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SharePoint Online SPOMod: Set-SPOContentType

This article describes a function of a custom SharePoint Online module available for download and installation on GitHub where it welcomes all your suggestions and contributions.


Updates one or more properties of a content type.


ContentTypeID Mandatory  The ID of the Content Type to be updated
ListTitle  Optional  Title of the list. To be used ONLY if the content type was created in a list. 
Group  Optional  String.  More on the Group property:
Content Types: Add
Content Types: Edit
Content Types: Group Property
DisplayFormUrl  Optional  String. The display form of the item. More on the property:
Content Types: Edit 
EditFormUrl  Optional  String. Gets or sets a value that specifies the URL of a custom new form to use for list items that have been assigned the content type. More on the property: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.client.contenttype.newformurl.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
Hidden  Optional  Boolean. 
JSLink  Optional  String. 
NewFormUrl  Optional  String. 
ReadOnly  Optional  Boolean. 
Sealed  Optional  Boolean. 
UpdateChildren  Mandatory  Boolean. 



----- EXAMPLE 1 ------
Fix the forms. If your forms Edit.aspx, Display.aspx or New.aspx are throwing an error, you can reset them by writing:

Set-SPOContentType -ContentTypeID 0x005EA3C6CA1B82D541ADFBC8785DE8793A -ListTitle MyList4 -DisplayFormUrl "" -EditFormUrl "" -NewFormUrl "" -UpdateChildren $false

----- EXAMPLE 2 ------
Hide site content type and update the children

Set-SPOContentType -ContentTypeID 0x005EA3C6CA1B82D541ADFBC87 -Hidden $true -UpdateChildren $true

----- EXAMPLE 3 ------
Hide list content type and not update the children

Set-SPOContentType -ContentTypeID 0x005EA3C6CA1B82D541ADFBC87 -Hidden $true -UpdateChildren $false -ListTitle MyList4

See Also

SPOMod Cmdlets and Resources 

Wiki: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Add 
Wiki: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Get
Wiki: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Edit

PowershellScripts @ GitHub