다음을 통해 공유

Importing of List Templates with .STP Files

Descriptions: Please follow the below step by step procedure to import .stp files and use in another library.

Solutions: Follow the steps.

  1. Download the list template EXE file to your computer.
  2. Run the EXE file to unpack the template file to a location on your computer.
  3. Select the template file, <template_name>.stp, from the extracted distribution for the application template you wish to install.
  4. Log into your SharePoint site as the site Administrator.
  5. From the Site Actions drop-down menu in the top right, select Site Settings.
  6. Under the Galleries section, select List templates.
  7. Select Upload to load an application template into this SharePoint site.
  8. Browse to the <template_name>.stp file from the distribution and select Open. If you have several application templates to load into your site, you can use the Upload Multiple Files… option to load them all at once.
  9. Click OK to complete the upload of the application template to your SharePoint site.

Applying the new List Template:

  1. Log into your SharePoint site as the site Administrator.
  2. From the Site Actions drop-down menu in the top right, select Site Settings.
  3. Under the Site Administration section, select Sites and Workspaces.
  4. Select Create to create a new list using a list template.
  5. Find the list template that was uploaded.
  6. Select the template to use for this site and click Create.
  7. A list has now been created using the list template.

How to create a new list:

In order to create a new list based on an .stp once you've saved it and imported it, go to Site Settings > Site Contents and then click the link for "Add an App" at the top. You should see your list there.

 - See more at: http://expertsharepoint.blogspot.de/2014/08/importing-of-list-templates-with-stp.html

Note: If you find a different solution, please report it as a comment to this post. This will be useful to SharePoint Community. Be sure to double-verify it: undo your solution and verify that the problem comes back, then redo it and verify that the problem goes away.

See Also

  1. SharePoint Resources on the TechNet Wiki
  2. SharePoint 2013 Portal
  3. SharePoint 2013 - Service Applications
  4. SharePoint 2013 - Resources for Developers
  5. SharePoint 2013 - Resources for IT Pros