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PowerShell: Update Site Collection Admins

This wiki is based on the Forum Post How to update secondary site collection Administrator to all Site Collections

Code OP used:

$Cred=read-host -Prompt "LANID@hermanmiller.com of user you wish to grant access to all site collections.";            
$collection=get-sposite | select Url            
ForEach ($Url in $collection)                        
    $str = " "                        
    Set-SPOUser -site $Url -loginName $Cred -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $True                        
    $str += "Added to - " + $Url            
    echo $str                        


 Set-SPOUser : Cannot bind parameter 'Site'. Cannot convert the "@{Url=https://oursite.sharepoint.com/parth/path}" value of type "Selected.Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPOSite" to type "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell.SpoSitePipeBind". At C:\Powershell\Site Access\sites1.ps1:10 char:19 + Set-SPOUser -site $Url -loginName $Cred -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $True + ~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-SPOUser], ParameterBin dingException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgumentNoMessage,Microsoft.Online. SharePoint.PowerShell.SetSPOUser Indeed PowerShell is doing it's job, however we need to manipulate and feed inputs. Glitch here is the OutPut "@{Url=https://oursite.sharepoint.com/parth/path}"

Refer the Screen Shot attached by OP in the Forum. [That solves the issue]


$Cred=read-host -Prompt "LANID@hermanmiller.com of user you wish to grant access to all site collections.";            
$collection=get-sposite -Limit All            
ForEach ($Url in $collection.url)                        
    $str = " "                        
    Set-SPOUser -site $Url -loginName $Cred -IsSiteCollectionAdmin $True                        
    $str += "Added to - " + $Url            
    echo $str                        

Bingo - It worked. :)
How does this work? The Variable $Collection is holding a bunch of property values. To meet our requirement, we need to select only the URL.

See Also