Swap mouse buttons using PowerShell
Need to swap the mouse button.
PowerShell Code
<# .Synopsis Swaps Mouse Buttons. .DESCRIPTION Switch the mouse click left to right .EXAMPLE Swap-MouseKeys .Contact chendrayan.exchange@hotmail.com .NOTE Log off and Log on back #> function Swap-MouseButtons { Begin { Write-Host "Swapping your Mouse Buttons..." -ForegroundColor Yellow } Process { $currentValue = Get-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Mouse' | Select SwapMouseButtons if($currentValue.SwapMouseButtons -eq 0) { Write-Host "No Swap Enabled - It's Set to default" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else{ Set-ItemProperty 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Mouse' -Name SwapMouseButtons -Value 1 } } End { Write-Host "Right and Left Click Swapped...Log off and Log on!!!" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } |
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Do back up before modifying the registry values.