PowerShell Tricks: How to use PowerShell for manipulating CSV file? - Part 1
Often all service managers will ask the team for data in CSV format for easy manipulation. The discussion while collating and manipulating CSV file is fun and the discussion continues.
As a PowerShell scriptwriter we just do Export-Csv and stay idle and out of the discussions. We just say sorry 'no good Excel knowledge'.
Just to learn and dig some tricks, we used the below PowerShell codes for manipulating CSV data.
Column1 |
Column1 |
Value1 | Value1 |
Value1 | Value2 |
Value4 | Value3 |
Value5 | Value4 |
Consider we have information as CSV file. Nothing big to do with this, but definitely, this trick can be applied to larger data too.
How to get information from Column 1?
Import-Csv C:\Temp\PSExam.CSV | %{$_.Column1}
The same can be applied for Column 2 by changing {$_.Column2}
How to get UNIQUE values from Column 1?
Import-Csv C:\Temp\PSExam.CSV | %{$_.Column1 } | Group-Object | Where {$_.Count -eq 1} | Select -Property Name
Wow, that's good news and got a result:
How to get a count of DUPLICATES?
Import-Csv C:\Temp\PSExam.csv | %{$_.Column1 } | Group-Object
Use Group-Object to achieve this:
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
3 Value1 {Value1, Value1, Value1}
1 Value4 {Value4}
1 Value5 {Value5}
How to remove duplicates?
$data = Import-Csv C:\Users\904870\Desktop\PSExam.csv | %{$_.Column1 } | Group-Object
We will see comparing two columns and files in next article.
Enjoy PowerShell!!!