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SharePoint Online SPOMod: Remove-SPOContentType

This article describes a function of a custom SharePoint Online module available for download and installation on GitHub where it welcomes all your suggestions and contributions.


Removes content type.


ContentTypeID Mandatory String. The ID of the content type to be removed.
ListTitle  Optional  String. The title of the list where the content type is located. Use only if you want to remove a list content type, and not site content type. 



----- EXAMPLE 1 ------
Remove a content type from a list.

Remove-SPOContentType -ContentTypeID "0x0100E6BD49EA28F1AE4BA49AA555FB4B179A"  -ListTitle MyList6

----- EXAMPLE 2 ------
Remove a content type from the site.

Remove-SPOContentType -ContentTypeID "0x010058453F904AB1EB468BA00E0D81952A5B"

Watch out For...

Exception calling "ExecuteQuery" with "0" argument(s): "Cannot invoke method or retrieve property from null object. Object returned by the following call stack is null." GetById/ ContentTypes/ Web/ Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContext.Current
The Content Type you are looking for is not in that list or site. If you were using -List parameter, try targeting a site content type. If you were trying to remove a content type from site, check if it is not added to the list directly. 

See Also

SPOMod Cmdlets and Resources 

Wiki: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Add 
Wiki: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Get
Wiki: SharePoint Online content types in Powershell: Edit 

PowershellScripts @ GitHub