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FIM 2010: The Ultimate Tools for RCDC

Resource Control Display Configuration (RCDC) is the concept you can't do without when you do some UI customization in the FIM portal.  Unfortunately, there is no friendly UI provided to view and edit these XML configuration files.  When something goes wrong we don’t have any hints besides a red line on the page “There is an error in the person displaying configuration, please contact your system administrator ”.

This article described two tools you can use which can solve up to 99% RCDC issues found in practical experience.
For the remaining 1%, you may need to build something from the scratch :)

Each RCDC resource contains an XML configuration file which follows a specific set of predefined schemas.  An XML editor is quite necessary to avoid some typo or syntax errors. Here visual studio is used, you may instead use other similar tools.

1. Copy the default XSD Schema from the Appendix A and save it to the a file such as RCDC.xsd

2. Copy the file to the visual studio default schema folders C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Xml\Schemas (note: it may vary from different visual studio versions)

3. Open the RCDC with visual studio and click XML--> schemas, making sure the RCDC.xsd is selected.


4. Then for anything which doesn’t comply with the schema , you will have a wave line beneath with detail explanation.


However in some scenarios like migrating RCDC configuration files from one environment to another, the UI complains the wrong configuration even it passes the schema validation. Then we have to rely on the FIM portal verbose trace (please note the trace is client trace instead of FIMService) to provide us with more hints. 

1.  Follow the instructions below to enable the verbose trace and make sure you run an IISRESET after to make it take effect.


2.  Repro the issue as shortly as you could otherwise you will have a large trace generated.

3.  Open the log file with the SDK tool **Service Trace Viewer Tool **, normally the failures in red will guide you the root cause. (In my case, there’s undefined attribute name in my FIM Service Schema.)


Hope this blog can help your FIM RCDC deployment :)