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SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 : Export WSP infos to a csv file and a SharePoint list


This article is related to a PowerShell script recently published on the TechNet Gallery. You can find it here: SharePoint 2007/2010/2013 : Export WSP infos to csv file and SharePoint list.

This PowerShell script gathers data associated with your SharePoint farm solutions (WSP) and export them to a CSV file and a SharePoint list.

It has been tested on SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

The exported data are the following:

  • DisplayName
  • Deployed
  • ContainsCasPolicy
  • ContainsGlobalAssembly
  • ContainsWebApplicationResource
  • DeployedServers
  • DeployedWebApplications
  • DeploymentState
  • LastOperationDetails
  • Status

We will not copy the full script content here (216 lines), but just explain the major steps:

  • Browse the farm solutions (WSP)
  • Build the structure containing the data
  • Create a SharePoint list
  • Configure the list
  • Export the data to the CSV file
  • Export the data to the SharePoint list
  • Launch a browser to view the list

Step 1 : Browse farm solutions (WSP)

 Get the farm (we used reflection to remain compatible with SharePoint 2007), and browse solutions using its "Solutions" property.

  # Get farm[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint")$farm=[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local
  # Get solutionsforeach ($solution in $farm.Solutions){    # Fill the data    ...

Step 2 : Build the structure containing the data

Create an object and add all members, corresponding to all WSP properties to export.

 # Build structure$itemStructure = New-Object psobject $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DisplayName" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Deployed" -value ""$itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ContainsCasPolicy" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ContainsGlobalAssembly" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ContainsWebApplicationResource" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DeployedServers" -value ""$itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DeployedWebApplications" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DeploymentState" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LastOperationDetails" -value "" $itemStructure | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Status" -value ""

Step 3 : Create a SharePoint list

A dedicated function will create the list:

  • Gets the SPWeb corresponding to the site URL parameter
  • Gets the list template (Generic List)
  • Try to get the list. If found, the list is deleted, then recreated using the "Generic List" list template
 function CreateSharePointlist{    # Get SPWeb    try    {$currentWeb = (New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($siteUrl)).OpenWeb()}    catch    {        Write-Warning "The site '$siteUrl' cannot be found; the data will only be exported to the csv file."        return    }    # Get list template (Generic template)     $listTemplate = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListTemplateType]::GenericList        # Try to get list    $global:exportList = $currentWeb.Lists[$listName]     # Delete list if necessary    if($global:exportList -ne $null)    {$global:exportList.Delete()}    # Create list    $listId = $currentWeb.Lists.Add($listName,$listDescription,$listTemplate)      # Get list    $global:exportList = $currentWeb.Lists[$listName]

Step 4 : Configure the list

A dedicated function will create the columns added to the list.

The function presented at the previous step:

  • Adds all columns to the list
  • Gets the default view
  • Adds the columns corresponding to the data to the view and removes the "Attachments" column
  • Updates the view
 function AddColumn($fieldType, $fieldLabel, $fieldRequired){    # Add column    $SPFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::$fieldType     $exportList.Fields.Add($fieldLabel,$SPFieldType,$fieldRequired)}function CreateSharePointlist{    ...        # Add columns    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Boolean" -fieldLabel "Deployed" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Boolean" -fieldLabel "ContainsCasPolicy" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Boolean" -fieldLabel "ContainsGlobalAssembly" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Boolean" -fieldLabel "ContainsWebApplicationResource" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Note" -fieldLabel "DeployedServers" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Note" -fieldLabel "DeployedWebApplications" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Text" -fieldLabel "DeploymentState" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Note" -fieldLabel "LastOperationDetails" -fieldRequired $false    $dump = AddColumn -fieldType "Text" -fieldLabel "Status" -fieldRequired $false    # Update list    $global:exportList.Update()    # Get default view    $view = $global:exportList.Views[0]        # Add / delete columns from the view    try{$view.ViewFields.delete("Attachments")} catch{}    $view.ViewFields.add("Deployed")    $view.ViewFields.add("ContainsCasPolicy")    $view.ViewFields.add("ContainsGlobalAssembly")    $view.ViewFields.add("ContainsWebApplicationResource")    $view.ViewFields.add("DeployedServers")    $view.ViewFields.add("DeployedWebApplications")    $view.ViewFields.add("DeploymentState")    $view.ViewFields.add("LastOperationDetails")    $view.ViewFields.add("Status")        # Update default view    $view.Update()

Step 5 : Export the data to the csv file

For each solution, a variable named "solutionsList" is filled with a structure item. At the end, it is exported to the CSV file.

 # Local variables$solutionsList = $null$solutionsList = @()# Get solutionsforeach ($solution in $farm.Solutions){    $solutionInfos = $itemStructure | Select-Object *;     $solutionInfos.DisplayName = $solution.DisplayName;    $solutionInfos.Deployed = $solution.Deployed;    $solutionInfos.ContainsCasPolicy = $solution.ContainsCasPolicy;    ...    $solutionsList += $solutionInfos;}# Export$solutionsList | Where-Object {$_} | Export-Csv -Delimiter "$delimiter" -Path "$exportPath\$fileName.csv" -notype;

Step 6 : Export the data to the SharePoint list

In the same part of the code seen in the previous step (we removed the code associated to the CSV file), create a new item (SPItem) for each solution found, and fill its properties.
Update the item at the end.

 # Get solutionsforeach ($solution in $farm.Solutions){    ...    if ($exportToSharePoint)    {        # Create SPItem        $newItem = $global:exportList.Items.Add()    }    if ($exportToSharePoint)    {        $titleField = $global:exportList.Fields | where {$_.internalname -eq "LinkTitle"}        $newItem[$titleField] = $solution.DisplayName    }        if ($exportToSharePoint) {$newItem["Deployed"] = $solution.Deployed}    if ($exportToSharePoint) {$newItem["ContainsCasPolicy"] = $solution.ContainsCasPolicy}    $serverIndex = 0    foreach ($server in $solution.DeployedServers)    {       $solutionInfos.DeployedServers += $solution.DeployedServers[$serverIndex].Name +"`n";       $serverIndex++;    }    ...    if ($exportToSharePoint)    {        # Update SPItem        $newItem.Update()    }}

Step 7 : Launch a browser to view the list

At the end of the script, a browser is launched to display the list contents.

 if ($exportToSharePoint){    write-host "The data have been copied in the SharePoint list." -foreground "green"        $ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application    $ie.Navigate("$siteUrl/Lists/$listName/AllItems.aspx")    try{$ie.Visible = $true} catch{}}


1. Script launched with all parameters:


  1. SharePoint list content:



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