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SharePoint Online SPOMod: Get-SPOListView

This article describes a function of a custom SharePoint Online module available for download and installation at GitHub.


Retrieves views associated with a list. 


ListName  Mandatory  Mutually exclusive with ListGUID. Name of the list where the views are.
ListGUID  Mandatory  Mutually exclusive with ListName. GUID of the list where the views are.
IncludeAllProperties  Optional  Switch. Specifies whether to retrieve all properties of the views or only a title 



----- EXAMPLE 1 ------
Get all list views.

Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1

----- EXAMPLE 2 ------
Retrieve a specific list view.

Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 | where{$_.Title -eq "veew"}

----- EXAMPLE 3 ------
Retrieve a specific list view and its properties.

Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 -IncludeAllProperties | where{$_.Title -eq "veew"}

----- EXAMPLE 4 ------
Get all list views and their properties.

Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 -IncludeAllProperties

----- EXAMPLE 5 ------
Get views for all the lists in the site and export them to csv.

Get-SPOListView -ListName MyList1 -IncludeAllProperties | export-csv c:\CSVPathFile.csv

Watch Out For...

Get-SPOListView : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
The error means you did not specify the -ListName parameter

See Also

SPOMod Cmdlets and Resources 
PowershellScripts @ GitHub
