 IF ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0 )  
    SET @LoopStatus_1 = 0  
     EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @fso,'GetDrive', @odrive OUT, @drive  
     EXEC @hr =sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'TotalSize', @TotalSize OUT 
 UPDATE #drives SET TotalSizeMB=@TotalSize/@MB  
 UPDATE #drives SET percentageOfFreeSpace=(@FreeSpace/(TotalSizeMB*1.0))*100.0  
 WHERE drive=@drive  
 SET @RowId_1 = @RowId_1 + 1  
SELECT  @RowId_2=1,@LoopStatus_2=1 
--To prepare insert statement  
WHILE (@LoopStatus_2 <> 0) BEGIN 
 ( ID = @RowId_2 )  
 IF ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0 )  
    SET @LoopStatus_2 = 0  
     SET @DML=@DML+ 'insert into TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails(servername,drive,TotalSizeMB,FreeSpaceMB,percentageOfFreeSpace)values('+''''+@@servername+''''+','+''''+@drive1+''''+','+''''+@TotalSizeMB+''''+','+''''+@FreeSpaceMB+''''+','+''''+@percentageOfFreeSpace+'''' +')'
 SET @RowId_2 = @RowId_2 + 1  
drop table  #drives

Execute SQL

Make sure sql file and output path is a shared path. We are going to write a concatenated output to spaceDetails.sql

The below three parameters are important to loop through all the listed servers

  • Input server list
  • Shared path where you can place query file
  • Shared output path, the prepared insert statement are written into the file
MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL 'for /f %j in ( f:\servers.txt) do sqlcmd -S %j -i "\\share\hq\SpaceCheck.sql" -E >> "\\share\hq\SpaceDetails.sql"'
MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL 'sqlcmd -S ABCD -i "\\share\hq\SpaceDetails.sql"'


The output is selected by querying the TLOG table

select * from TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails

Method 2 - Querying WMI object

On Querying WMI Win32_volume class to gather volume names, free space, total size (capacity) into a temporary table using xp_cmdshell windows shell. 
Using xp_cmdshell, the PowerShell.exe is being invoked to gather to required details and further stored in the temp table for manipulation.

You can pass the server name, By default it will take the current server name.

DECLARE @sql varchar(400)
--by default it will take the current server name, we can the set the server name as well
SET @sql = 'powershell.exe -c "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName ' + QUOTENAME(@svrName,'''') + ' -Class Win32_Volume -Filter ''DriveType = 3'' | select name,capacity,freespace | foreach{$_.name+''|''+$_.capacity/1048576+''%''+$_.freespace/1048576+''*''}"'
--creating a temporary table
CREATE TABLE  #output  (line varchar(255))
--inserting disk name, total space and free space value in to temporary table
INSERT #output EXEC  xp_cmdshell @sql
--script to retrieve the values in GB from PS Script output
SELECT rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as  drivename
      ,round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('|',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as  Float)/1024,0) as 'capacity(GB)'
      ,round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('%',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as  Float) /1024 ,0)as 'freespace(GB)'
      ,cast(round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('|',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as  Float)/1024,0) /
      round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('%',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as  Float) /1024 ,0) as decimal(5,2)) as  '%Free'     
FROM #output
WHERE line like  '[A-Z][:]%'
ORDER by  drivename
--script to drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE  #output

The output of the temp table is then parsed to get the required values using string functions. Using charindex string function, the index is found for the characters |,* and %. Based on the index the respective portion of the string fetched from the main string.

The advantage of this method is that xp_cmdshell enabled only the centralized machine. You don't have to enable it across all the servers also non-sql database servers space metrics can be gathered as we are querying WMI class.


We can check the disk space by executing a T-SQL script using xp_cmdshell from SSMS. In order to do this, you need to make sure that xp_cmdshell is enabled on the SQL instance. You can execute the below script to check and enable XP_Cmdshell. To enable XP_Cmdshell you must have at least the ALTER SETTINGS server-level permission. 

  1. Enable xp_cmdshell Only on the centralized Server.

Data Flow Diagram

This process requires enabling xp_cmdshell windows shell components only on the centralized servers. The servers are traversed one by one via batch scripting along with sqlcmd and the result is stored in a file. This file has a collection of insert SQL statements. later the insert statement is executed on the centralized server. The repository can be queried, used for forecasting and capacity planning and reporting.

WMI - Capturing Disk Space of multiple servers

The section describes the requirements and briefs about every configuration required for successful execution of the code. 

Step by Step details:

  1. Enable XP_CMDShell 
  2. List all Servers in c:\Server.txt
  3. Table Creation [TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails]
  4. save T-SQL script in SpaceCheck.sql
  5. Execute dynamic sqlcmd from SSMS
  6. select the output by querying TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails

Enable xp_cmdshell

The xp_cmdshell option is a SQL Server server configuration option that enables system administrators to control whether the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure can be executed on a system

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'xp_cmdShell', 1;

List servers in text file

Lists all the servers in a text file c:\server.txt and enable the OLE automation across all the servers. The other way to get around this problem is to include the sp_configure commands in the sql file and take it out after it's been executed across all the servers


Create SQL Table 

Create TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails on the centralized server

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [ServerName] [VARCHAR](100) NULL,
    [LogDate] [VARCHAR](10) DEFAULT (CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(112))),
    [Drive] [CHAR](3) NULL,
    [FreeSpaceGB] [INT] NULL,
    [TotalSizeGB] [INT] NULL,
    [percentageOfFreeSpace] DECIMAL(5,2) NULL

Create SQL File

Save the below content to sql file. for example, the content is saved under Spacecheck_v1.sql

The SQL file has two input parameters that are fed through sqlcmd. 

  • ServerName - The server name is used to query the respective server using WMI win32_volume computer name parameter also the Server name is used to prepare insert statement. The output of the insert statement is written to an sql file.
  • dbname - The dbname used in conjunction with preparing a fully qualified name for the insert statement.
--variable declaration
DECLARE           @svrName varchar(255),
        @sql varchar(400),
        @drive varchar(3), 
        @TotalSizeGB varchar(10), 
        @FreeSpaceGB varchar(10), 
        @percentageOfFreeSpace varchar(10), 
        @RowId_1 INT,  
        @LoopStatus_1 SMALLINT, 
        @DML nvarchar(4000)  
--To stop the message that shows the count of number of rows affected.
--The servername parameter are fed through sqlcmd
SET @svrName = '$(servername)'

--Querying WMI class win32_volume and store the result into temporary table
SET @sql = 'powershell.exe -c "Get-WmiObject -ComputerName ' + QUOTENAME(@svrName,'''') + ' -Class Win32_Volume -Filter ''DriveType = 3'' | select name,capacity,freespace | foreach{$_.name+''|''+$_.capacity/1048576+''%''+$_.freespace/1048576+''*''}"'
--creating a temporary table
(line varchar(255))
--inserting disk name, total space and free space value in to temporary table
INSERT #output
EXEC xp_cmdshell @sql
--Table to Store Drive related information  
CREATE TABLE  #drives  
     ID INT  IDENTITY(1,1),  
     drive CHAR(5),  
     FreeSpaceGB INT  ,  
     TotalSizeGB INT  NULL,  
     percentageOfFreeSpace decimal(5,2)  
--To Get Drive capacity and percentage of free space  
select * from #output
INSERT INTO  #drives(drive,TotalSizeGB,FreeSpaceGB,percentageOfFreeSpace)
--script to retrieve the values in GB from PS Script output
--Find the string for |,% and * using string function - CHARINDEX
SELECT rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,1,CHARINDEX('|',line) -1))) as  drivename
      ,round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('|',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as  Float)/1024,0) as 'capacity(GB)'
      ,round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('%',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as  Float) /1024 ,0)as 'freespace(GB)'
      ,cast(round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('%',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('*',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('%',line)) )) as  Float) /1024 ,0)/round(cast(rtrim(ltrim(SUBSTRING(line,CHARINDEX('|',line)+1,(CHARINDEX('%',line) -1)-CHARINDEX('|',line)) )) as  Float)/1024,0)*100 as decimal(5,2)) '%Free'
FROM #output
WHERE line like  '[A-Z][:]%'
ORDER BY  drivename
---select the output 
--select * from #drives  
-- Initialize the counters  
SELECT  @RowId_1=1,@LoopStatus_1=1 
--To prepare insert statement, Have used a logic to concatenate the string into a @DML variable
WHILE (@LoopStatus_1 <> 0) BEGIN 
 ( ID = @RowId_1 )  
 IF ( @@ROWCOUNT = 0 )  
    SET @LoopStatus_1 = 0  
     SET @DML=@DML+ 'INSERT INTO $(dbname).dbo.TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails(servername,drive,TotalSizeGB,FreeSpaceGB,percentageOfFreeSpace)values('+''''+@svrName+''''+','+''''+@drive+''''+','+''''+@TotalSizeGB+''''+','+''''+@FreeSpaceGB+''''+','+''''+@percentageOfFreeSpace+'''' +')'
 SET @RowId_1 = @RowId_1 + 1  
--script to drop the temporary table
DROP TABLE  #output
DROP TABLE  #drives 

The below SQL generates insert statement and written to file. The @DML concatenates the values into a string.  The looping construct uses the pointer to traverse through record one by one. 

SET @DML=@DML+ 'INSERT INTO $(dbname).dbo.TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails(servername,drive,TotalSizeGB,FreeSpaceGB,percentageOfFreeSpace)values('+''''+@svrName+''''+','+''''+@drive+''''+','+''''+@TotalSizeGB+''''+','+''''+@FreeSpaceGB+''''+','+''''+@percentageOfFreeSpace+'''' +')'

Execute SQL

The below sql requires 

  1. Input file - it has the list of the servers 
  2.  SQL file - contains the sql code to executed across listed servers - need not to be in shared path
  3. Output file - the output of the sql file written into this file 
  4. ServerName parameter for sqlcmd which is an input to WMI query 
  5. DB name- Have used a static value. This depends on where are intended to create the sql table. This parameter used to prepare SQLInsert statement

      MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL     'for /f %j in ( f:\PowerSQL\servers.txt) do sqlcmd -i "\\share\hq\SQL Server\SpaceCheck_v1.sql" -E -v servername=%j dbname="tempdb">> "\\share\hq\SQL Server\SpaceDetails_v1.sql"'  
      MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL     'sqlcmd -S <CentralServerName>-i "\\share\hq\SQL Server\SpaceDetails_v1.sql"'  
      SELECT * FROM TLOG_SpaceusedDetails

HTML Reporting

It requires database mail profile configured on the central server.

 SET @tableHTML = 
  N'<H1>DiskSpace Report</H1>' + 
  N'<table border="1">' + 
  N'<tr><th>Server Name</th>
  <th>[% Free ]</th> 
  </tr>' + 
  CAST ( (    
  td=ServerName,' ', 
  td=Drive,' ', 
  td =TotalSizeGB,' ',
  td=FreeSpaceGB,' ', 
  td=percentageOfFreeSpace,' ', 
  td=LogDate,' '
FROM  [TLOG_SpaceUsageDetails]
where LogDate=CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate()-2,112)
      FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE  
  ) AS  NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + 
  N'</table>' ; 
 EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='pjayaram@appvion.com', 
  @subject = 'Database Backup', 
  @body = @tableHTML, 
  @profile_name= '<ProfileName>',
  @body_format = 'HTML' ;


  • The working of sp_OA* OLE automation and xp_* extended stored procedures
  • The use of xp_cmdhell - Windows SQL shell to execute WMI query and invoke Extended stored procedure
  • Invoke PowerShell.exe using windows shell in SQL 
  • Batch programming with sqlcmd in SQL - The use of for loop construct to traverse each server
  • Dynamic SQL to prepare the insert sql file
  • Parameter passing for sqlcmd  - Server and central database repository for data storage and manipulation
  • Database mail configuration and HTML Reporting



  Method1 v/s Method 2
 1  OLE automation procedure and xp_cmdshell components
should be enabled on all the servers
 Enable xp_cmdshell configuration only on the central server
 2 Non-SQL servers can't be monitored  Non-SQL servers can be monitored
 3 Risk prone   Less risk-prone
 4 Common share is required  Share is not mandatory, sql is executed on central server

The OLE automation stored procedures provide access to the Component Object Model (COM), which grants Visual Basic  or ASP scripting functionality to T-SQL scripts. It could be used to manipulate documents, utilize other COM-compatible code, or send e-mails etc:-

Warning: By default access to the OLE Automation stored procedures is disabled.  If enabled it allows any SQL script to invoke any OLE Automation object on the computer (such as the Windows Shell).  It is a significant security risk and should not be done lightly.  For example you need to be extra careful to protect against SQL-injection attacks.   It is basically the same as allowing xp_cmdshell.

The xp_cmdshell option is a server configuration option that enables system administrators to control whether the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure can be executed on a system. Nowadays there is not much need of this particular command. I prefer doing this kind of administration tasks using PoSH. The PoSH provides to flexibility in many ways to handle such operations. However, there was a time when PoSH did not exist and we had to do lots of tasks with the help of the command shell.

Note:- The intention behind this article is not to expose the server to security risk. Its up to an individual to know an implication of using and enabling OLE automation


OLE Automation Objects

sqlcmd references

SQL Tips

Database Mail Profile