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Export SharePoint User Profile Information Values in CSV or HTML

One of our customers requested to get user profile information report from SharePoint 2010 mysite. One of the department needs to present a statistics report and to manipulate the few fields as per their requirement.


1. Get all the users profile information in CSV file for easy manipulations.

2. Include all custom fields.

3. The report needs to be delivered every month.


1. Please collect the internal names of the user profile property.

2. Do test in acceptance environment before executing in production.

3. Do confirm UPA and UPS are running as expected.

4. Execute the script as Farm Administrator.


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script : To Export User Profile Information Value in Excel and HTML
# Author : Chendrayan Venkatesan
# Company : Tata Consultancy Services
# Date : October 26 2012
# Version : 1.0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#. Use Internal name of the user profile property.
#. Any custom user fields will have "SPS-".
#. Remove comment "#" in line 43 and do the same in line 48 if you need HTML output.
#. Provide location after out-file to save the HTML file.
#. In Line 59 use the same location as Out-File.
#. Append if you have any custom fields in mysite user profile property
#. For HTML look and feel please copy and paste the style.css in C:\.
#. Use any style.css as per organization standard and policy.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 
$siteUrl = "Your Mysite Host Name" 
$outputFile = "Save the Output File in your desired Location" 
$serviceContext = Get-SPServiceContext -Site $siteUrl 
$profileManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager($serviceContext); 
$profiles = $profileManager.GetEnumerator() 
$collection = @() 
foreach ($profile in $profiles) { 
   $profileData = "" |  
   select "AccountName", "PreferredName" , "Department" , "Manager" , "Office" , "Location" , "WorkEmail" , "Assistant" , "AboutMe" , "Language" , "PictureURL" , "Role" 
   $profileData.AccountName = $profile["AccountName"] 
   $profileData.PreferredName = $profile["PreferredName"] 
   $profileData.Manager = $profile["Manager"] 
   $profileData.Department = $profile["Department"] 
   $profileData.Office = $profile["Office"] 
   $profileData.Location = $profile["Location"] 
   $profileData.WorkEmail = $profile["WorkEmail"] 
   $profileData.Assistant = $profile["Assistant"] 
   $profileData.AboutMe = $profile["AboutMe"].Value 
   $profileData.Language = $profile["Language"] 
   $profileData.PictureURL = $profile["PictureURL"] 
   $profileData.Role = $profile["Role"] 
   #$collection += $profileData | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment
   $collection += $profileData 

#ConvertTo-Html -Body "$collection" -CssUri C:\style.CSS | Out-File "Location to save"
$collection | Export-Csv $outputFile -NoTypeInformation 
#Send Mail to Box for easy access
$SMTP = "Name of the SMTP Server" 
$From = "Email Address" 
$To = "Email Address" , "Email Address" 
$Subject = "User Profile Information Report" 
Send-MailMessage -From $From -To $To -SmtpServer $SMTP -Subject $Subject -Attachments "Same as Out-File Location"

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