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C#: Serialization and Casting values with XDocument

This article is about the serialization/deserialization in XDocument with direct base type values casting.

It is based on the french blog post write by Yan Grenier and translated from the French original.

The source code used in this article is available in the gallery.

In .Net version 4.0, the .Net Framework provides a new library for managing XML documents : System.Linq.XDocument.

This library is intended to be used with LINQ (as the namespace suggests). It allows us to quickly create documents, or browse elements using LINQ. The price fir this convenience is that we lose the DOM standard and XPath query.

One of feature of XDocument is that we can use object as content, XDocument converts the objects to node or attribute value. The reverse is also true, we can get a value from a node or an attribute by casting. These mechanisms allow us to quickly read or write an XML file without using .Net XML serialization.


Serialization is simple, we just need to create a node or an attribute with the object as value. XDocument will use the object method ToString() to convert the value to text.

Where it is interesting for the "non-english" (french for example ;)) which need internationalize their XML files, the basics types (int, double, datetime, etc.) are formatted with the invariant culture, or an international format for the dates.

Exemple the following code :

new XDocument(
    new XElement("root",
        new XAttribute("code", "Exemple 1"),
        new XAttribute("date", DateTime.Now),
        new XElement("val", 123.456),
        new XElement("created", new  DateTime(2015, 4, 2, 7, 28, 0)),
        new XElement("color", System.ConsoleColor.Cyan)

generate this XML document :

<root code="Exemple 1" date="2015-04-02T07:31:13.8253366+02:00">

This sample can be find in the Serialize1() method in the sample program.


For deserialize XDocument provide us a simple method too, we just need to cast a node or an attribute to convert the value to the requested type.

If we take the generated XML previously, how we can make to read (Deserialize1() method in the sample program) :

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("sample-1.xml");
var root = xdoc.Root;
Console.WriteLine(" - Code : {0}", (String)root.Attribute("code"));
Console.WriteLine(" - Date : {0}", (DateTime)root.Attribute("date"));
Console.WriteLine(" - Val : {0}", (Double)root.Element("val"));
Console.WriteLine(" - Created : {0}", (DateTime)root.Element("created"));
Console.WriteLine(" - Color : {0}", Enum.Parse(typeof(System.ConsoleColor), (string)root.Element("color"), true));

We retreive the attribute or the element and we convert it by casting. The only exception is for the enums whose casting is not supported by XDocument. We will need to process as usual by parsing the text value.

Of course if the value contained in the element or the attribute can't be converted to the requested type, a cast exception will be thrown.

Remark: the search of attributes or elements by name is case sensitive.

Deserialization of optional value

Now, what appends when one of attributes or elements that we want is missing ?

Because the node or attribute not exists, an ArgumentNullException() is thrown.

In the Deserialize2() method we trying to read two values that not exists :

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("sample-1.xml");
var root = xdoc.Root;
  Console.WriteLine(" - Name : {0}", (String)root.Attribute("name"));
catch (Exception ex)
  Console.WriteLine(" - Name : Erreur => {0}", ex.Message);
  Console.WriteLine(" - Number : {0}", (Double)root.Element("number"));
catch (Exception ex)
  Console.WriteLine(" - Number : Erreur => {0}", ex.Message);

and that the application display :

* Désérialisation 2
 - Name :
 - Number : Erreur => The value can't be null.
Parameter : element

Apparently only the DateTime cast throw an error, not the string cast.

In fact, when we want to cast the value of a missing element (or attribute), XDocument try to convert the value to null. As the String type is nullable we don't have exception thrown, however this is not the case of the DateTime type.

But as usual, XDocument help us, like it supports the base types casting, it supports casting to the nullable version of these types.

For example in the Deserialize3() method, we reuse the Deserialize2() code with the Deserialize1() code, but this time we use nullable types, and default value in case of the values not exists in the XML.

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("sample-1.xml");
var root = xdoc.Root;
Console.WriteLine(" - Code : {0}", (String)root.Attribute("code") ?? "#Pas de Code#");
Console.WriteLine(" - Name : {0}", (String)root.Attribute("name") ?? "#Pas de Nom#");
Console.WriteLine(" - Date : {0}", (DateTime?)root.Attribute("date") ?? DateTime.MinValue);
Console.WriteLine(" - Val : {0}", (Double?)root.Element("val") ?? -1);
Console.WriteLine(" - Created : {0}", (DateTime?)root.Element("created") ?? DateTime.Now);
Console.WriteLine(" - Number : {0}", (Double?)root.Element("number") ?? -1);
System.ConsoleColor col;
if (!Enum.TryParse((string)root.Element("color"), true, out  col))
  col = ConsoleColor.Black;
Console.WriteLine(" - Color : {0}", col);

By this way, we are protected from missing values. Of course if a value is required, we can maintain a non-nullable type.

We are also seeing that the enums are not always well off. We need to do tests.

To resolve this problem we can create an extension methods to make or life easier.

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