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Master Data Services: Troubleshoot the Staging Process

When you import data by using the staging process, you might encounter any of the following issues.

The model is not available in the Model list

In Master Data Manager, in the Integration Management functional area, on the Import page, in the Unbatched Staging Records pane, the model may not be available in the Model list.

You must be a model administrator to import data for a model. For more information, see Model Administrators (Master Data Services).

The version is not available in the Version list

On the Import page, in the Unbatched Staging Records pane, the version may not be available in the Version list.

Model versions with a status of Committed are not available. Ensure that you are importing into an Open or Locked version.

The number of records is not correct

On the Import page, in the Unbatched Staging Records pane, the number of records available for import may not match the number of records you expected to retrieve from the staging tables in the Master Data Services database.

  • In the staging tables, ensure that the UserName field for each record contains your user name in the format Domain\user_name, computer\user_name, or that the field is NULL.
  • In the staging tables, ensure that the value in the Batch_ID field for each record is NULL and that the Status_ID field is 0.
  • In the staging tables, ensure that the value in the ModelName field matches the name of the model exactly. The name should be the same case as the model name in Master Data Manager.

The batch doesn't process

The batch may be queued to run but it does not process. In Master Data Manager, on the Import page, in the Unbatched Staging Records pane, the status remains Queued to Run.

Ensure that Service Broker is enabled. For more information, see How to: Activate Service Broker Message Delivery in Databases (Transact-SQL).

USE master ;
SELECT is_broker_enabled, * FROM sys.databases WHERE name  LIKE 'MDS%'
-- If False, enable broker for your respective MDS database name (database name may vary)

The batch is taking a long time to finish

If the batch takes longer than usual to complete, the statistics on the Master Data Services database may need to be updated. For more information, see:

The batch processes with errors

If errors occur during the staging process, the error code listed in the staging table ErrorCode field for each record provides more detailed information. For a complete list of error codes, success codes, and warnings, see Staging Error Messages (Master Data Services).

See Also