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PowerShellGUI Tools - Disk,Memory and Process - Modules

I've created a script which gives details of Disk, Memory and Process and its represented graphically. 

Here, the scripts are enclosed in module. At its simplest, a module is just a PowerShell script, contained in a file with a .PSM1 extension

A module is some chunk of code that you can import into PowerShell. Once imported, any cmdlets, scripts, or providers can be accessed.

Installation of a module is now very simple. download and save the file c:\PowerShellGUI.psm1

This PowerShellGUI module consists of

  1. Get-DiskSpaceGUI
  2. Get-MemoryGUI
  3. Get-ProcessGUI

Now we just need to import our module. The Scope is limited to session. If you want to load automatically then you need to create Profile (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff461033.aspx)

You can save the file in a default module path that can be identified using environmental variable.


There are many ways to load a module. The preferred way is to create folder and save the Module in that folder

To import and loading a module as follows.

  1. Download the module code 

  2. Create a folder PowerShellGUI (Same name as that of a Module name) file at any of the below location %windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules OR %UserProfile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules (preferred) 

  3. Save the PowerShellGUI.psm1 %UserProfile%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGUI\ (preferred)

  4. Import-Module PowershellGUI

  5. This will import the module and functions into powershell

    • Get-Module  -ListAvailable

     This will list down all available modules in powershell

    • Get-Command -Module PowerShellGUI
  6. Once you are done with step 1, 2 and 3 open a powershell window and run below commands.

  7. PS:\Import-Module -Name PowershellGUI

  8.  This will import the module and functions into powershell

  9. PS:\Get-Module  -ListAvailable

  10.  This will list down all available modules in powershell

  11. Get-Command -Module PowerShellGUI


Save the module  to C:\PowershellGUI.psm1

  1. PS:\ Import-Module -Name C:\PowerShellGUI.psm1
  2.  PS:\Get-Module PowerShellGUI

PS:\Get-Command -Module PowershellGUI


Remove Module:-

PS:\ Remove-Module -Name PowershellGUI

Download the PowerShellGUI.psm1 from the below link


The code is tested in all version of Powershell 2.0 onwards. You need to have .Net framework 3.0 or 3.5 as its pre-requisites for 3D Graph Display.

See Also