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BizTalk Server: Glossary

Here are the alphabetized list of the most common terms used in BizTalk Server:

* A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


.brl File: A business rules definition file.

.btm File: A BizTalk Server map file.

.btp File: A BizTalk Server pipeline file.

.btproj File: A BizTalk project file.

.btt File: The file extension signifying tracking profiles.

.odx File: A BizTalk Server orchestration file.

.xsd File: A BizTalk Server schema file.

.itinerary File: An ESB Toolkit Itinerary

**.xml File:**XML file type is primarily associated with 'Extensible Markup Language'

**.xsl File:**XSL file type is primarily associated with 'FileMaker Database Design Report Template'.


**ACID: **Atomicity,Consistency,Isolation and Durability.

Action: One or more functions corresponding to the "THEN" part of a rule and used to specify what is to be done when a condition evaluates to true.

Activate Property: A property of the Receive shape, used to indicate that the orchestration is activated when a message is received. The Receive shape can only be marked as activated if it is the first send or receive activated shape in an orchestration.

Adapter: An adapter is a software component (COM or .NET-based) that enables you to easily send messages out of or receive messages into BizTalk Server with a delivery mechanism that conforms to a commonly recognized standard, such as SMTP, POP3, FTP, or Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ). As Microsoft BizTalk Server has evolved, the need for adapters that quickly enable connectivity with commonly used applications and technologies has increased. BizTalk Includes over 25 multi-platform adapters that simplify the integration with Line of Business (LOB) Applications (such as Siebel, SAP, JD Edwards, Oracle, and Dynamics CRM), database (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, DB2) and other technologies (Tibco, Java EE). (see more here)

Adapter Handler: An adapter handler is an instance of a BizTalk host in which the adapter code runs. When you specify a send or receive handler for an adapter you are specifying which host instance the adapter code will run in the context of. An adapter handler is responsible for executing the adapter and contains properties for a specific instance of an adapter. A default BizTalk Server configuration will create adapter handlers for all of the installed adapters, but you may want to create additional adapter handlers for purposes of load balancing or to provide process isolation for a particular adapter handler. (see more here)

Adapter Framework: The BizTalk Adapter Framework offers a stable, open mechanism for all adapters to implement or access work from the BizTalk Server Messaging Engine. The interfaces described in the Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Framework namespace enable adapters to provide a means to modify configuration property pages. It also is a means to import services and schemas into the BizTalk project.  (see more here)

Adapter Provider: [ESB Toolkit] An Adapter Provider component sets specific properties of registered Microsoft BizTalk Server adapters. The BizTalk ESB Toolkit includes the following built-in adapter providers: FILE, FTP, SMTP,MQSeries, WCF-BasicHttp, WCF-WSHttp, and WCF-Custom. The name of each adapter provider is identical to the name of the associated adapter (transport type) in BizTalk Server. You can extend the Adapter Provider Framework by creating and registering your own custom adapter providers to set specific properties of registered BizTalk adapters.

Advanced Functoids: Functoids that you can used to create various types of data manipulation, such as implementing custom script (C#, Visual Basic .NET, XSLT), value mapping, and managing and extracting data from looping records.

Affiliate Application: A logical entity in Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO), defined by the administrator, that represents a system or subsystem such as a host, back-end system, or line-of-business application to which you are connecting using SSO. An affiliate application can represent a non-Windows system such as a mainframe or UNIX computer. It can also represent an application such as SAP, or a subdivision of the system, such as the "Benefits" or "Pay stub" sub-systems.

Agreement: The central item in relationship configuration is an agreement. An agreement defines two distinct two-way channels of communication between the associated buiness profiles, and deliniates the expectations of each party. Agreements build on lower level technical items to fulfill the requirements of today's dynamic business needs. The agreements are based on underlying business process and party management items.

Ancestors: A node at the bottom and the top of a cycle in the tree.

ANSI X.12: A message format developed by the American National Standards Institute. X.12 is used primarily in the United States.

Application: A running BizTalk Server business solution.

**AS2:**AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a specification about how to transport data securely and reliably over the Internet. Security is achieved by using digital certificates and encryption.

Assemble Pipeline Component (Assemble Stage): A send pipeline component responsible for assembling or serializing (writes) messages to a file and converting it to or from XML, and may combine individual messagess into a batch. The syntax transformations should occur at this stage.

Assembly: Regarding BizTalk, a dll file that contains a collection of BizTalk artifacts such as schemas, maps, orchestrations, or pipelines.

Assembly Deployment Wizard: A wizard that guides you through the steps required to add, remove, import and export assemblies; import and export bindings; and install or uninstall assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC).

Assembly Version: An identifier for an assembly, made up of a combination of a major and a minor version.

Atomic transactions: BizTalk orchestrations can be designed to run discrete pieces of work, following the classic 'ACID' (Atomic,Consistent,Isolated and Durable) concept of a transaction. These discrete or atomic units of work, when performed, move the business process from one consistent state to a new, consistent and durable state that is isolated from other units of work. This is typically done by using the Scope construct that encapsulates the units of work with the transactional semantics. The entire orchestration can also be defined as an atomic transaction without the use of scopes.  (see more here)

Attribute: In XML, an XML construct used to associate additional information with XML elements.

Authentication Trusted: A means of marking each host indicating that the host can submit messages into the message box with a Party ID (PID) that is different from (that is, not aliased by) the Windows Security ID (SSID) of the application instance service account.    


BAM: Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is used to monitor business milestones and key metrics in near real-time throughout a process in BizTalk. Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is a module in BizTalk that captures business data and process milestones to allows business decision makers to gain insight of their in-flight processes.  Using BI tools to derive up-to-date metrics and key performance indicators from the BAM databases, users can forecast process trends and monitor processes in real-time. BAM also provides a mechanism to alert users to situations that require their intervention to prevent undesirable outcome or to encourage a beneficial result. (see more here)

BAM Activities: identify the milestones and tracking data an individual is interested in tracking. Milestones are the steps in an activity that are measured in time, and tracking data is the key data points in a process you are interested in tracking (such as a customer ID or name).

BAM Alerts: BAM alerts allow you to configure and receive alerts related to specific changes in business data. Alerts are set up per BAM view.

BAM Configuration: The XML file that contains the settings for BAM manifests such as the BAM Primary Import database and server names.

BAM Definition: An XML representation of a BAM observation model, i.e., it describes business activities and business views.

BAM Observational Model: A high-level definition of visibility requirements for a business process that specifics the milestone and data events to collect (the BAM activity); a description of any data aggregations; and the presentation of information to users (the BAM view).

BAM View: A BAM view is a representation of the milestones and business data tracked in one or more activities.

BAMAnalysis Database (BAM Analysis): This database contains Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) OLAP cubes for both online and offline analysis.

BAMArchive Database (BAM Archive): This database archives old business activity data. Create a BAM Archive database to minimize the accumulation of business activity data in the BAM Primary Import database.

BAMAlertsApplication Database (BAM Notification Services Application): This database contains alert information for BAM notifications. For example, when you create an alert using the BAM portal, entries are inserted in the database specifying the conditions and events to which the alert pertains, as well as other supporting data items for the alert.

BAMAlertsNSMain Database (BAM Notification Services Instance): This database contains instance information specifying how the notification services connect to the system that BAM is monitoring.

BAMPrimaryImport Database (BAM Primary Import): This is the database where BAM collects raw tracking data.

BAMStarSchema Database (BAM Star Schema): This database contains the staging table, and the measure and dimension tables.

Binding: In BizTalk, the term 'binding' refers to the configuration of orchestration ports in order to control the creation of subscriptions and/or 'promoted' properties. Binding is used to control how messages will be routed to or from orchestration ports by the subscription mechanism. Hence, binding often involves additional creation and configuration of messaging Send and Receive ports so that these messaging ports can be bound to orchestration ports. Orchestration ports can also be bound to other orchestration ports. The term binding is also used to define the association of a map or pipeline within the messaging port. In BizTalk objects that will be bound to other objects must be in the same (or a referenced) application.

Binding File: A binding file is an .xml file that contains binding information for each BizTalk orchestration, pipeline, map, or schema in the scope of a BizTalk assembly, application, or group. The binding file describes what host each orchestration is bound to and its trust level as well as the settings for each send port, send port group, receive port, receive location, and party that has been configured. You can generate binding files and then apply the bindings they contain to an assembly, application, or group to avoid needing to manually configure bindings in different deployment environments.

BizTalk: Microsoft BizTalk Server, often referred to as simply "BizTalk" or "BizTalk Server", is Microsoft’s Integration and connectivity server solution. With a robust messaging infrastructure, dehydration and rehydration functionalities, more than 25 multi-platform adapters, rules engine (BRE), ability to obtain performance information on critical business processes, debug, persistence, treatment and error recovery, transactions,… Makes BizTalk Server a tool and infrastructure unique, ideal to be used primarily for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Business to Business (B2B) Integration and Business Process Management (BPM) solutions. (see more here)

BizTalk Administrator: a system administrator will have other concerns such as the health of servers and their activity (HAT - Health and Activity Tracking), he has overall responsibility for the BizTalk Environment, such as: installation, configuration and system maintenance, deploying and managing BizTalk Applications, monitoring (unlocking messages and processes or ensuring proper flow of messages), disaster recovery.

BizTalk Administration console: A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) used to administer a BizTalk Server group.

BizTalk Administrators Group: The group that administers BizTalk Server. Administrative tasks include accessing the Suspended queue, updating the Configuration database, and so on.

BizTalk Application: The BizTalk application is a feature introduced in BizTalk Server 2006 that makes it quicker and easier to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot BizTalk Server business solutions. A BizTalk application is a logical grouping of the items, called "artifacts," used in a BizTalk Server business solution. (see more here)

BizTalk Application 1: The application created by default in every new BizTalk Server installation. This application is created mainly for backwards compatibility. Artifacts that were deployed without an application specified are shown in this folder. Also, new artifacts that are deployed without an application specified are deployed to the Default Application. Any application may be set as the default by changing a user setting. As the default appliction cannot be deleted, specifying a critical appliction as the default protects it from accidental deletion.

BizTalk Application Users Group: The group of users (generally the service or host accounts) who can access MessageBoxes for a particular BizTalk Group.

BizTalk Application View: One of two views (along with BizTalk Deployment View) that appears when the System Center Operations Manager console for BizTalk Server is opened. A BizTalk administrator uses this view to monitor the health of BizTalk artifacts and applications such as orchestrations, send ports, and receive locations.

BizTalk Architect: knower of the entire system integration: backup and recovery plans, security, logging, message flow, communication interface, etc. An architect leverages their knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of the tools at his disposal (BizTalk engine, BAM, BRE, etc.) to design; and work with programmers to build, projects that fulfill the requiremnts of the required system.

BizTalk Artifacts: Artifacts in BizTalk can be a lot of things it includes:  Receive Ports and Locations, Send Ports and Send Port Groups, Schemas, Maps, Pipelines, Adapters, Orchestrations, Role Links and Service Link Roles, Parties, Policies, the assemblies, security certificates, business rules policies, BAM configuration files, bindings, and so forth that are necessary for a BizTalk application to function. (see more here)

BizTalk Assemblies: All BizTalk Server artifacts; maps, schemas, orchestrations, and pipelines, get compiled into .NET assemblies. These BizTalk assemblies (as well as any other .NET helper assemblies that BizTalk will invoke) must be registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) of each BizTalk runtime server and as such they must be string-named. This strong naming also provides support for versioning. The main implication of this is that a BizTalk project, once built against a particular version of another .NET project or assembly (including BizTalk projects), continues to use that version until it has been rebuilt against a newer version. (see more here)

BizTalk Benchmark Wizard: The BizTalk Benchmark Wizard (BBW) is a tool built by Mikael Håkansson and Ewan Fairweather. This tool is intended to validate a BizTalk installation. The benchmark wizard performs load to BizTalk Server in relation to specific scenarios.

BizTalk CAT Instrumentation Framework Controller: is an easy-to-use GUI for the BizTalk CAT Instrumentation Framework. This controller enables you to start and stop a trace and adjust filter options, and can easily enable real-time tracing to Microsoft SysInternals DebugView (or other debuggers), to a log file or to both at the same time.

BizTalk Consultant: A BizTalk consultant is a BizTalk developer/administrator with deep knowledge regarding the administration of BizTalk, configuring the environment, architecting, building, testing and deploying solutions.

BizTalk Deployment Framework: The BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) supports deployments for BizTalk applications that goes far beyond BizTalk’s out-of-the-box deployment functionality.

BizTalk Developer:  implements and extends the basic functionalities, taking advantage of the different tools. Here there are many areas completely orthogonal and a programmer may not master them all at the same level: Orchestration, Adapters, Pipelines, Mappings, Functoids, Routing, Rules, Tracking, OLAP, and many more.

BizTalk Documenter: it's a tool that can automatically generate a Technical (design) documentation (compiled chm, and even HTML for 2010 version) of BizTalk solution and its configuration.

BizTalk Editor: BizTalk Editor is a tool that runs within the Microsoft Visual Studio environment. You can use it to create, edit, and manage schemas for use with your application. BizTalk Editor uses its own graphical system of hierarchical records and fields to represent the structure of instance messages, and uses the XML Schema definition (XSD) language to store the schemas that it defines.

BizTalk Environment: A BizTalk environment is a complete installation of BizTalk, including all the artifacts required to run. SQL, BizTalk etc. This can be on a stand-alone environment or over many different servers in a multi-server environment

BizTalk Environment Config Loader: This tool build by Rudolf Henning automates the configuration of hosts, hosts instances, adapters and adapter handlers. This helps to configure the BizTalk environment quickly without all the manual steps usually needed.

BizTalk Explorer: A BizTalk Server 2004 tool hosted within Visual Studio that enables you to view and manage the configuration details of your project, this tool displays the contents of assemblies, ports, orchestrations, and parties in the BizTalk Configuration database. the tool was deprecated with BizTalk Server 2006 and later in favor of the BizTalk Server Administration Console.

BizTalk Explorer Object Model: The BizTalk Explorer Object Model is a managed object model that enables programmatic configuration of BizTalk artifacts. The API allow us to automate the post-deployment tasks such as creating ports, binding orchestrations, or managing party properties.

BizTalk Expression Editor: is an editor found in Orchestration Designer and it's a standard Visual Studio text editor, which means it offers IntelliSense and allows to enter .NET code. You use BizTalk Expression Editor to enter an expression in textual form.

BizTalk Flat File Schema Wizard: is a template inside Visual Studio that allows you to converting Flat File into XML message which BizTalk can understand in a graphical a simple maner.

BizTalk Framework: A platform-neutral e-commerce framework that is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) schemas and industry standards. The framework enables integration across industries and between business systems, regardless of platform, operating system, or underlying technology.

BizTalk Group: The BizTalk group is a unit of organization that usually represents an enterprise, department, hub, or other business unit that requires a contained BizTalk Server implementation. The BizTalk group has a one-to-one relationship with a BizTalk Server Management database.

BizTalk Mapper Designer: is a tool that runs within the Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET environment. You use Mapper to create and edit maps to translate or to transform messages. Maps are used in orchestrations, as the following figure suggests, and may also be used in send port message processing. Using BizTalk Mapper, you define the relationship between an input and an output schema by using links and functoids. A link defines a direct data copy of a record or field. Links may directly connect to items in the other schema, or they may form connections to functoids. Functoids perform more complex data manipulations. (see more here)

BizTalk Orchestration Designer: BizTalk includes an Orchestration Designer, integrated into Visual Studio that enables developers to represent the business process in a visual way (association of links between shapes, representation of ports and some configurations) making it easier to manage and read than textual language (C#, Java). It simplifies the process of creating orchestration models of business processes that are compiled into executable code.

BizTalk Project: The BizTalk project system is shipped with a Visual Studio template called the BizTalk Server Project template. Also refers to a development project utilizing Microsoft BizTalk Server.

BizTalk Schema: BizTalk Server supports the following four types of schemas: XML schema, Flat file schema, Envelope schema and Property schema. Any XML schema has the potential to be used by BizTalk Server however some schemas utilize extentions to the W3C standards to implement special BizTalk functionailty. Envelope and Property schemas are exampls of these "extended capabilities".

BizTalk Server: Microsoft BizTalk Server, often referred to as simply "BizTalk" or "BizTalk Server", is Microsoft’s Integration and connectivity server solution. With a robust messaging infrastructure, dehydration and rehydration functionalities, more than 25 multi-platform adapters, rules engine (BRE), ability to obtain performance information on critical business processes, debug, persistence, treatment and error recovery, transactions,… Makes BizTalk Server a tool and infrastructure unique, ideal to be used primarily for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Business to Business (B2B) Integration and Business Process Management (BPM) solutions. (see more here)

BizTalk Server 2000: First version of the product was released in 12/12/2000. Introducing: Messaging, XML tools, XLang. Over 500 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2002: Second release of the product was been enhanced with the following features: Deployment Tools, XSD, EAI (partner adapters), Vertical B2B. Over 2000 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2004: The third version of the product was a technology revolution, was the first version to run on Microsoft .NET 1.0, introduced the mapper, CBR, PubSub and so on. it was been enhanced with the following features: VS + .NET, Messaging + Orchestration, BRE, Routing, BAM, Scale-out. Over 4000 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2006: The fourth version of the product was the first version to run on Microsoft .NET 2.0. It was been enhanced with the following features: Simple configuration, Adapters in Box, HIS, Runtime+, BAM+. Over 7000 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2006 R2: The fifth version of the product was the first version to utilize the new Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) via native adapter. It was been enhanced with the following features: SOA/ESB, EDI/AS2, RFID, WCF Adapter Pack 1.0, Adapter SDK. It was release in October 2, 2007. Over 8500 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2009: The sixth version of the product was the first version to work with Visual Studio 2008. It was been enhanced with the following features: ALM Support, B2B Enhancements, RFID Mobile  platform, Adapter Pack 2.0, ESB 2.0 Toolkit, BAM+, Hyper-V Support. Over 10500 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2010: The seventh version of the product was the first version to work with Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET 4.0. It was been enhanced with the following features: Windows AppFabric, ESB 2.1, SharePoint 2010 BCS, Data Mapper, Trading Partner Management, Secure FTP, Updated Swift & HIPAA, SQL Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2. Over 12000 Customers.

BizTalk Server 2013: The eighth version of the product was the first version to work with Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft .NET 4.5. In this release, Microsoft is focused on the “One BizTalk” vision and have invested both in the on-premises server and in the cloud. (The cloud offerings, which will be released soon, include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) capabilities as well as Platform as a Service (PaaS) capabilities).

BizTalk Server Best Practices Analyzer: The BizTalk Server Best Practices Analyzer performs configuration-level verification by reading and reporting only. It gathers data from different information sources, such as Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) classes, SQL Server databases, and registry entries and use that data to evaluate the deployment configuration.

BizTalk Server Functoids Wizard: or BizTalk MapperExtensions Functoid Wizard is a Custom Functoid Project Wizard for Visual Studio that allows you to create new Functoids project for BizTalk Server without having to create manually the project. Supports both C# and VB.NET.

BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard: The Pipeline Component Wizard is intended to ease the development of pipeline components used within a BizTalk Server environment. Supports both C# and VB.NET.

BizTalk Software Factory: is a community tool that helps BizTalk developers build consistent BizTalk solutions.

BizTalk SSO Configuration Data Storage Tool: useful utility tool to store/retrieve BizTalk configuration settings (key/value pairs) in Enterprise SSO database.

BizTalk SQL Server: This is the SQL server for BizTalk running the databases used by BizTalk and the SQL Agent jobs

BizTalk Terminator: This tool was created by the BizTalk support team to resolve common database integrity issues typically found in the BizTalk MsgBox Viewer output. Common tasks include removing instances and purging large tables.

BizTalk XML Schema Editor: or BizTalk Editor, it's a tool that runs within the Microsoft Visual Studio environment. You can use it to create, edit, and manage schemas for use with your application. BizTalk Editor uses its own graphical system of hierarchical records and fields to represent the structure of instance messages, and uses the XML Schema definition (XSD) language to store the schemas that it defines.

BizTalkMgmtDb Database (BizTalk Management): This database is the central meta-information store for all instances of BizTalk Server

BizTalkMsgBoxDb Database (BizTalk MessageBox): This database is used by the BizTalk Server engine for routing, queuing, instance management, and a variety of other tasks.

BizTalkDTADb Database (BizTalk Tracking database): This database stores health monitoring data tracked by the BizTalk Server tracking engine.

BizTalkRuleEngineDb Database (Rule Engine): This database is a repository for: Policies, which are sets of related rules; Vocabularies, which are collections of user-friendly, domain-specific names for data references in rules.

Business Activity Monitoring (BAM): BAM is used to monitor business milestones and key metrics in near real-time throughout a process in BizTalk. Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is a module in BizTalk that captures business data and process milestones to allows business decision makers to gain insight of their in-flight processes.  Using BI tools to derive up-to-date metrics and key performance indicators from the BAM databases, users can forecast process trends and monitor processes in real-time. BAM also provides a mechanism to alert users to situations that require their intervention to prevent undesirable outcome or to encourage a beneficial result.

Business Activity Services (BAS): An optional BizTalk Server feature that allows business users to configure and interact with business processes and trading partners through a website hosted by Windows SharePoint Services.

BizTalk BAS Users: Users in the business user group role can access the BAS site and have permission to use some aspects of the trading partner publishing Web service. For example, these users can create partner profiles, but they cannot deploy the profiles to a BizTalk Server computer.

BizTalk BAS Managers: Users in the business manager group role can access the BAS site and have permission to use Trading Partner Management (TPM) tools. They can perform tasks in BAS that configure business processes in BizTalk Server such as deploying partners or activating agreements.

BizTalk BAS Administrators: Users in the business administrator group role can access the BAS site and perform administrative tasks on the site, such as registering BizTalk Server computers.

BizTalk BAS Web Services: The technical group role contains the different service accounts used to run BAS; it does not contain individual user accounts. Service accounts have access to the TPM database and to the Business Activity Service Windows SharePoint Services Web service.

BizTalk Host: A logical process and security boundary within BizTalk Server. Each host has a security group assigned to it and may contain multiple host instances, each on an individual machine, that perform the work of the host. In turn, each host instance belongs to exactly one host, and the service account of the host instance belongs to the security group of the host. The security group may be used to grant permissions to physical resources such as databases for use by any host instances in the host.

BizTalk Server Management Pack: BizTalk Server Management Pack offers monitoring capabilities for BizTalk artifacts and BizTalk-related platform components. It allows administrators to monitor health state of various BizTalk artifacts such as Send Ports, Orchestrations etc. and platform artifacts such as Host Instances (BizTalk service). Further, this mp includes performance views, diagnostic capability and alerts.

BizTalk Server Messaging Engine: A set of services required in a middleware product to facilitate solutions to customer scenarios. These run-time services are an essential part of the BizTalk Server platform. Among these services are performant pipeline processing of messages. Pipeline processing provides data format normalization and property extraction.

BizTalk WCF Consuming Wizard: wizard to generate the BizTalk artifacts, such as BizTalk orchestrations and types, to consume a WCF service based on the metadata document of the WCF service.

BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard: wizard to create and publish BizTalk orchestrations as WCF services, and to publish schemas as WCF services for the isolated WCF adapters hosted by Web applications running in IIS.

BizTalk Web Services Publishing Wizard: wizard to create and publish BizTalk orchestrations as Web services, and to publish schemas as Web services.

BizUnit: this tool enables automated tests to be rapidly developed. BizUnit is a flexible and extensible declarative test framework targeted that rapidly enables the automated testing of distributed systems, for example it is widely used to test BizTalk solutions.

**BRE Forward Chaining: **Forward chaining is a very powerful notion that enables atomic rules to be assembled into rulesets without the definition of, or necessarily even the knowledge of, the dependencies among the rules. However, in some scenarios, the rule writer may want the ability to provide more control over the chaining behavior, specifically the ability to limit the chaining that occurs. This enables the rule modeler to do the following: Limit the repetitive execution of rules, which may give incorrect results. Increase performance.Prevent runaway loops.

BTSTask: A command-line tool that enables you to manage applications and assemblies. You can use BTSTask to add a BizTalk application to the BizTalk Management database, add a resource to an application, export an application to an MSI file, export binding information to a file, import an application from an MSI file, import binding information from a file, list all of the resourcesin an application, list all applications in the BizTalk Management database, list the contents of an MSI file, remove an application from the BizTalk Management database and BizTalk Administration Console, and remove a resource from an application.

Business Analyst: A user who possesses business management and economics analysis skills. The primary responsibility of the business analyst is to consume business-level data and analyze it for business trends.


Business Rules Composer: In Microsoft® BizTalk® Server, the Business Rule Composer is a graphic tool used for authoring, versioning, and deploying policies and vocabularies.

Business Rules Engine: A run-time inference engine that can link highly readable, declarative, semantically rich rules to any business objects (.NET components), XML documents, or database tables. It can evaluates rules against facts and initiates actions based on the results of that evaluation.

Business Rules Engine Framework: BizTalk Server includes the Business Rules Framework as a stand-alone .NET-compliant class library that includes a number of modules, support components, and tools. The primary modules include the Business Rule Composer for constructing policies, the Rule Engine Deployment Wizard for deploying policies created in the Business Rule Composer, and the Run-Time Business Rule Engine that executes policies on behalf of a host application.

Business Rule Language: A rule markup language in XML format for declarative rule definitions.

Business-to-Business: Relating to the sales category pertaining to transactions and related activity between a business and buyers who are not consumers, such as government bodies, companies, and resellers. Refers to one business communicating with or selling to another.


Call Orchestration Shape: Orchestration shape that enables your orchestration to call another orchestration synchronously.

Call Rules Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to configure a Business Rules policy to be executed in your orchestration.

Command-line Deployment Tool: Tools used to add, remove, import and export assemblies, import and export bindings, and install or uninstall assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC).

Compensate Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to call code to undo or compensate for operations already performed by the orchestration when an error occurs.

Compensation: A long-running transaction can specify a compensation block that will be called to compensate for the transaction's activities, after it commits. It might simply undo the transaction where feasible, or perform some other function, such as notification, that helps mitigate the effects of the transaction in some way. If you do not add your own compensation code, the runtime engine will by default call the compensation blocks of the inner transactions, both long-running and atomic, in reverse order, starting with the last transaction committed and finishing with the first transaction committed. Briefly, it's a group of actions designed to undo or mitigate the effect of a committed transaction.

Compile: In the context of BizTalk Server, the process of converting the design-time representation of BizTalk Server items such as schemas, maps, and orchestrations into their run-time equivalents, stored in Visual Studio assemblies.

Connector: in BizTalk, we can call a connector as a software component that enables you to easily exchange messages between BizTalk Server with different systems, i.e, it's an adapter- a communications service used to exchange documents with your trading partners or your internal systems.

Constraint: A property that restricts the initiator of the root action and targets for any other action within the activity model.

Content-Based Routing: The routing of a document based on the information extracted from the payload of the document. In BizTalk Server, content-based routing is achieved by using property promotion and filter expressions on send ports and orchestrations. A typical BizTalk Server business process involves receiving, processing, and sending messages. At times, you may receive types of messages (such as partner-to-partner correspondence) that do not require intensive processing in an orchestration, and could therefore benefit from a simpler solution. Content-based routing eliminates the need for message subscriptions for messages that are deterministically bound to specific ports, and provides additional flexibility for users who want to route messages based on context properties (or simply based on receive port configuration properties).

Continuation: The ability to contribute to a single BAM activity from different applications by using two different unique identifiers as the ActivityID. For example, in one part of a business process, a customer’s PO number might be used to track an activity. In another part of the process, an internal order fulfillment number might be used to track the same activity. You could enable continuation and relate the PO number and the order fulfillment number, so that both parts of the process could add information to the same activity.

Construct Message Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to construct a message.

Conversion Functoids: Functoids that you can used to convert data, such as: convert ASCII to characters or to convert numbers from one base to another (hex, decimal).

Correlation: Correlation is the process of finding a relation between objects, for example an incoming message with the appropriate instance of an orchestration, or a request message with a response message, or between several request messages. With this technique you can define unique properties for a message known as a correlation type, and use them to associate it with a given instance of an orchestration, and the message's proper sequence as defined by a correlation set. There are three correlated messages exchange patterns: Traditional handshake, Sequential convoy and Parallel convoy. BizTalk has a special mechanism to manage correlations.

Correlation ID: A randomly generated ID that is associated with a message and passed along for the lifetime of a given message.

Correlation Set: An instance of a correlation type; that is, the listed properties for a message that are used to determine whether it belongs to a given instance of an orchestration.

Correlation Type: A set of message properties that uniquely identify a business process and that are used to correlate messages with orchestration instances.

Cross Reference: By reference data we mean an attribute of an object within a system that is restricted to a specific list of values.  In integration scenarios when we pass a message from one system to another these lists of reference data are different between the systems. (see more here)

Cumulative Functoids: Functoids that you can used to perform various types of accumulation operations for values that occur multiple times within an instance message.

Custom Adapter: In some cases BizTalk Server may need to transport messages to a specific custom application or use a protocol for which a native adapter does not exist. If you are unable to locate an adapter to support your communication requirements, BizTalk Server provides a framework for developers so that you can develop your own custom adapter.

Custom Functoid: Although BizTalk Server provides many functoids to support a range of diverse operations, you will likely encounter a situation that requires a different approach. Custom functoids provide a way for you to extend the range of operations available within the BizTalk Server mapping environment. Each custom functoid is deployed as a .NET assembly using classes derived from Microsoft.BizTalk.BaseFunctoids.

Custom Pipeline: A pipeline is a piece of software infrastructure that contains a set of .NET or COM components that process messages in a predefined sequence. A pipeline divides processing into categories of work called stages, and determines the sequence in which the stages are performed. BizTalk provides some default pipelines but sometimes developers needs to add additional components or different logic in the pipelines, this pipelines created by developers are called custom pipelines.

Custom Pipeline Component: Receive and send pipelines in BizTalk are used to perform a range of processing and operations on messages. Pipelines contain stages and each stage can hold more than one pipeline component. Pipelines and pipeline components present out of box can do most of the tasks for you. But sometime specific message processing or massaging requirements encourage developers to develop custom pipeline components. You can create three types of pipeline components: general, assembling, and disassembling. Each of the three types can additionally implement probing functionality. Each type of pipeline component has an associated interface that must be implemented for the component to be plugged into the BizTalk Messaging Engine; the pipeline interfaces that distinguish the types of components are IComponent, IAssemblerComponent, and IDisassemblerComponent. A custom pipeline component is just a plain .NET class that implements several BizTalk interfaces.

Custom scripts: Custom scripts are commonly used in maps to accomplished more complex transformations or to facilitate some mapping conditions. The Scripting functoid enables you to use custom script or code at run time to perform functions otherwise not available and supports the following languages for the Scripting functoid: C#, .NET, JScript .NET, Visual Basic .NET, Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) and XSLT Call Templates.


Data Dimension: A specific node created in the hierarchical view of the Tracking Profile Editor as an immediate child of the specific tracking profile in order to describe a logical grouping or dimension of data. Each data dimension is uniquely named and is made up of one or many data fields.

Data Item: A specific node created in the hierarchical view of the Tracking Profile Editor that is a direct child of Data Category. The data field exists as a specific field from the business payload. 

Database Functoids: Functoids that you can used to look up data from a database and to perform simple cross-referencing operations (sometimes called ID mapping).

Date and Time Functoids: Functoids that you can this is a set of operations applicable on dates like, add date, time, date and time, or add days to a specified date, in output data.

DebugView: enables you to trace what is happening inside your application by letting you monitor debug output on your local system, or any computer on the network that you can reach via TCP/IP. It is capable of displaying both kernel-mode and Win32 debug output, so you don't need a debugger to catch the debug output your applications.

Decide Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to conditionally branch in your orchestration.

Decode Pipeline Component (Decode Stage): A receive pipeline component responsible for decode or decrypt the message. The MIME/SMIME Decoder pipeline component or a custom decoding component should be placed in this stage if the incoming messages need to be decoded from one format to another. The syntax transformations can occur in this stage through a custom component.

Dedicated Hosts: The term dedicated hosts are brought up every now and then. Dedicated hosts performs dedicated tasks, and makes it easier to both control and have creates a better overview of you environment configuring throttling and thresholds is also a lot easier when you have split them up, also take a look at.

Dedicated Send Host: Dedicated send hosts are hosts primarily dedicated to sending out information from BizTalk.

Dedicated Receive Host: Dedicated receive hosts are hosts primarily dedicated to receiving information to BizTalk.

Dedicated Orchestration Host: The dedicated orchestration host should only be run for orchestration.

Dedicated Tracking Host: This host however is maybe one of the more important once. It is the host dedicated to move tracking data from the message box to the tracking database. This host however should have the option “Allow host tracking” checked. And should never run any receive location, orchestration or send ports. It should primarily only move tracking from the message box to the tracking database.

Default Application: When you install BizTalk Server, a default application named BizTalk Application 1 is created in the BizTalk Management database and appears in the BizTalk Server Administration console. When you upgrade from an earlier version of BizTalk Server, your artifacts are automatically placed in this application. In addition, when you import a Windows Installer (.msi) file by using BTSTask without specifying an application, the artifacts in the .msi file are imported into the default application.

Default Host: Administration objects that facilitate deployment and orchestration enlistment. These objects are identified in the BizTalk Server Administration console with a checkmark symbol. During the orchestration enlistment process, the default host is automatically used to host the orchestration, unless the user explicitly selects a different host.

Default Pipelines: When you create a new application, the default pipelines are created and deployed by default and appear in the Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines assembly in the \References folder for every BizTalk project. The default pipelines cannot be modified in Pipeline Designer. These pipelines can be selected when configuring a send port or receive location in BizTalk Explorer.

Dehydration: The engine might determine that an orchestration instance has been idle for a relatively long period of time. It calculates thresholds to determine how long it will wait for various actions to take place, and if those thresholds are exceeded, it will dehydrate the instance. This save the state of a running orchestration to a persistent storage and remove it from memory when the orchestration has been idle for a certain length of time.

Delay Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to build delays in your orchestration based on a time-out interval. For more information, see Using the Delay Shape.

Delimited Flat Files: A delimited flat file contains one or more records separated by a specified delimiter. BizTalk Editor does not read delimiters as part of the data. However, if the delimiter character does appear as data, the data can be formatted (placed within quotation marks, for example) so that the data and the delimiter are distinguishable.

Deploy: is the act of published or to install a new software or application up and running properly in its environment.

Destination Schema: The schema used in a BizTalk Server map that represents the structure of the output message instances.

Direct binding: BizTalk offers four binding models, each with different characteristics. Each model is really a set of higher level abstractions of the basic BizTalk subscription mechanisms. One of these models is called 'Direct Binding'. The term 'direct binding' is used to suggest that the techniques involved are all about binding one orchestration port directly to another. In this model, orchestration ports do not automatically use or exploit BTS.SPID, BTS.ReceivePortID or other related properties. BizTalk therefore does not manage the binding of orchestration ports to messaging Receive and Send ports. Instead, it is entirely up to developers to control subscriptions and message context in order to route messages. Developers are free, if they wish, to route messages to other orchestration ports. External binding configuration cannot be used with directly bound orchestration ports. Direct binding is the most flexible model, but at a cost. You cannot configure your orchestration ports using binding files, and you generally need to do more programming in order to fully exploit the flexibility on offer.

Disassembler Pipeline Component (Disassemble Stage): A receive pipeline component responsible for parse or disassemble the message. The syntax transformations should occur at this stage. In the example that will be demonstrated in this article, we will use the "Flat file disassembler" to transform a text file into XML.

Distinguished Fields: are message elements that are written into the message context. They differ with promoted properties in 2 main aspects: They are not flagged as promoted in the message context and so are not available for routing by the Messaging Engine (adapters, pipeline…). Their typical use is instead for the orchestration engine.; They are not defined using a property schema.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC): A service, integrated with COM+, that makes distributed transactions work. DTC makes it possible to scale transactions from one to many computers without the need for special code.

Document Type Definition (DTD): A Document Type Definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language (SGML, XML, HTML).This is one of the several ways in which the structure of an XML document can be described. BizTalk Server can open a schema described using a DTD, but converts it to XSD in the process. 

DTA: DTA is the tracking data for BizTalk, it standas for Data Tracking Archive. Its used to talk to the refernce of the tracking data or in the SQL database BizTalkDTADb (BizTalk trracking database)

Duration: An element that instructs the BAM Compiler to create additional column in the View that represents the duration between checkpoints.

Dynamic Binding: BizTalk offers four binding models, each with different characteristics. Each model is really a set of higher level abstractions of the basic BizTalk subscription mechanisms. One of these models is called 'Dynamic Binding'. This model has similarities to the 'Specify now' model in that BizTalk collects pipeline information at design time and auto-generates messaging Send ports. Receive ports are not generated, as there is no concept of a 'dynamic' Receive port. However, transport information is not configured in the same way. Instead, developers create expressions in orchestrations to assign transport location URIs using the 'address' property of orchestration ports. The auto-generated messaging Send ports are dynamic, rather than static. Messages passing from an orchestration through dynamic Send and Send-Receive ports are routed solely on the basis of the orchestration port's address property which is used to create BTS.OutboundTransportType and BTS.OutboundTransportLocation 'promoted' context properties. When a dynamic messaging Send port is enlisted, it creates a set of subscriptions, with one subscription for each adapter. Each subscription tests that the BTS.OutboundTransportLocation property exists, and that the BTS.OutboundTransportType property contains a value identifying the adapter. Hence, not only can dynamic binding route messages to any location based on the address, but also via any registered adapter.

Dynamic Send Port: A send port that does not have a destination address and adapter type associated with it. A dynamic send port allows the association of the destination address and adapter type with itself during runtime execution, thus providing flexibility in using the same port for sending messages to different destinations using different adapter types.

DTCPing: This tool is designed to assist with troubleshooting Microsoft DTC Firewall Issues, which you'll often see in a multiserver BizTalk deployment.

DTCTester: is utility is to verify transaction support between two computers, if SQL Server is installed on one of the computers (multi-server BizTalk environment). 


EDIFACT: or United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) is the international EDI standard developed under the United Nations. he EDIFACT standard provides: a set of syntax rules to structure data; an interactive exchange protocol (I-EDI); standard messages which allow multi-country and multi-industry exchange.

EDIFACT UNOA Syntax: An EDIFACT syntax that allows the following characters only: uppercase letters, all digits, blank, exclamation mark (!), quotation mark ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), opening and closing parentheses ( "(" and ")"), asterisk (*), comma, dash (-), decimal point (.), forward slash (/), semicolon (;), less-than sign (<), and greater-than sign (>).

EDIFACT UNOB Syntax: An EDIFACT syntax that allows the following characters only: lowercase and uppercase letters, all digits, blank, exclamation mark (!), quotation mark ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark ('), opening and closing parentheses ( "(" and ")"), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma, dash (-), decimal point (.), forward slash (/), colon (:), semicolon (;), less-than sign (<), equal sign (=), greater-than sign (>), and question mark (?).

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): is a method for transferring a structured and normalized documents (data) between different computer systems or computer networks, using a set of standards to control the transfer of documents. It is commonly used by big companies for e-commerce purposes, such as sending orders and invoices to warehouses or tracking their order.

Element: In EDI, the lowest level of information in a document. For example, invoice number. In XML, an XML construct used to organize information in a hierarchical manner by nesting some elements within other elements to a potentially unlimited depth.

Element Groups: Groupings of sibling elements in an XML structure according to different constraints: ordered sequence (Sequence Group), unordered sequence (All Group), and one-of-many (Choice Group).

Encode Pipeline Component (Encode Stage):  A send pipeline component that encode or encrypt the message. Place the MIME/SMIME Encoder component or a custom encoding component in this stage if message signing is required. The syntax transformations can occur in this stage through a custom component.

Encoding Agreement: An agreement between the business profiles of two trading partners to use a specific encoding protocol (X12 or EDIFACT) while exchanging messages.

Encoding Protocol: A protocol that governs the structure and content of a business-to-business message. The encoding protocol settings for a business profile define the encoding protocol that a business division uses to send and receive business-to-business messages. Some examples of encoding protocols are X12, EDIFACT, HIPAA, and EANCOM.

Encryption Key: A string used to encrypt or decrypt credentials information.

Endpoint: The logical representation of a location, typically expressed in URL form, providing a physical address for data received or sent.

Enlist/Enlisted/Unenlisted: The process of associating an orchestration with the physical environment in which it will run including, the adapters needed to transport messages to and from the orchestration, the application process in which the orchestration is hosted, and creating the MessageBox subscriptions indicated by the routing.

Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): The process of bringing data or a function from an enterprise application together with that of another application. Enterprise application integration is an integration framework composed of a collection of technologies and services which form a middleware to enable integration of systems and applications across the enterprise.

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB): is an architectural pattern and a key enabler in implementing the infrastructure for a service-oriented architecture (SOA). Real-world experience has demonstrated that an ESB is only one of many components required to build a comprehensive service-oriented infrastructure (SOI). The term "ESB" has various interpretations in the market, which have evolved over time; however, the basic challenge it addresses is the same. Its primary use is in enterprise application integration (EAI) of heterogeneous and complex landscapes.

Enterprise Single Sign-On System (ESSO): A Credential database, a master secret server, and one or more Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) servers. These servers do the mapping between the Windows and non-Windows credentials, look up the credentials in the Credential database, and are used for administering the SSO system. The Credential database is also used as a configuration store to hold custom configuration data for adapters.

Envelope: A structured set of information that wraps and accompanies an instance message, often describing delivery and processing information. Envelopes can be nested.

Envelope Schemas: A special type of schema that specifies the structure of an envelope, using several extra properties that are specific to envelopes and which specify information such as identifying the envelope contents in an enveloped data stream. Envelopes can be used to attach additional data to the "real" data (business document). This additional data can contain for example all routing and processing information, and allows treating the business data as a "black box", possibly compressed and/or encrypted etc. (see more here). Envelope Schemas are key to the process of splitting XML interchanges.

ESB Toolkit: BizTalk Server includes a powerful publish/subscribe mechanism for messaging applications that works by creating and filling subscriptions, which provides a highly efficient and scalable platform for service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit is an Enterprise Service Bus that extends the functionality of BizTalk Server to provide a range of new capabilities focused on building robust, connected, service-oriented applications that incorporate itinerary-based service invocation for lightweight service composition, dynamic resolution of endpoints and maps, Web service and WS-* integration, fault management and reporting, and integration with third-party SOA governance solutions.

**Exception Handler (Catch Exception block): **The Catch Exception block represents an exception handler. Catch Exception blocks are attached to the end of a Scope shape in Orchestration Designer.  Exception handling code is placed inside the Exception Handler.

Export Wizard: A wizard that you start from the BizTalk Administration Console to generate an MSI file from a BizTalk application. You can then copy this MSI file to a different instance of BizTalk Server and use the Import Wizard to import the resources of the MSI file.

Expression Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to assign values to variables or make .NET calls.

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT): is a style sheet language for XML documents (stands for XSL Transformations), it defines the transformation rules of the messages. it evolved from the early Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) standard. XSL specifies a language definition for XML data presentation and data transformations. Data presentation means displaying data in some format and/or medium, and concerns style. Data transformation refers to parsing an input XML document into a tree of nodes, and then converting the source tree into a result tree. Transformation concerns data exchange.

External Message Format: The format of the message before or after it is processed by BizTalk Server. Sometimes the term "wire" format is also used when referring to external message format.


Fact: User data to which rule conditions are applied. At design time a fact is a reference to that data.

Fact Base: A collection of facts against which rule conditions are evaluated.

Failover Transport: A secondary transport.

Fallback Trading Partner Agreement: A collection of settings that BizTalk Server uses for business-to-business message handling, when no explicit agreement is present.

Fault tolerance: Transactions support fault tolerance for recovery from both internal faults (such as machine failures and software faults) and external faults (such as cancel messages). Partial updates within long-running transactions are not rolled back automatically when a transaction failure occurs, as they are in ACID transactions. The exception code block for the long-running transaction is called when a fault occurs. The exception code block contains a set of fault handlers that you write to deal with any of the faults that can arise during the execution of the transaction. You can rely on the last known state of the messages, variables, and objects in handling the fault.

Fiddler: is a Web Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.

File Adapter: The File adapter transfers files into and out of Microsoft BizTalk Server. The File adapter consists of two adapters: a receive adapter and a send adapter. Basically it can read messages from the file system and submit them to the server, as well as write messages from the server to a file on the file system. (see more here)

Filter Expression Property: A property of a Receive shape that determines which messages can be received. The Receive shape must have the Activate property set to True to have a filter expression.

Flat File Schema: Flat file schemas serve two purposes. They define all of the same record and field characteristics (including structure) as XML schemas, and they provide a mechanism for defining all of the flat file characteristics that are required to translate a flat file instance message into an equivalent XML instance message (or vice versa). Flat files can be either delimited or positional. (see more here)

FTP Adapter: The FTP adapter enables you to exchange data between an FTP server and Microsoft BizTalk Server, and allows for the integration of vital data stored on a variety of platforms with line-of-business applications. The FTP adapter consists of two adapters: a receive adapter and a send adapter. (see more here)

Functoids: We can consider functoids, as pre-defined functions that we can use to perform complex data manipulations and transformations. Typically on a map, the data is copied from source to destination by dragging links between elements of the two schemes. Functoids stays in the middle of these operations and apply an operation on the incoming data in order to transform them to the requirements of the destination. BizTalk Mapper Designer represents a functoid as a box in the middle of the link or links between the processing elements. As a point of interest, functoid is a term coined by Microsoft and is commonly described as “functions on steroids.”

Functoid Toolbox: A dockable window in Visual Studio that serves as the palette of functoids available for use during map construction. Functoids are organized into different toolbox tabs based on their intended purpose.


Global Assembly Cache (GAC): A container on a BizTalk server for a group that holds the same assemblies that are deployed to the configuration database for that group.

Global Port: The friendly name used to associate a port with a partner profile.

Global Tracking: The phrase global tracking is set to track global data, this is service instances and the in and out events.

Group Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to group operations into a single collapsible and expandable unit for visual convenience.


Handler: An instance of a BizTalk host on which an adapter is running.

Health and Activity Tracking (HAT): A user interface that enables specified data to be tracked. This UI can be used to monitor the health of the BizTalk server farm and to track and view specific events and messages.

Health Monitoring: The process of monitoring applications, components, and servers on which a BizTalk Server solution is implemented for the purposes of preempting or fixing problems.

Host: A logical container representing one or more BizTalk Server run-time (host) instances. This is the process space within which information about items resides (that is, all items such as orchestrations, schemas, receive locations, and adapters reside within a host). The host also serves as a security domain within Windows - it represents a virtual process boundary within which host instances run on one or more servers. BizTalk has by default two types of hosts, the in-process and isolated. The hosts are set in the database and creates corresponding tables and rows in the BizTalk databases so the host instances can process data.

Host Instance: A Windows NT Service. A host instance is the physical representation of a host on a specific server.

Host Type: A property that determines whether the host is controlled within or outside of the BizTalk Server process. Host types are In-process or Isolated.

HTTP adapter: HTTP adapter enables you to exchange information between Microsoft BizTalk Server and an application by means of the HTTP protocol. Applications can send messages to a server by sending HTTP POST or HTTP GET requests to a specified HTTP URL and similarly, BizTalk Server can transmit messages to remote applications by sending HTTP POST requests to a specified HTTP URL. The HTTP adapter consists of two adapters: a receive adapter and a send adapter.  (see more here)


Import/Export: In BizTalk Settings Dashboard, to import/export settings and bindings. The current BizTalk settings for group, host, and host instance are exported and saved as an XML file. BizTalk administrators import these settings to apply them to another BizTalk environment.

Import Wizard: A wizard that you start from the BizTalk Administration Console to import resources from an MSI file into a BizTalk application. If the specified application does not exist, the Import Wizard automatically creates it.

Interruptible Orchestration: An orchestration that can be interrupted in mid-process at well-defined points.

In-process Host: In-process hosts represent service instances that an administrator creates, deletes, and fully controls with WMI and the BizTalk Administration console. Any orchestration can be enlisted to an In-process host, and any send handler can be hosted by it. In-process hosts can only host receive handlers for In-process hosts (File and MSMQT).

In-process Receive Adapter: An adapter that is hosted in the BizTalk Server processes. It is created, controlled, and destroyed by server processes.

Installation Wizard: A wizard that you can start during the final step of the Import Wizard to install a BizTalk application on the local computer.

Instance Message: A discrete unit of run-time data flowing through BizTalk Server, usually representing a particular business document such as a purchase order, and as differentiated from the BizTalk Server schema that defines its structure.

Interceptor: A mechanism used to extract data from processing streams and persist the data to storage.

Interchange: In EDI, a logical combination of documents. Interchanges are destined for a single recipient. In BizTalk messaging, an interchange is a body of data that is processed by the disassembly stage of a receive pipeline or the assembly stage of a send pipeline. The interchange contains zero or more messages. In a receive pipeline, the disassembler extracts the messages contained in the interchange it received, and propagates these messages further down the receive pipeline.

Internal Message Format: The format of the message after or before it is processed by BizTalk Server. For example, BizTalk Server receives a message, at the start of the receive pipeline, in the external format. After the message goes through the pipeline, it is in the internal format.

Isolated Host: Isolated hosts primarily host adapters that must run outside of the normal BizTalk Server runtime process. For example, you use isolated hosts to host adapters for external processes such as ISAPI extensions and ASP.NET. An Isolated host cannot have orchestrations enlisted to it, host a send handler, use host tracking, or be used as the default host for the group.

Isolated Receive Adapter: The receive adapter that is hosted in a process other than a BizTalk Server process. This adapter is created and controlled by external process and it registers with BizTalk server at run time to submit messages.

Itinerary: [ESB Toolkit] An itinerary is a set of steps, where each step performs an action e.g. message transformation, routing, orchestration execution. An itinerary is a visual representation of an Xml document that can be used with the ESB Toolkit. The itinerary is started in an 'On-Ramp' (port, or orchestration) using a 'resolver'.

Itinerary Designer: [ESB Toolkit] Itinerary Designer is a tool that runs within the Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET environment. You can use the ​Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit Itinerary Designer to create ESB mediation policies, named itineraries, used at run time for itinerary-based routing. The tool provides several shapes, or model elements, that correspond to different actions that you may perform while designing an itinerary.

Itinerary-Service: [ESB Toolkit] An itinerary-service is a step of the itinerary, this can be an Messaging service (aka: Pipeline component that runs in the context of a receive/send handler), Orchestration service (orchestration which performs processing). The itinerary-services are typically started in an on-ramp and subscribe using specific filters (ServiceName, ServiceType, SeviceState)


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for J.D. Edwards EnterpriseOne enables you to use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business functions within BizTalk Server. (see more here)

JD Edwards OneWorld Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for JD Edwards OneWorld enables you to use JD Edwards OneWorld business functions within BizTalk Server. (see more here)


Key Performance Indicator (KPI): Customizable business metrics provided by Analysis Services. KPIs consist of relevant attributes and associated calculations that generate industry-standard goals and benchmarks. A KPI collection includes a measure, a goal, display properties, and variances. Companies use KPIs to track performance and improve decision-making abilities.


Late Bound Port: A port defined in the orchestration, which has the Binding property set to Specify later. A late bound port is configured when it is bound to a physical port. The binding is performed using the BizTalk Administration Console.

Line-of-Business Application (LOB): An application that is vital to running enterprises, such as payroll, resource planning, supply chain management, and accounting.

Link: Links in map specify the basic function of copying data from an element or attribute in an input instance message to an element or attribute in an output instance. You create links between records and fields in the source and destination schemas at design time. (see more here)

Live Data: Data that is currently being processed by BizTalk Server.

Listen Shape: Orchestration shape that enables your orchestration to conditionally branch depending on messages received or the expiration of a timeout period.

Logical Functoids: Functoids that you can used to conditionally control the behavior of other functoids and to determine whether particular output data is created.

Logical Ports: Logical ports are used within BizTalk Server to pass messages to and from a BizTalk orchestration. Logical ports are configured by using Orchestration Designer and appear on the Port Surface areas.

Long-running Transaction: Long-running transactions are important, commonly used constructs in BizTalk orchestrations. They provide you with facilities for custom scope-based compensation, custom scope-based exception handling, and the ability to nest transactions, all of which give you great flexibility in designing robust transaction architecture. They are a collection of actions treated as a unit, typically used to maintain an appropriate state in a robust and predictable fashion. The transaction can take place over an indefinite period of time (days, weeks and longer time durations) and contain several nested transactions.

Loop Shape: Orchestration shape that enables your orchestration to loop until a condition is met.

Looping Record: A structure that can have more than one occurrence in an instance message.

Log Parser 2.2: Log parser is a powerful, versatile tool that provides universal query access to text-based data such as log files, XML files and CSV files, as well as key data sources on the Windows® operating system such as the Event Log, the Registry, the file system, and Active Directory.


Macro: is a pre-defined variable processed by a component (e.g. adapter or pipeline) before it moves on to its main task. A user assigns macros to the properties of the component, either statically (through an adapter configuration dialog) or dynamically (from within an orchestration). Macros are defined using the percent character (%) at the beginning and end of the macro. For example, if you wanted to include a date and time in your filename, simply use the DateTime macro as follows - %DateTime%. Macros can be used either on their own or in combination with other macros.

Map: Maps are graphical representations of XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) documents that allow us to perform, in a simple and visual manner, transformations between XML messages. A map file basically is the XML file that defines the correspondence between the records and fields in one schema and the records and fields in another schema. You create a map when you want to transform or translate data that you receive or send from one schema to another. (see more here)

Mapper or Mapper Editor: is also called BizTalk Mapper Designer and is a tool that runs within the Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET environment. You use Mapper to create and edit maps to translate or to transform messages.

Mapper Engine: BizTalk Mapper Engine translate the visual representation of the BizTalk Map and convert the mapping rules into XPath queries and XSLT functions in order to transform the required information. BizTalk Mapper Engine proccess the maps by the following model: The BizTalk mapping engine traverses the destination schema from beginning to end; The mapping rules are constructed and executed as links are encountered in the destination schema; The information is extracted from the source when a link is encountered in the destination schema.

Mapper Grid: The mapper grid plays a critical role in the definition of maps, containing the links and functoids that control how data in a source instance message is transformed into an instance message that conforms to the destination schema. The grid view can have multiple layers, called grid pages, allowing you to organize complex maps into logical subdivisions of mappings.

Mapper Grid Page: A single layer in the mapper grid, used to organize related data mappings separate from other data mappings.

Master Secret: A key generated by the master secret server when an Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) Administrator requests it. This secret key is stored in the registry as a Local Security Authority (LSA) secret on the master secret server. Only SSO Administrators can access this secret key.

Master Secret Server: In a distributed Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) environment, the one computer that holds the master secret key in the registry. There can be many SSO servers (on different machines) accessing this single SSO database. Only one of these SSO servers is designated to be the master secret server.

Mathematical Functoids: Functoids that you can used to perform specific numeric calculations such as addition, multiplication, and division.

Message: An electronic instance of data, as typically exchanged between two running business processes or applications.

Message Assignment Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to assign message values.

Message Body Part: The main part of a BizTalk Server message, which contains the actual payload, and in most cases an XML blob. All messages must have at most one body part. Typically the data read from the stream corresponding to the BizTalk Server message body part is used for promoting message context properties. Hence the routing, publication, or subscription that is based on promoted properties is generally done based on the body part.

Message Box Viewer (MBV): The BizTalk Message Box Viewer also known as Message Box Viewer (MBV) was created by Jean-Pierre Auconie. This tool retrieves information from a BizTalk System and identifies all possible issues, which could be critical or need attention, and present them in a user friendly format.

Message Context: A container for various properties that are used by BizTalk Server when processing a document.

Message Context Properties: A set of properties associated with the message.

Message Details View: On the Group Hub page, a detailed view of all known information for a given message in the MessageBox. This view is available through the shortcut menu in the PivotTable field list in one of two Operations views.

Message Flow: A series of contiguous processing steps through which one or more messages flow.

Message Flow View: A view on the Group Hub page that displays a history of processing events for specific messages.

Message Instance: An instance of a message that BizTalk Server is either processing or has serialized into the MessageBox or Tracking datastore for further processing or tracking, respectively. Within BizTalk Server, this is usually a reference to the message, the promoted properties of the message, and the message body.

MessageBox or MessageBox Database: A group of Microsoft SQL Server databases that contain subscription and tracking information for a MessageBox group.

MessageBox Binding: A binding that interacts with the MessageBox.

MessageBox Node: In the BizTalk Administration console, the node used to view a list of the currently running MessageBox databases.

Messages View: On the Group Hub page, a live view of message instances used by services in a MessageBox. The view is available in the Operations menu.

Messaging: One of the primary functions of BizTalk Server, involving the reliable reception, routing and distribution of messages.

Messaging Instance: On the Group Hub page, messaging instances include send port and receive port service instances. Messaging instances refer to messaging service instances.

Metadata: Information, such as location, time, message size, and/or exception information

Microsoft BizTalk Server: often referred to as simply "BizTalk" or "BizTalk Server", is Microsoft’s Integration and connectivity server solution. With a robust messaging infrastructure, dehydration and rehydration functionalities, more than 25 multi-platform adapters, rules engine (BRE), ability to obtain performance information on critical business processes, debug, persistence, treatment and error recovery, transactions,… Makes BizTalk Server a tool and infrastructure unique, ideal to be used primarily for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Business to Business (B2B) Integration and Business Process Management (BPM) solutions. (see more here)

Milestone Alias: In BAM, the name by which you refer to a milestone or data item contained by BAM activities. Each milestone and data item can have multiple.

MQSeries Adapter: The MQSeries adapter serves as a bridge between Microsoft BizTalk Server and IBM MQSeries servers, enabling you to use a full range of options in creating your business processes. (see more here)

MSMQ Adapter: BizTalk Server Adapter for MSMQ (the MSMQ adapter), enables you to send and receive messages to Microsoft Message Queuing queues using Microsoft BizTalk Server. The MSMQ adapter supports Message Queuing 2.0, Message Queuing 3.0, and Message Queuing 4.0. (see more here)

Msgbox: Shortname for the BizTalk Messagebox, and is the location where all messages goes through in BizTalk, the messagebox is a database and is named BizTalkMsgBoxDb

Multi-part Message Type: A definition of the structure of a message, including the data types of its elements. A multi-part message type can contain a single part or many parts.


Native adapter: The adapters supplied by BizTalk Server, which includes MQSeries, File, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, SOAP, and SQL adapters.

Native Pipeline Component: A pipeline component that is provided by Microsoft and ships with BizTalk Server. Examples of this are the Flat File disassembler, the XML disassembler, and the S/MIME Decoder.

Nesting: Long-running transactions can contain atomic transactions or other long-running transactions. They can be nested to arbitrary depths. Nesting is particularly useful when one or more components of the overall transaction need to be atomic while the overall transaction needs to be long-running.

Node: The entry in a schema tree displayed within BizTalk Editor and BizTalk Mapper.


Off-Ramp: [ESB Toolkit] An Off-Ramp corresponds to a BizTalk dynamic send port. As an itinerary is being processed, values are promoted to the context properties of the associated message using the System-Properties.xsd schema. The BizTalk publish-subscribe mechanism uses these promoted properties to route a message through a dynamic send port (off-ramp) to complete a message delivery.

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing): A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide rapid access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is commonly stored in data warehouses in a relational database.

One-way Port Type: A port type consists of a communication pattern, a set of operations (requests or responses), and the message types that those operations can work on. The pattern can be either one-way or request-response (two-way), and all operations defined on that port type must use the same pattern. One-way - input only: The endpoint receives or send a message.

On-Ramp: [ESB Toolkit] A BizTalk receive location responsible for receiving ESB-destined messages.

Operation: A request or request-response pairing on a port that is associated with either a send or receive action.

Operations Views: On the Group Hub page, views that enable the user to view but not track live data.

Operations/Message Details View: A detailed view of all known information for a given message in the MessageBox.

Operations/Messages View: A live view of messages used by services in the MessageBox database.

Operations/Service Instance Details View: A detailed view of all known information for a given service instance in the MessageBox.

Operations/Service Instances View: A live view of services (active or suspended) in the MessageBox database; in BizTalk Server 2002, the WorkQ/SuspendedQ.

Orchestration: Orchestrations are executable business processes that can subscribe to (receive) and publish (send) messages through the MessageBox database. In addition, orchestrations can construct new messages. Or qe can say that it is a BizTalk artifact representing an arbitrary portion of a business process, and compiled into a .NET assembly containing logic for processing BizTalk messaging interchanges. An orchestration instance is also referred to as a BizTalk service that subscribes to messages. The underlying technology is based upon Microsoft's proprietary XLANG/s specification, which is partly based on SOAP, WSDL, WSFL, and BPEL specifications.  (see more here)

Orchestration Binding: An orchestration port that does not connect to a fixed endpoint, but instead connects to the MessageBox directly.

Orchestration Designer: or BizTalk Orchestration Designer is a tool integrated into Visual Studio that enables developers to represent the business process in a visual way (association of links between shapes, representation of ports and some configurations) making it easier to manage and read than textual language (C#, Java). It simplifies the process of creating orchestrations models of business processes that are compiled into executable code.

Orchestration Instance: A running instance of a specific executable business process.

Orchestration Profiler: BizTalk Orchestration Profiler is a really useful tool and recommend to BizTalk developers building orchestration based solutions. It illustrates the degree of shape coverage for a given orchestration. It also facilitates the identification of latency issues and error prone shapes.

Orchestration Shapes: visual representations of underlying actions that you can  place on the orchestration design surface, and they can help you to efficiently design and implement an orchestration.

Orphan Messages: The terms "orphans” and "zombies" are often used interchangeably. An orphaned or zombie message is a message that does not have an associated service instance, typically because the service instance has terminated before the message was received. An orphaned or zombie service is a service that does not have any associated messages.

Oracle E-Business Suite ODBC Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for Oracle E-Business Suite is a development and run-time environment for line-of-business process management and automation that enables you to reuse your existing Oracle E-Business Suite procedures and applications with other applications. (see  more here)

Oracle Database ODBC Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database, enables you to access stored procedures, tables, and views for Oracle databases that run on Oracle 8i or 9i Database. The interfaces are made available as schemas that you can use when Oracle Database items are imported into BizTalk Server projects. (see  more here)


Parallel Actions Shape: Orchestration shape that enables your orchestration to perform two or more operations independently of each other.

Partner: or also called trading partner is an external or internal organization with which your organization exchanges electronic data. For example, a trading partner could be a supplier, a customer, or an internal department.

Partner Agreement Management (PAM): A user interface in the Parties node of the BizTalk Server Administration Console where you set party properties. You can set processing properties for parties engaging in EDI document exchange, EDI batching, AS2 document transport, and global properties to be used in the absence of a party.

Partner Ports: A partner port is a single port used to bind two orchestrations ports of the same type. Every orchestration port has a specific type, and you can create multiple ports of the same type across different orchestrations. The Partner Orchestration Port property will list all available ports of the same type as the port you are configuring.

Party: A party, or organizational unit, represents an entity outside of BizTalk Server that interacts with an orchestration. In BizTalk Server, each organization with which you exchange messages is represented by a party. You can define how the party interacts by enlisting it in a role.

Party Enlistment: The mechanism that ties a party to a role. You can enlist a party in a role, and that enables the orchestration to interact with the party

Pass-through: A configuration of BizTalk Server ports such that a receive port is directly connected to a send port by using only one filter expression on a send port. The filter expression should take the form BTS.ReceivePortName == "Name or receive port". In this configuration, any message that is received by the receive port is directly routed to a send port. The meaning of pass-through execution in BizTalk 2004 is different from the meaning of pass-through execution in BizTalk Server 2000 or 2002. In BizTalk Server 2004, the pass-through execution message is still processed in pipelines and may be transformed in ports as well.

PassThruReceive Pipeline: The pass-through receive pipeline has no components. It is used for simple pass-through scenarios when no message payload processing is necessary. This pipeline is generally used when the source and the destination of the message are known, and the message requires no validation, encoding, or disassembling. This pipeline is commonly used in conjunction with the pass-through send pipeline.

PassThruTransmit Pipeline: The pass-through-send pipeline has no components. This pipeline is generally used when no document processing is necessary before sending the message to a destination.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for PeopleSoft Enterprise enables you to use PeopleSoft objects. (see more here)

Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL):  is a tool that reads in a performance monitor counter log and analyzes it using known thresholds. PAL tool reads a performance monitor counter log (any known format) and analyzes it. Basically it automates the analysis of performance counter logs.  In end you can generate an HTML or XML based report that graphically charts important performance counters and throws alerts (in red), when thresholds are exceeded.

Performance Monitoring: The process of watching the message process/receive rate, number of running orchestrations, number of cache hits, memory usage over time, and so on.

Persistence: The orchestration engine saves to persistent storage the entire state of a running orchestration instance at various points, so that the instance can later be completely restored in memory. If it needs to rehydrate the orchestration instance, start up from a controlled shutdown, or recover from an unexpected shutdown, it will run the orchestration instance from the last persistence point, as though nothing else had occurred. For example, if a message is received but there is an unexpected shutdown before state can be saved, the engine will not record that it has received the message, and will receive it again upon restarting.

Persistence Point at the BizTalk Engine level:  When an Orchestration Instance is suspended, when the system shutdowns in a controlled manner, when the engine determines it wants to dehydrate or when an orchestration instance is finished.

Persistence Point in Orchestration level:  When the end of a transactional scope is reached (atomic or long running), at the execution of other orchestrations through the Start Orchestration shape, at the Send shape,  or at debugging breakpoints.

Physical (early) Binding: Information that is carried in the assembly and used by the deployment process to create send and receive ports.

Physical Ports: Physical ports are used to receive and send messages between BizTalk Server and the outside world. Physical ports are configured and managed by using BizTalk Explorer.

Pipeline: Pipelines are a component of Microsoft BizTalk Server that provides an implementation of the Pipes and Filters integration pattern. During the receiving and sending of messages, there are business reasons to perform transformations on messages to prepare them to enter or leave BizTalk Server. There are two types of pipelines, send and receive, and these match the ports in which they execute.  (see more here)

Pipeline Component: Pipelines contain stages and each stage can hold more than one pipeline component. Pipelines and pipeline components present out of box can do most of the tasks for you. But sometime specific message processing or massaging requirements encourage developers to develop custom pipeline components. This .NET-based custom component can be placed into a pipeline to perform some processing action on the messages going through that pipeline.

Pipeline Designer: is a graphical editor, hosted in Microsoft Visual Studio, which enables you to create new pipelines; view the pipeline templates included with Microsoft BizTalk Server; move pipeline components within a pipeline; and configure pipelines, stages, and pipeline components.

Policy: A policy is a logical grouping of rules. You compose a version of a policy, save it, test it by applying it to facts, and, when you are satisfied with the results, publish it and deploy it to a production environment.  (see more here)

POP3 Adapter: The Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) adapter enables you to retrieve data from a server that houses POP3 mailboxes into a server running Microsoft BizTalk Server by means of the POP3 protocol. This adapter consists of only one adapter, a receive adapter. (see more here)

Port: Ports specify how your orchestration will send messages to and receive messages from other business processes. Each port has a type, a direction, and a binding, which together determine the direction of communication, the pattern of communication, the location the message is sent to or received from, and how the communication takes place.

Port Binding: A port binding specifies the entry points into the BizTalk-based application, and is used to associate the application with physical ports. The port binding contains configuration information that specifies where and how a message is to be sent or received

Port Shape: Orchestration shape that defines where and how messages are transmitted.

Port Type: A property that defines the set of message interaction patterns called operations that are permitted at that endpoint. An operation can be one-way, in which case one message is sent or received, or it could be request-response in which case a message is sent (or received) and a response is received (or sent).

Positional Flat Files: A positional flat file is made up of fields that are of the same fixed length and records that have a common end-of-record terminator. The structure of an incoming file must be represented in the records and fields of the schema so that the positional nature of the incoming file is preserved. Therefore, before defining the message structure of a schema, obtain a layout of the necessary records and fields.

Pre-assemble Pipeline Component (Pre-assemble Stage): A send pipeline component that is a placeholder for custom components that should perform some action on the message before the message is serialized.

Process Explorer: The unique capabilities of Process Explorer make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.

Process Monitor: is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.

Property Fields or Promoted Properties: are Message Context Properties that are flagged as promoted and they are promoted to the message context by the receive pipeline when a message is received on a port. Being promoted it allows the Message Engine to route messages based on their value, and being in the message context allows doing so without having to look at the message payload (which would be an expensive operation).

Property Promotion: is a mechanism that you must use when you want to reference a specific value within a message instance and make it available to various BizTalk Server components (such as orchestration) or for content-based routing purposes. BizTalk provides two types of property promotions: Distinguished Fields and Property Fields.

Property Schema: A property schema is a BizTalk specific schema that defines field elements to be exposed to the BizTalk messaging engine. The Property Schema is associated with a message schema from which the values will be promoted into the message context. These proeprties can be accessed by the messaging engine for use in routing, correlation, and tracking, (see more here)

Publish/Subscribe (or pub/sub): is a messaging paradigm where senders (publishers) of messages are not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers (subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into classes, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be. Subscribers express interest in one or more classes, and only receive messages that are of interest, without knowledge of what (if any) publishers there are. This decoupling of publishers and subscribers can allow for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology.

Publishing: The act of storing a message instance in the MessageBox database so that it can be matched to a subscription from a consuming application.


Query Builder View: A view in the old Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool that you use to create and run queries against the DTA database.

Query Expression: A group of query clauses on the Group Hub page that you can use to create and run queries against the BizTalk Tracking database.

Queue: is a particular kind of abstract data type or collection in which the entities in the collection are kept in order and the principal (or only) operations on the collection are the addition of entities to the rear terminal position, known as enqueue, and removal of entities from the front terminal position, known as dequeue. This makes the queue a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure.


Range Dimension: In BAM, a dimension used to create ranges of crirteria. For example, you could create Low (0-100), Medium (100-500), and High (500-1000) ranges to describe sales of numerical units.

Receive Handler: An instance of a BizTalk Server Host on which a receive adapter is running. A receive handler is a logical container for a receive adapter component.

Receive Handler Host Type: A property that restricts the host type by which a particular receive handler can be hosted.

Receive Location: A receive location is the combination of a specific address at which inbound messages arrive and a specific address of the messaging pipeline that processes the messages received at the first specific address. Receive locations are created in BizTalk Explorer as part of the process of creating a receive port. There are two types of receive locations: One-way- Used for applications that drop off a message and do not wait for a synchronous reply; Request-response- Used with applications that require a response to a message. We can say that they are the physical, design-time notion of a location (such as a URL) and an adapter type. A receive location in the Host node in the BizTalk Server Administration console, defines the receive functionality. (see more here)

Receive Pipeline: A pipeline that is executed on messages after they have been received by an adapter and before they are published into the MessageBox database.

Receive Port: A receive port is a logical grouping of similar receive locations through which services interact with external partners by receiving data. You can create the following types of receive ports: One-way — used for applications that drop off a message and do not wait synchronously for a reply; Request-response — used with applications that require a response to a message. (see more here)

Receive Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to receive a message in your orchestration.

Redeploy: The act of redeploying an assembly that already exists in the target environment by deleting the old bits and deploying the new ones.

Rehydration: The engine can be triggered to rehydrate an orchestration instance by receipt of a message, or by the expiration of a timeout. It will then load the saved orchestration instance into memory, restore its state, and run it from the point where it left off. To activate an idle orchestration in memory from persistent storage as a result of some event taking place, such as a message being received. This will activate an idle orchestration from the persistent storage state into memory as a result of some event taking place, such as a message being received.

Resolver: [ESB Toolkit] The ESB Toolkit uses a resolver framework to resolve dynamically the transformation to be applied, the itinerary to be selected, or routing information such as the endpoint to route to. There are several resolvers predefined, but as it is a .Net based framework, these are higly customizable.

The standard resolvers are used for different scenarios:

  • Static: predefine a static itinerary to use (on-ramp)
  • BRI: use the business rule engine to determine the itinerary (on-ramp)
  • BRE: use business rule engine in an itinerarystep called 'itineraryservice' to determine the map/routing information (itinerary-service)
  • UDDI: define endpoint of services to use (itinerary service)
  • etc.

Request-Response Adapter: A receive adapter that receives a request message from the client, submits it to the server, waits for a response, and then sends the response back to the client.

Request-Response Port Type: A port type consists of a communication pattern, a set of operations (requests or responses), and the message types that those operations can work on. The pattern can be either one-way or request-response (two-way), and all operations defined on that port type must use the same pattern. Request-response - input followed by output: The endpoint receives a message, and sends a correlated message. This type of operation may also output an optional fault message.

Resolve Party Pipeline Component (Resolve Party Stage): A receive pipeline component is a placeholder for the Party Resolution Pipeline Component.

Role: A role is a collection of port types that either uses a service or implements a service. A role represents the type of interaction that a party can have with one or many orchestrations. Roles provide flexibility and ease of management as the number of parties increase. For example, an orchestration might use the role of a Shipper. The Shipper would have one or two parties associated with it. When the orchestration decides which shipping company to use to ship an item, it compares the prices of the parties in the Shipper role.

Role Link: A role link type is a property that characterizes the relationship between two services or orchestrations. It defines the part played by each of the services in the relationship and specifies the port types provided by each role. (see more here)

Role Link Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to create a collection of ports that communicate with the same logical partner, perhaps through different transports or endpoints.

Role Link Type: A property that characterizes the relationship between two services or orchestrations by defining the part played by each of the services in the relationship and specifying the port types provided by each role.

Root Node: A node within a BizTalk Server schema that represents the outermost XML element in the business document specified by the schema.

Rule: Usually refers to a business rule pairing conditions and actions. May also refer to a branch of a Decide shape, containing conditional logic for program flow.

Rule Set: A logical grouping of similar rules. This can be viewed as a grouping/partitioning mechanism of the rule engine.

Rules Engine Framework: The .NET component library, APIs, and services used by application developers to write rule-based applications.

Rules Engine Update Service: A service that performs dynamic policy updates.

Rules Store: A location for persisting policies. A SQL Server database is the default rule store.


SAP Adapter: Microsoft® BizTalk® Adapter v2.0 for mySAP™ Business Suite (the Adapter) enables you to integrate the functionality of BizTalk Server with mySAP™ Business Suite. (see more here)

Schema:  It's a term borrowed from the database world to describe the structure of data in relational tables. In the context of XML, a schema describes a model for a whole class of documents. The model describes the possible arrangement of tags and text in a valid document. A schema might also be viewed as an agreement on a common vocabulary for a particular application that involves exchanging documents. Microsoft BizTalk Server uses the XML Schema definition (XSD) language to define the structure of all messages that it processes, and refers to these definitions of message structure as schemas. With few exceptions, structured messages are the core of any application. (see more here)

Schema Editor Extension: The mechanism through which software modules extend the basic XML/XSD functionality supported by BizTalk Editor. Schema Editor Extensions typically add supplemental properties to one or more nodes in BizTalk schemas to represent their particular semantics.

Scientific Functoids: Functoids that you can used to perform specific scientific calculations such as logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric functions.

Scope Shape: Orchestration shape that provides a framework for transactions and exception handling.

Secure Sockets Layer: A protocol that improves the security of data communication by using a combination of data encryption, digital certificates, and public key cryptography. SSL enables authentication and increases data integrity and privacy over networks. SSL does not provide authorization or nonrepudiation.

Segment: In EDI, a logical combination of elements. For example, name and address details are combined in one segment.

Segment Tag: In EDI, a unique identifier for a segment. Within EDIFACT, for example, segment tags are three-letter uppercase codes that prefix the elements within a document. In ANSI X.12, the segment tags are two or three-letter uppercase codes. A segment tag is similar to a record type identifier.

Send Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to send a message from your orchestration.

Send Handler: An instance of a BizTalk Server Host on which a send adapter is running. A send handler is a logical container for a send adapter component.

Send Pipeline: A pipeline that is executed on messages before they are sent out of the BizTalk server.

Send Port: A send port is the location to which Microsoft® BizTalk® Server sends messages or from which BizTalk Server receives messages. It also provides the technology that BizTalk Server uses to implement the communication action. (see more here)

Send Port Group: A send port group is a named collection of send ports that you can use to send the same message to multiple destinations in a single configuration. This is useful when you want to send a message to multiple destinations. (see more here)

Semantic Transformations: or Data Transformation, this type of transformation usually occurs only in BizTalk maps. Here the document maintains the same syntax that is represented (XML), but changes its semantics (data content). This type of transformation are typically one-way, since that when we added and aggregate small parts of the information, that compose the document into another differently document, we may miss important details for its reconstruction.

Service: A program, routine, or process that performs a specific system function to support other programs at the operating systems level, such as a Windows NT service. A service is a Windows NT service or a COM+ service that runs on a server.

Service Instance: Generally refers to an instance of an orchestration that BizTalk Server is either processing or has serialized into the MessageBox for further processing or tracking. This is usually a serialized representation of the state of the orchestration and references to any messages in use within the orchestration. In the context of messaging, a service instance applies to an instance of a port, for example, a receive port where the input is the receive location and the output is publishing to the MessageBox database, or a send port where the input is the MessageBox and the output is typically a send adapter.

**SFTP Adapter: **BizTalk Server introduces the SFTP adapter to send and receive messages from a secure FTP server using the SSH file transfer protocol. 

Shape: A graphical representation of an action or grouping of actions in an orchestration.

Shape Connector Line: A line used to link shapes and determine their relative order in an orchestration.

Siebel eBusiness Applications Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications is a development and run-time environment for line-of-business process management and automation. (see more here)

Single Sign-On: also called Enterprise Single Sign-On system it's a Credential database, a master secret server, and one or more Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) servers. These servers do the mapping between the Windows and non-Windows credentials, look up the credentials in the Credential database, and are used for administering the SSO system. The Credential database is also used as a configuration store to hold custom configuration data for adapters.

Single Sign-On Administration: The object model accessed by administrative command line utilities (such as ssomanage and ssoconfig), and by Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and BizTalk Explorer for configuration store scenarios. This component communicates with the SSO database using the SSO Server.

Single Sign-On Administrators Group: The Administrator who has the highest level of authority and typically sets up the encryption key.

Single Sign-On Affiliate Application Administrators Group: Administrators who can create and manage affiliate applications, specify the Single Sign-On Application Administrators account for each affiliate application, and perform all the administration tasks that the Single Sign-On Application Administrators and Single Sign-On application users can do.

Single Sign-On Application Administrators Group: Administrators who are assigned specifically to each affiliate application.

Single Sign-On Client Utilities: Available as part of the Administration feature, utilities for end-users to provide their credential mappings in the SSO database. These are used by the SSO server to communicate with the SSO database.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Database:The database in which Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials are stored. Other databases store the URLs and send ports; only one has the secret sub-service.

Single Sign-On Server: The server on which the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) service is installed.

Single Sign-On Services: Services that enable single sign-on for adapters by accessing credentials in the SSO database. These services are used to manage and administer the SSO database. As a configuration store, these services are used to access configuration data for adapters.

SMTP Adapter: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) adapter enables you to exchange information between a server running Microsoft BizTalk Server and other applications by means of the SMTP protocol. Basically, BizTalk Server can send messages to other applications by creating an e-mail message and delivering it to a specified e-mail address. The SMTP adapter consists of only one adapter, a send adapter. (see more here)

SOAP Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Server Web services use the SOAP adapter when receiving and sending Web service requests. The SOAP adapter enables you to publish orchestrations or Schemas as Web services and consume external Web services. The SOAP adapter consists of two adapters—a send adapter and receive adapter. (see more here)

SOAP Fault: An error message returned by a Web service that conveys an application exception in the Web service.

SOAP Header: An optional element contained within the envelope of a SOAP message that can contain data not dirrectly related to the XML Web service method's primary functionality.

SOAP Message: A well-formed XML document. It should use the SOAP envelope and SOAP encoding namespaces and include an optional XML declaration, followed by a SOAP envelope (the root element), which is made up of an optional SOAP header and a SOAP message body.

soapUI: is the leading desktop application for inspecting, invoking, monitoring, simulating/mocking as well as functional testing, security testing, load testing, compliance testing and surveillance testing of REST/WADL and SOAP/WSDL-based Web Service.

Solicit-Response Adapter: A two-way send adapter. A solicit-response send adapter sends a request message from BizTalk Server to a destination, waits for a response message, and then submits the response message back to BizTalk Server.

Source Schema: The schema used in a BizTalk Server map that represents the structure of the output instance messages.

Specify Later Binding: BizTalk offers four binding models, each with different characteristics. Each model is really a set of higher level abstractions of the basic BizTalk subscription mechanisms. One of these models is called 'Specify Later'. In this model, orchestration ports are bound to messaging ports using BTS.SPID, BTS.ReceivePortID or other related properties. Outgoing messages are always routed through static Send ports. Binding configuration can be managed in deployed solutions using binding files or by writing WMI/ExplorerOM code. This is probably the most common model, but is significantly less flexible than direct binding. You have much less control over subscription and 'promoted' properties, and can only use this approach to bind orchestration ports to messaging ports.

Specify Now Binding: BizTalk offers four binding models, each with different characteristics. Each model is really a set of higher level abstractions of the basic BizTalk subscription mechanisms. One of these models is called 'Specify Now'. This model is similar to the 'Specify later' model. However, BizTalk collects transport information at design time, together with pipeline information, and uses this to auto-generate messaging Receive and static Send ports at deployment time. Orchestration ports are then bound to these ports. Binding files can be used, if required, to amend binding configuration on a live system.

SQL Adapter: The SQL adapter enables you to exchange data between Microsoft BizTalk Server and a SQL Server database. You can use the SQL adapter to poll data from one or more data tables and transmit the data as one or more XML messages to BizTalk Server. You can also use the SQL adapter to move large amounts of data to or from the SQL Server database as part of a BizTalk Server messaging or orchestration solution. In addition, you can use the SQL adapter to insert, update, and delete data in SQL Server tables by using SQL updategrams or by invoking stored procedures. (see more here)

SSO Configuration Application MMC Snap-In: This tool provides the ability to add and manage applications, add and manage key value pairs, as well as import and export configuration applications so that they can be deployed to different environments.

SSO Configuration Commandline Tool: This tool is based on code of the SSO Configuration Application MMC Snap-In and it supplies capabilities to perform SSO actions via the commandline.

SSODB Database (SSO database): This Enterprise Single Sign-On database securely stores the configuration information for receive locations.

Stage: A portion of a pipeline dedicated to completing a certain category of work. The pipeline components within the stage complete the actual tasks.

Static Adapter: An adapter that uses the user interface provided by the adapter framework.

Static Port: A send port that has a destination address and adapter type associated with it. As opposed to a dynamic send port, a static send port cannot change its configuration at run time and is always used to send messages to only one destination address.

Start Orchestration Shape: Orchestration shape that enables your orchestration to call another orchestration asynchronously.

Static Send Port: A send port that has a destination address and adapter type associated with it. As opposed to a dynamic send port, a static send port cannot change its configuration at run time and is always used to send messages to only one destination address.

String Functoids: Functoids that you can used to manipulate data strings (text alphanumeric) by using well-known string functions such as concatenation, length, find, and trim.

Strong Name Key File: A file that contains the identity for an assembly - its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided) - plus a public key and a digital signature. It is generated from an assembly file using the corresponding private key. (The assembly file contains the assembly manifest, which contains the names and hashes of all the files that make up the assembly.)

Submit: The act of placing a message and associated properties in the appropriate tables in the MessageBox database and scanning the Subscription directory for subscriptions whose predicates match the properties of the message.

Subscribe: A BizTalk mechanism for instructing the MessageBox to route messages with properties that meet specified parameters (subscriptions) to the appropriate processes. For example, send port filters create subscriptions in the MessageBox. When messages are published to the MessageBox that match the filter specification, BizTalk Server routes the messages to the subscribing send port for processing.

Subscription: A mechanism to route messages that match certain property comparison criteria into a Work queue.

Subscription Database: The MessageBox database that contains all of the subscriptions for a MessageBox group.

Suspend Shape: Orchestration shape that suspends the operation of your orchestration to enable intervention in the event of some error condition.

Suspended Instance: An instance of a message or orchestration that BizTalk Server has stopped processing, due to an error in the system or the message. Generally, suspended instances caused by system errors are resumable upon resolution of the system issue. Often, suspended instances due to a message problem are not resumable, and the message itself must be fixed and resubmitted to the BizTalk Server system.

Syntax Transformations: or Data Translation, this type of transformations occurs in the receive or send pipelines and aim to transform a document into another representation, e.g. CSV to XML. Here the document maintains the same data (semantics), but changes the syntax that is represented. I.e. we translate the document, but typically we don't modify the structure. Normally, this type of transformation is bidirectional, since we still have the same semantic content, we can apply the same transformation logic and obtain the document in its original format.


Target Database/Environment: Identified when deploying an assembly and its bindings into a target environment.

TCP Trace: Used to monitor text based network traffic between client and server. Useful while using adapters like SOAP,HTTP,POP3 etc to see the message travelling via the wire.

Terminate Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to immediately end the operation of your orchestration in the event of some error condition.

Throw Exception Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to explicitly throw an exception in the event of an error.

Time Dimension: A UI element that describes time as it is used in aggregations.

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service enables you to publish and subscribe to queues and topics managed by TIBCO EMS using btsBizTalkServerNoVersion. (see more here)

TIBCO Rendezvous Adapter: Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for TIBCO Rendezvous enables you to use TIBCO Rendezvous business functions within BizTalk Server. (see more here)

Toolbox: A dockable window containing a variety of elements that can be used in the orchestration design process.

Tooltip: A little pop-up window that provides brief context-sensitive help when you move the mouse pointer over the item.

Tracking: The ability to track interchanges and messages processed by BizTalk Server.

Tracking Analysis Database: The name of the tracking analysis (OLAP) database for the associated MessageBox group.

Tracking Data Decode Service (TDDS): A service that moves event data from the MessageBox database to the BAM Primary Import database. This service processes and persists both Business intelligence and BizTalk Health Monitoring data.

Tracking Database: A Microsoft SQL Server database that stores the tracking information for a MessageBox group. There is one Tracking database per MessageBox group.

Tracking Options View: A view on the Group Hub page that defines the tracking options.

Tracking Profile: A set of characteristics that define a business-related process and contains the mapping between a specific orchestration and activity definition. A tracking profile is a file with a .btt extension.

Tracking Profile Editor: A graphical user-interface tool used to define the interesting parts of their business process as well as interesting business payload data.

Trading Partner: An external or internal organization with which your organization exchanges electronic data. For example, a trading partner could be a supplier, a customer, or an internal department.

Trading Partner Agreement (TPA): is defined as a definitive and binding agreement between two trading partners for transacting messages over a specific B2B Protocol. Agreements bring together common bi-directional message processing properties from specific business profiles of both partners. It is a comprehensive collection of all aspects governing the business transaction between the two trading partners. A TPA is typically derived from the profiles of each partner, with the ability to customize and override the required settings. In simpler terms, a TPA is an understanding between two business profiles to use a specific message encoding protocol or a specific transport protocol while exchanging B2B messages with each other.

Trading Partner Management: The act of managing and storing information about partners, their business, and business-to-business relationships/agreements. The enhanced trading partner management (TPM) solution more intuitively reflects the business entities and relationships, thereby enabling organizations to better manage business partnerships with trading partners.

Trading Party: An entity that is at the root level of a trading partner management (TPM) solution. Each participating organization in an ongoing business relationship, and any single business entity that is running BizTalk Server and sending or receiving messages to or from any other party, is a trading party.

Transactional Messaging: A stream of messages sent in order exactly once, achieved by synchronizing and coordinating multiple BizTalk message queuing adapter instances in a group.

Transform Shape: Orchestration shape that enables you to map the fields from existing messages into new messages.

Transformation: The process of converting an XML document that conforms to one schema into an XML document that conforms to another schema, often changing the document structure in the process.

Translation: The process of converting an XML document into native (non-XML) format, or vice versa.

Transport Agreement: An agreement between the business profiles of two trading partners to use a specific transport protocol (AS2) while exchanging messages.

Transport Layer Security: A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network. TLS encrypts communications and enables clients to authenticate servers and, optionally, servers to authenticate clients. TLS is a more secure version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

Transport Protocol: A protocol that governs the transport channel used for sending messages back and forth between two partners. With respect to trading partner management (TPM), only the AS2 protocol is supported.


Undeploy: The process of deleting a BizTalk application from the BizTalk Server databases and Administration Console, as well as removing the application from any computers on which it was installed.

**UDL: **Universal Data Link

Unenlist: The act of eliminating all subscriptions and instances (running or suspended) for that service.

UN/EDIFACT: The international EDI standard as developed through the United Nations. This standard is commonly used in Europe, as well as Japan and other Asian countries and regions. Also known as United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce, and Transport.

UNZ segment: In EDI, the Interchange Trailer segment of an EDIFACT document. It includes the elements Interchange Reference and Number of Documents in the interchange. The segment is used to indicate the end of an interchange and to check the interchange reference and number of documents in the interchange.

**Updategram: **An updategram is a data structure that you can use to express a change in the data. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands are represented in an updategram by the difference of the image of the data before and the image of the data after a change


Versioning: The act of updating the implementation of an artifact and incrementing its version number.

Vocabulary: A collection of vocabulary elements used in rule composition.

Vocabulary Element: A human-readable name for facts.


WCF Adapter: The BizTalk Adapters for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) allow BizTalk Server to communicate with WCF-based applications. The BizTalk WCF adapters include five physical adapters that represent the WCF predefined bindings—BasicHttpBinding, WsHttpBinding, NetTcpBinding, NetNamedPipeBinding, and NetMsmqBinding. The WCF adapters for the predefined bindings are provided to enable you to easily configure necessary information for most application requirements. (see more here)

  • WCF-WSHttp adapter: Provides the WS-* standards support over the HTTP transport. The WCF-WSHttp adapter implements the following specifications: WS-Transaction for the transactional interactions between external applications and the MessageBox database, and WS-Security for message security and authentication. The transport is HTTP or HTTPS, and message encoding is a Text or Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) encoding.
  • WCF-BasicHttp adapter: Communicates with ASMX-based Web services and clients and other services that conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1. The transport is HTTP or HTTPS, and message encoding is a text encoding.
  • WCF-NetTcp adapter: Provides the WS-* standards support over the TCP transport. The WCF-NetTcp adapter provides efficient communication in a WCF-to-WCF environment. The adapter implements the following specifications: WS-Transaction for the transactional interactions between external applications and the MessageBox database, and WS-Security for message security and authentication. The transport is TCP, and message encoding is binary encoding.
  • WCF-NetMsmq adapter: Provides support for queuing by leveraging Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) as a transport and enables support for loosely coupled applications, failure isolation, load leveling, and disconnected operations.
  • WCF-NetNamedPipe adapter: Provides secure optimization for on-machine cross-process communication. The WCF-NetNamedPipe adapter uses transport security for transfer security, named pipes for message delivery, and binary message encoding.
  • WCF-Custom adapter: Enables the use of WCF extensibility features. The adapter allows you to select and configure a WCF binding and the behavior information for the receive location and send port.
  • WCF-CustomIsolated adapter: Enables the use of WCF extensibility features over the HTTP transport. The adapter allows you to select and configure a WCF binding and the behavior information for the receive location running in an isolated host.

Web Ports: are specially configured ports that are used to access Web services. A Web port can contain multiple Web operations that represent a mix of oneway (request-only) and two-way (request-response) Web methods. Each Web operation in a Web port represents one method of a Web service.

Web Services: A unit of application logic providing data and services to other applications. Applications access XML Web services using standard Web protocols and data formats such as HTTP, XML, and SOAP, independent of how each XML Web service is implemented. XML Web services combine the best aspects of component-based development and the Web, and are a cornerstone of the Microsoft .NET programming model.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL): An XML-formatted language that describes Web services as endpoints for exchanging messages. It is extensible to allow for the description of endpoints and their messages regardless of the message format and network protocol. It is the language used by Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), which is a Web-based business directory.

Well-formed XML(WFX): A standard that dictates that an XML document that has a single root and elements must nest completely or not at all.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI): A component of the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), used to automate administrative tasks in an enterprise environment.

WireShark: is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows.

**WMI: **Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a set of extensions to the Windows Driver Model that provides an operating system interface through which instrumented components provide information and notification. WMI is Microsoft's implementation of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and Common Information Model (CIM) standards from the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF).

WSS Adapter: The BizTalk Server adapter for Windows SharePoint Services provides a tighter integration with Windows SharePoint Services and Microsoft Office InfoPath. Basically it enables you to send BizTalk Server XML and binary messages to SharePoint document libraries and receive messages from any view of any document library and archive them to a specified document library using the specified file name. (see more here)


X.509 Certificate: The standard certificate format used by Windows certificate-based processes. An X.509 certificate includes the public key and information about the person or entity to whom the certificate is issued, information about the certificate, plus optional information about the certification authority (CA) issuing the certificate.

**XML (Extensible Markup Language): ** is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable designed to represent and exchange a wide variety of data.

XML Schema: or XSD (XML Schema Definition) describes the structure of a business document that is represented in XML. XML Schema is a specification developed and maintained under the auspices of the World Wide Web Consortium. (see more here)

XMLReceive Pipeline: The XML receive pipeline consists of the following stages: Disassemble (Contains the XML Disassembler component) and a ResolveParty (Runs the Party Resolution component, which resolves the certificate subject or the source security ID to the party ID)

XMLTransmit Pipeline: The XML send pipeline consists of the following stages: Assemble (Contains the XML Assembler component)

XPath: A comprehensive language used for navigating through the hierarchy of an XML document. XPath expressions can contain XML element and attribute information, select data that matches specific criteria, and perform comparisons on the data retrieved. Also called a node path.

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations): is a style sheet language for XML documents (stands for XSL Transformations), it defines the transformation rules of the messages



Zombie Message: The terms "orphans” and "zombies" are often used interchangeably. An orphaned or zombie message is a message that does not have an associated service instance, typically because the service instance has terminated before the message was received. An orphaned or zombie service is a service that does not have any associated messages.

Zombie Resurrector: An orchestration that listens at the MessageBox database for zombies and resurrects those that meet certain criteria.

See Also

Another important place to find a huge amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.