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Create Random Passwords with Characters and Integers Using VBScript

This VBScript can be used for creation of passwords for new users during account creation.

Dim intMax, iLoop, k, intValue, strChar, strName, intNum

' Specify the alphabet of characters to use.
Const Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

' Specify length of names.
intMax = 5

' Specify number of names to generate.
intNum = 1

For iLoop = 1 To intNum
    strName = ""
    For k = 1 To intMax
        ' Retrieve random digit between 0 and 25 (26 possible characters).
        intValue = Fix(26 * Rnd())
        ' Convert to character in allowed alphabet.
        strChar = Mid(Chars, intValue + 1, 1)
        ' Build the name.
        strName = strName & strChar

' Number of Integers can be specified here

    Wscript.Echo strName & Int( ( 7789 - 7 + 889 ) * Rnd + 999 )