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MVC Dashboard using AngularJS and Web API

You can download the Source Code from this link Download Source Code



In this article we will see in detail about how to create a Dynamic MVC Dashboard display using AngularJS and WEB API. Using this web application now you can write your own SQL query to bind dynamic Dashboard. This program makes your work easy to display any Table/Columns details with your entered where Condition, Order BY and with Group By Option for the selected database on your home page. 

Features in Shanu MVC Dashboard


1) Dynamic SQL Query:

**2) Column Names:        **

3) Table Names:

4) Where Condition:

5) Group By:

6) Order By:

Here we will see details of each part

1) Dynamic SQL Query:

** **We can bind any data on our Dashboard page by entering our Select Query in this text box. We can also write our join query to display data from more than one table with where conditions. We need to first check the Is Query Checkbox for displaying our Dynamic SQL Query data on the dashboard page. If the check box is not checked then by default we will display the column and table details which we have given.


We can see from the above image as first we display the simple select query result in our dashboard page. Next we display the combination of 2 table data using left outer join select query which will display UserName, UserType, Phone, Address,Email from userDetails and userAddress table. Here you can write your own SQL select query to display data with your where condition, Group By, Order By or Union or any other select query to be displayed.

**Note in this article **we can find the sample database and table creation query in code part before running this application kindly run the code part SQL script to create sample database and table with insert records for testing the output in our MVC dashboard page.

Sample Select query to be used for our application:

1)    Simple Select Query

select ID,ItemNo ,ItemName ,Comments ,Price from ItemDetail where Price>'1000'

2)  Join Query

select A.UserName,A.UserType,A.Phone,B.Address,B.Email   
Userdetails A Left Outer JOIN UserAddress B  

Here in this application we have option only to select and bind the data .If user entered any Insert, drop, delete other than select query we will the alert message as only select query can be used from this application. We have checked SQL Injection in each user input and display the error message to the user. We will see more in detail about this SQL injection checking in this article.

Note: Now we have fixed for only one database, we can select any table data from the given Database name in our web.Config.

2) Column Names & 3) Table Name:

Next we have another option to display the data by entering specific column or all columns to be displayed from the user entered tables .here user no need to write the complete Select SQL query. Here we can first write all our column names with comma and then write our table name for the given column details. We can also write our join query here by giving all the join column name details in the Column Names and join table name details with on Condition on the Table Name input. Here we can see a sample output for column and table details. 


Sample Column Name and table details to be used for testing :

1)     Column Names: UserName,UserType,Phone

Table Names: UserDetails

2)     Column Names: A.UserName,A.UserType,A.Phone,B.Address,B.Email

Table Names: Userdetails A Left Outer JOIN UserAddress B on A.UserID=B.UserID

4) Where Condition:

Now let’s see how to write our where condition for the given column and table details. If user need to add some condition using then they can add there condition same like we write in our SQL query to add more conditions we can use and key word. Here in below image we can see the output of using Where condition in our dashboard page.** **


Sample Column Name and table details with where condition to be used for testing :

1)     Column Names: ItemName,Price

Table Names: ItemDetail

**Where Condition: **Price>'4000'

2)     Column Names: ItemNo ,ItemName ,Comments ,Price

**Table Names:**ItemDetail

**Where Condition: **ItemName like 'm%' 

5) Group By:

To use the Group By for our given column and table details user need to check the Group By checkbox .In the Group By text box user can enter the column details for Group By. Here we can see a sample output using Group By for the given column and Table details. Here we can see as we have used both Where condition and also unchecked the Where condition to display the dynamic data with condition using Group By Key Word


Sample Column Name and table details with where condition with Group By to be used for testing :

1)     Column Names: ItemName,Price

Table Names: ItemDetail

**Where Condition: **Price>'4000'

Group By: ItemName  

6) Order By:

To use the Order By for our given column and table details user need to check the Order By checkbox .In the Order By text box user can enter the column details for displaying the data in any order as ascending or in descending. Here we can see a sample output using Order By for the given column and Table details.


Sample Column Name and table details with Order By

1)     Column Names: ID,ItemNo ,ItemName ,Comments ,Price

Table Names: ItemDetail

**Order By: **Price desc 

SQL Injection Checking in user entered select query:


We have also checking for the SQL Injection before executing user entered SQL Select query. We have created an array list to add all SQL injection string and we will be checking is any of the array word is matching with user entered select query. For example we can see the above image as after select query we have enter drop query. But when we click on Search button we display the message as drop is not accepted in select query.

Here is the list of SQL Injection string we have used in our application, You can add or remove as per your requirement.

// Array value to check for SQL Injection 
$scope.sqlInjectionArray = ['create', 'drop',  'delete', 'insert', 'update',  'truncate', 
                                'grant', 'print',  'sp_executesql',  'objects', 'declare', 
                                'table', 'into',  'sqlcancel', 'sqlsetprop', 'sqlexec',  
                                'sqlcommit', 'revoke',  'rollback', 'sqlrollback', 'values',  
                                'sqldisconnect', 'sqlconnect',  'system_user',  'schema_name',  
                                'schemata', 'information_schema', 'dbo',  'guest', 'db_owner', 
                                'db_', 'table',  '@@', 'Users', 'execute',  'sysname', 'sp_who', 
                                'sysobjects', 'sp_',  'sysprocesses',  'master', 'sys', 'db_',  
                                'is_', 'exec',  'end', 'xp_', '; --',  'alter', 'begin', 'cursor',  
                                'kill', '--', 'tabname', 'sys'];

Building the Sample


Visual Studio 2015: You can download it from here.


Step 1:Creating SQL Database and Table

Create a sample database and Table to for testing this application. Here is a SQL script to create database and Table with insert query. Kindly run the below code in your SQL Server to create DB and Tables.

---- =============================================                              
---- Author      : Shanu                            
---- Create date : 2016-05-12                              
---- Description : To Create Database,Table and Sample Insert Query                             
---- Latest                              
---- Modifier    : Shanu                               
---- Modify date : 2016-05-12                          
---- ============================================= 
----Script to create DB,Table and sample Insert data 
 --1) Check for the Database Exists .If the database is exist then drop and create new DB 
IF EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM  sys.databases WHERE  [name] = 'DashboardDB'  ) 
USE DashboardDB 
-- 1) //////////// ItemDetails table 
-- Create Table ItemDetails,This table will be used to store the details like Item Information 
IF EXISTS ( SELECT  [name] FROM  sys.tables WHERE  [name] = 'ItemDetail' ) 
DROP TABLE  ItemDetail 
CREATE TABLE  [dbo].[ItemDetail]( 
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
    [ItemNo] [varchar](100) NOT NULL , 
    [ItemName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, 
    [Comments] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, 
    [Price] INT  NOT NULL,  
    [ID] ASC
Insert into  ItemDetail(ItemNo,ItemName,Comments,Price) values
('101','NoteBook',    'HP Notebook 15 Inch',    24500) 
Insert into  ItemDetail(ItemNo,ItemName,Comments,Price) values
('102','MONITOR',    'SAMSNG',     '8500') 
Insert into  ItemDetail(ItemNo,ItemName,Comments,Price) values
('103','MOBILE',    'SAMSUNG NOTE 5',    42500) 
Insert into  ItemDetail(ItemNo,ItemName,Comments,Price) values
('104','MOBILE',    'SAMSUNG S7 Edge',    56000) 
Insert into  ItemDetail(ItemNo,ItemName,Comments,Price) values
('105','MOUSE',    'ABKO',    780) 
Insert into  ItemDetail(ItemNo,ItemName,Comments,Price) values
('106','HDD'    ,'LG',    3780) 
select * from ItemDetail 
select ItemName,SUM(convert(int,Price)) as  totalCost  
from ItemDetail 
GROUP BY  ItemName 
-- 2) User table  
IF EXISTS ( SELECT  [name] FROM  sys.tables WHERE  [name] = 'UserDetails'  ) 
DROP TABLE  UserDetails 
CREATE TABLE  [dbo].UserDetails( 
    [UserID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
    [UserName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, 
    [UserType] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, 
    [Phone] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,     
    [UserID] ASC
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
Insert into  UserDetails(UserName,UserType,Phone) values
-- select * from Userdetails 
-- 3 UserAddress 
IF EXISTS ( SELECT  [name] FROM  sys.tables WHERE  [name] = 'UserAddress'  ) 
DROP TABLE  UserAddress 
CREATE TABLE  [dbo].UserAddress( 
    [UserAddID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
    [UserID] [int] , 
    [Address] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, 
    [Email] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,     
    [UserAddID] ASC
Insert into  UserAddress(UserID,Address,Email) values
(1,'Madurai,Tamil Nadu, India','syedshanumcain@gmail.com') 
Insert into  UserAddress(UserID,Address,Email) values
(2,'Madurai,Tamil Nadu, India','afraz@afrazmail.com') 
Insert into  UserAddress(UserID,Address,Email) values
(3,'Seoul,South Korea','afreen@afrazmail.com') 
select * from UserAddress 
select A.UserName,A.UserType,A.Phone,B.Address,B.Email  
Userdetails A Left Outer JOIN UserAddress B 

Create Stored Procedure to run Dynamic Query:

This is our main Stored procedure used to run all our Dynamic SQL Select query and return the result to bind in our MVC page.

USE [DashboardDB] 
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[USP_Dashboard_Select]    ******/ 
-- 1) select top 10 random kidsLearnerMaster records      
-- Author      : Shanu                                                                 
-- Create date :  2016-05-14                                                                
-- Description :To run dynamic Query                                             
-- Tables used :  Dynamic Table                                                             
-- Modifier    : Shanu                                                                 
-- Modify date : 2016-05-14                                                                 
-- =============================================   
-- To Select all user roles  
-- EXEC USP_Dashboard_Select @columnName = 'UserName,UserType,Phone' ,@TableNames = 'UserDetails' ,@isCondition=0,@ConditionList='UserType=''ADMIN'' ',@isGroupBY =1,@GroupBYList = 'UserName,UserType,Phone', @isOrderBY =1,@OrderBYList = ' UserType ' 
-- EXEC USP_Dashboard_Select @columnName = 'ItemName,SUM(Price) as totalCost' ,@TableNames = 'ItemDetail' ,@isCondition=0,@ConditionList='Price>''400'' ',@isGroupBY =1,@GroupBYList = 'ItemName' 
-- EXEC USP_Dashboard_Select @sqlQuery = 'Select * from ItemDetail' 
-- EXEC USP_Dashboard_Select @sqlQuery = 'select ID,ItemNo ,ItemName ,Comments ,Price from ItemDetail' 
-- =============================================   
ALTER PROCEDURE  [dbo].[USP_Dashboard_Select]    
     @sqlQuery varchar(MAX)='', 
     @columnName varchar(MAX)='', 
     @TableNames varchar(MAX)='', 
     @isCondition INT=0, 
     @ConditionList varchar(MAX)='',     
     @isGroupBY INT=0, 
     @GroupBYList varchar(MAX)='', 
     @isOrderBY INT=0, 
     @OrderBYList varchar(MAX)=''    
IF @sqlQuery ='' 
           SET @sqlQuery = 'SELECT ' + @columnName + ' FROM ' + @TableNames  
                IF @isCondition=1 
                SET @sqlQuery = @sqlQuery+ ' WHERE ' + @ConditionList  
                IF @isGroupBY=1 
                SET @sqlQuery = @sqlQuery+ ' GROUP BY ' + @GroupBYList  
                IF @isOrderBY=1 
                SET @sqlQuery = @sqlQuery+ ' Order BY ' + @OrderBYList  
            EXEC (@sqlQuery) 
        EXEC (@sqlQuery) 
    SELECT ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber   
     ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS  ErrorMessage; 

Step 2: Create your MVC Web Application in Visual Studio 2015

After installing our Visual Studio 2015 click Start, then Programs and select Visual Studio 2015 - Click Visual Studio 2015. Click New, then Project, select Web and then select ASP.NET Web Application. Enter your project name and click OK.


Select MVC, WEB API and click OK.


Now we have created our MVC Application as a next step we add our connection string in our Web.Config file. Here we are not using Entity Frame work .Here we will directly get the data from our MVC Web API controller method using normal ADO.NET method.

<add name="dashboard" connectionString="Data Source=SQLSERVERNAME;Initial Catalog=DashboardDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=UID;Password=" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Kindly update with your SQL server connection.

Step 3: Add web API Controller

Right click Controllers folder and click Add and click on Controller.


Here we will add a WEB API Controller to be used for our AngularJS.

Select Web API 2 Controller – Empty and click Add .next enter the controller name as DashboardAPIController


Get Method

Here use the Http Get method to get all our dynamic data from database using normal ADO.Net method.

        public string  getDashboardDetails(string sqlQuery, string columnName, string tableNames, Nullable<int> isCondition, string  conditionList, Nullable<int> isGroupBY, string  groupBYList, Nullable<int> isOrderBY, string  orderBYList) 
            if (sqlQuery == null) 
                sqlQuery = ""; 
            if (columnName == null) 
                columnName = ""; 
            if (tableNames == null) 
                tableNames = ""; 
            if (isCondition == null) 
                isCondition = 0; 
            if (conditionList == null) 
                conditionList = ""; 
            if (isGroupBY == null) 
                isGroupBY = 0; 
            if (groupBYList == null) 
                groupBYList = ""; 
            if (isOrderBY == null) 
                isOrderBY = 0; 
            if (orderBYList == null) 
                orderBYList = ""; 
            string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dashboard"].ToString(); 
            DataSet ds = new  DataSet(); 
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) 
                // Create the SQL command and add Sp name 
                SqlCommand command = new  SqlCommand(); 
                command.Connection = connection; 
                command.CommandText = "USP_Dashboard_Select"; 
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
                // Add parameter for Query. 
                SqlParameter parameter = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter.ParameterName = "@sqlQuery";  
                parameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter.Value = sqlQuery; 
                // Add parameter for Column Names 
                SqlParameter parameter1 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter1.ParameterName = "@columnName"; 
                parameter1.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter1.Value = columnName; 
                // Add parameter for Table names 
                SqlParameter parameter2 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter2.ParameterName = "@tableNames"; 
                parameter2.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter2.Value = tableNames; 
                // Add parameter to check for  Where condition 
                SqlParameter parameter3 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter3.ParameterName = "@isCondition"; 
                parameter3.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter3.Value = isCondition; 
                // Add parameter for Where conditions 
                SqlParameter parameter4 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter4.ParameterName = "@ConditionList"; 
                parameter4.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter4.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter4.Value = conditionList; 
                // Add parameter to check for  Group By  
                SqlParameter parameter5 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter5.ParameterName = "@isGroupBY";  
                parameter5.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter5.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter5.Value = isGroupBY; 
                // Add parameter for Group By 
                SqlParameter parameter6 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter6.ParameterName = "@groupBYList"; 
                parameter6.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter6.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter6.Value = groupBYList; 
                // Add parameter to check for Order By 
                SqlParameter parameter7 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter7.ParameterName = "@isOrderBY";  
                parameter7.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter7.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter7.Value = isOrderBY; 
                // Add parameter  for OrderBY 
                SqlParameter parameter8 = new  SqlParameter(); 
                parameter8.ParameterName = "@orderBYList"; 
                parameter8.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; 
                parameter8.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
                parameter8.Value = orderBYList; 
                using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) 
            return DataTableToJSONWithJavaScriptSerializer(ds.Tables[0]); 

Step 4: Creating AngularJs Controller

First create a folder inside the Script Folder and we give the folder name as “MyAngular”

Now add your Angular Controller inside the folder.

Right Click the MyAngular Folder and click Add and New Item > Select Web > Select AngularJs Controller and give name to Controller. We have given my AngularJs Controller as “Controller.js”


If the Angular JS package is missing then add the package to your project.

Right Click your MVC project and Click-> Manage NuGet Packages. Search for AngularJs and click Install.


Modules.js: Here we will add the reference to the AngularJS JavaScript and create an Angular Module named “AngularJs_Module”. 

// <reference path="../angular.js" />   
/// <reference path="../angular.min.js" />    
/// <reference path="../angular-animate.js" />    
/// <reference path="../angular-animate.min.js" />    
var app; 
(function () { 
    app = angular.module("dashbordModule", ['ngAnimate']); 

Controllers: In AngularJS Controller we have done all the business logic and returned the data from Web API to our MVC HTML page.

1. Variable declarations

Firstly, we declared all the local variables need to be used. 

app.controller("AngularJs_Controller", function  ($scope, $filter, $timeout, $rootScope, $window, $http) { 
    $scope.date = new  Date(); 
    $scope.MyName = "shanu";  
    $scope.isQuerys = false; 
    $scope.Querys = ""; 
    $scope.ColumnNames = "UserName,UserType,Phone"; 
    $scope.TableNames = "UserDetails"; 
    $scope.isCondition = false; 
    $scope.whereCondition = 0; 
    $scope.Conditions = ""; 
    $scope.isGroupBy = false; 
    $scope.GroupBy = 0; 
    $scope.GroupBys = ""; 
    $scope.isOrderBy = false; 
    $scope.OrderBy = 0; 
    $scope.OrderBys = ""; 
    // Array value to check for SQL Injection 
    $scope.sqlInjectionArray = ['create', 'drop',  'delete', 'insert', 'update',  'truncate', 
                                'grant', 'print',  'sp_executesql',  'objects', 'declare', 
                                'table', 'into',  'sqlcancel', 'sqlsetprop', 'sqlexec',  
                                'sqlcommit', 'revoke',  'rollback', 'sqlrollback', 'values',  
                                'sqldisconnect', 'sqlconnect',  'system_user',  'schema_name',  
                                'schemata', 'information_schema', 'dbo',  'guest', 'db_owner', 
                                'db_', 'table',  '@@', 'Users', 'execute',  'sysname', 'sp_who', 
                                'sysobjects', 'sp_',  'sysprocesses',  'master', 'sys', 'db_',  
                                'is_', 'exec',  'end', 'xp_', '; --',  'alter', 'begin', 'cursor',  
                                'kill', '--', 'tabname', 'sys'];

Search Method:

This method we call on search button click. Here we check for all the validation of user entered data before passing all the parameter to our Web API method.In this method we have commented for each condition checking.

//search Details 
    $scope.searchDetails = function  () { 
       // 1. Check for Select Query -> In this function we check for SQL injection in user entered select query if any key word from the array list is found then we give msg to user to enter the valid select query 
        if ($scope.isQuerys == true) { 
        if ($scope.Querys != "") { 
            $scope.whereCondition = 1; 
            for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sqlInjectionArray.length-1; i++) {  
                if ($filter('lowercase')($scope.Querys).match($scope.sqlInjectionArray[i])) { 
                    alert("Sorry " + $scope.sqlInjectionArray[i] + " keyword is not accepted in select query"); 
            searchTableDetails($scope.Querys, $scope.ColumnNames, $scope.TableNames, $scope.whereCondition, $scope.Conditions, $scope.GroupBy, $scope.GroupBys, $scope.OrderBy, $scope.OrderBys); 
        else { 
            alert("Enter Your Select Query !"); 
            $scope.Querys = ""; 
        // 2. Check for Column Names -> If user entered the valid column names the details will be checked and bound in page 
        if ($scope.ColumnNames == "") { 
            alert("Enter the Column Details !"); 
            for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sqlInjectionArray.length - 1; i++) { 
                if ($filter('lowercase')($scope.ColumnNames).match($scope.sqlInjectionArray[i])) { 
                    alert("Sorry " + $scope.sqlInjectionArray[i] + " keyword is not accepted in Column Names"); 
        // 3. Check for Table Names -> If user entered the valid Table names the details will be checkd and binded in page 
        if ($scope.TableNames == "") { 
            alert("Enter the Table Details !"); 
        else { 
            for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sqlInjectionArray.length - 1; i++) { 
                if ($filter('lowercase')($scope.TableNames).match($scope.sqlInjectionArray[i])) { 
                    alert("Sorry " + $scope.sqlInjectionArray[i] + " keyword is not accepted in Table Names"); 
        // 4. Check for Where condition -> If user check the Where condition check box, the user entered where condition will be added to the select query  
        if ($scope.isCondition == true) { 
            if ($scope.Conditions == "") { 
                alert("Enter the Where Condition !"); 
            else { 
                for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sqlInjectionArray.length - 1; i++) { 
                    if ($filter('lowercase')($scope.Conditions).match($scope.sqlInjectionArray[i])) { 
                        alert("Sorry " + $scope.sqlInjectionArray[i] + " keyword is not accepted in Where Condition"); 
                $scope.whereCondition = 1; 
            else { 
                $scope.whereCondition = 0; 
        // 5. Check for GroupBy condition -> If user check the GroupBy condition check box, the user entered GroupBy condition will be added to the select query  
        if ($scope.isGroupBy == true) { 
            if ($scope.GroupBys == "") { 
                alert("Enter the Group By Details !"); 
            else { 
                for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sqlInjectionArray.length - 1; i++) { 
                    if ($filter('lowercase')($scope.GroupBys).match($scope.sqlInjectionArray[i])) { 
                        alert("Sorry " + $scope.sqlInjectionArray[i] + " keyword is not accepted in GroupBy"); 
                $scope.GroupBy = 1; 
            else { 
                $scope.GroupBy = 0; 
        // 6. Check for OrderBy condition -> If user check the OrderBy condition check box, the user entered OrderBy condition will be added to the select query  
        if ($scope.isOrderBy == true) { 
            if ($scope.OrderBys == "") { 
                alert("Enter the Group By details !"); 
            else { 
                for (var i = 0; i < $scope.sqlInjectionArray.length - 1; i++) { 
                    if ($filter('lowercase')($scope.OrderBys).match($scope.sqlInjectionArray[i])) { 
                        alert("Sorry " + $scope.sqlInjectionArray[i] + " keyword is not accepted in OrderBy"); 
                $scope.OrderBy = 1; 
            else { 
                $scope.OrderBy = 0; 
            searchTableDetails($scope.Querys, $scope.ColumnNames, $scope.TableNames, $scope.whereCondition, $scope.Conditions, $scope.GroupBy, $scope.GroupBys, $scope.OrderBy, $scope.OrderBys); 

Main Search Method

Finally after validation we call our main bind method to pass all the parameter to our WEB API to get the dynamic data from the database.

// Main Select and Bind function 
    //All query details entered by user after validation this method will be called to bind the result to the Dashboard page. 
    function searchTableDetails(sqlQuery, columnName, tableNames, isCondition, conditionList, isGroupBY, groupBYList, isOrderBY, orderBYList) { 
        $http.get('/api/DashboardAPI/getDashboardDetails/', { params: { sqlQuery: sqlQuery, columnName: columnName, tableNames: tableNames, isCondition: isCondition, conditionList: conditionList, isGroupBY: isGroupBY, groupBYList: groupBYList, isOrderBY: isOrderBY, orderBYList: orderBYList } }).success(function (data) { 
            $scope.dashBoadData = angular.fromJson(data);; 
            //if ($scope.dashBoadData.length > 0) { 
   .error(function () { 
       $scope.error = "An Error has occured while loading posts!"; 

Step 5: Bind data to MVC Dashboard View page.

Next in our MVC View page we design our dashboard page and bind all the dynamic data at runtime.

<html data-ng-app="dashbordModule"> 
    ViewBag.Title = "Shanu Dashboard"; 
<body data-ng-controller="AngularJs_Controller"> 
    <table style='width: 99%;table-layout:fixed;'> 
                <table style="background-color:#FFFFFF;border: dashed 3px #6D7B8D; padding:10px;width: 99%;table-layout:fixed;" cellpadding="12" cellspacing="12"> 
                    <tr style="height: 30px; background-color:#f06a0a ; color:#FFFFFF ;border: solid 1px #659EC7;"> 
                        <td align="center"> 
                            <h3> SHANU MVC Dashboard using AngularJS </h3> 
                    <tr style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border:dotted 3px #6D7B8D; padding: 6px;width:99%;"> 
                        You can write your own SQL query to bind dynamic Dashboard.  
                            This program makes your work easy to display any Table/Columns details with your entered where Condition,  
                            Order BY and with Group By Option for the selected database on your home page. 
            <td> </td> 
                <table style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border: dashed 3px #6D7B8D; padding :5px;width :99%;table-layout:fixed;" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> 
                    <tr style="height: 30px; background-color:#336699 ; color:#FFFFFF ;border: solid 1px #659EC7;"> 
                            <h3> Build Your Dashboard Query : </h3> 
                            <table style="width :99%;" > 
                                    <td width="20"></td> 
                                    <td valign="top"> 
                                        <table style="color:#9F000F;font-size:large;width :99%;" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="6"> 
                                                    <b>Dynamic SQL Query : </b> 
                                                    <div style="float:left;width:80%;"> 
                                                        <textarea name="txtQuerys" ng-model="Querys" value="" style="width:100%"></textarea> 
                                                <td align="left"> 
                                                     <input type="checkbox" ng-model="isQuerys"><b> Is Query </b> 
                                                    <b>Column Names : </b> 
                                                    <input type="text" name="txtColumnNames" ng-model="ColumnNames" value="UserName,UserType,Phone"  style="width: 350px;" maxlength =  500 /> 
                                                    <b>Table Names : </b> 
                                                    <input type="text" name="txtTableNames" ng-model="TableNames" value="UserDetails" size="120" /> 
                                                    <b>Where Condition : </b> 
                                                    <input type="text" name="txtConditions" ng-model="Conditions" value="" size="120" /> 
                                                    <br /> 
                                                <td align="left"> 
                                                    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="isCondition"> <b> Is Condition  </b> 
                                                    <b>Group By : </b> 
                                                    <input type="text" name="txtGroupBys" ng-model="GroupBys" value="" size="120" /> 
                                                    <br /> 
                                                <td align="left"> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="isGroupBy"><b> Is GroupBy  </b></td> 
                                                    <b>Order By : </b> 
                                                    <input type="text" name="txtOrderBys" ng-model="OrderBys" value="" size="120" /> 
                                                    <br /> 
                                                <td align="left"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="isOrderBy"><b> Is OrderBy  </b> </td> 
                                                <td colspan="3" align="center"> 
                                                    <input type="submit" value="Search" style="background-color:#3f9835;color:#FFFFFF;border-color:crimson;border-style:dashed;height:40px;width:500px;" ng-click="searchDetails()" /> 
                <table style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border :dashed 3px #6D7B8D; padding:10px;width: 99%;table-layout:fixed;" cellpadding="12" cellspacing="12"> 
                    <tr style="height: 30px; background-color:#336699 ; color:#FFFFFF ;border: solid 1px #659EC7;"> 
                        <td align="center"> 
                            <h3> Dynamic Dashboard Details </h3> 
                    <tr style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border:dotted 3px #6D7B8D; padding: 6px;width: 99%;"> 
                            <table style="width: 99%; background-color:#FFFFFF; border solid 2px #6D7B8D; padding 5px;width 99%;table-layout:fixed;" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> 
                                    <tr style="height: 30px; background-color:#336699 ; color:#FFFFFF ;border: solid 1px #659EC7;"> 
                                        <th ng-repeat="(header, value) in dashBoadData[0]" width="100" align="center"> 
                                            <strong>   {{header}} </strong> 
                                    <tr ng-repeat="row in dashBoadData"> 
                                        <td ng-repeat="cell in row" style="border: solid 1px #659EC7; padding: 5px;table-layout:fixed;"> 
                                            <span style="color:#9F000F">    {{cell}} </span> 
<script src="~/Scripts/angular.js"></script> 
<script src="~/Scripts/angular.min.js"></script> 
<script src="~/Scripts/angular-animate.js"></script> 
<script src="~/Scripts/angular-animate.min.js"></script> 
<script src="~/Scripts/MYAngular/controller.js"></script>

You can download the Source Code from this link Download Source Code