Configure Replica Broker Role (Cluster to Cluster Replication)
In this Example we are going to Configure Replica broker role between two Hyper-V clusters in main site and DR Site
Here is the setup of the exiting Lab topology
Configure Replication for VMs Steps
Right Click on the virtual machine and go to Replication option and then select enable replication.
Click Next
Browse for the computer account of the Replica broker on the DR Site
Choose to use port 80 for replication and use Kerberos authentication
Chose the VHDs that we need to use to be replicated.
Choose Only the latest of recovery point.
In this wizard we have multiple options:
1. Send initial copy over network: this option will copy all the virtual machine disks over network to the Dr.
2.Send initial copy using external media: this will export the disk to external media and this will be move to DR and after that choose the option use and exiting virtual Machine on the replica server as initial copy.
And choose the Start replication on this option to choose the time and date to start first initial replication
Review the settings, Then click finish
After enabling replication for Virtual machine we need to configure failover IP address to be used on DR after failover.