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FIM 2010 Service Configuration


The FIM Service component of ForeFront Identity Manager 2010 has several parameters which control the running behavior of the FIM Service instance

ForeFront Identity Manager 2010 R2

Config File Information

The Service configuration is contained in the Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Service.exe.config file.

Service Configuration Parameters


 Parameter postStartupRecoveryRetryIntervalInMilliseconds 
 Description  Sets the time interval to process stuck workflow and Request objects after a FIM service restart
 Range  -1 to max(int). Disable: -1 disables the feature
 Default   -1 disables the feature
 Parameter dataReadTimeoutInSeconds 
 Description  Database timeout for read operations
 Range  0-max(int16)
 Default 58
 Parameter dataWriteTimeoutInSeconds
 Description  Database timeout for write operations
 Range  0-max(int16)
 Default  58
 Parameter backgroundDataProcessingTimeoutInSeconds 
 Description  SQL operations that run on a background thread are tied to this timeout to allow these operations extra time to complete if there are a large number of workflows in the system.
 Range  0-max(int16)
 Default  300
 Parameter reportingDataReadTimeoutInSeconds 
 Description  Reporting operations that read from the FIM Service are tied to this timeout to allow these operations extra time to complete if there are a large number of objects / values in a batch.
 Range  0-max(int16)
 Default  300
 Parameter reportingDataWriteTimeoutInSeconds
 Description  Reporting operations that write to the FIM Service are tied to this timeout to allow these operations extra time to complete if there are a large number of objects / values in a batch.
 Range  0-max(int16)
 Default  300
 Parameter synchronizationReadTimeoutInSeconds
 Description  Synchronization operations (FIM MA import / export) that read from the FIM Service are tied to this timeout to allow these operations extra time to complete if there are a large number of objects / values in a batch. 
 Range  0-max(int16)
 Default  1200
 Parameter synchronizationDataWriteTimeoutInSeconds 
 Description  Synchronization operations (FIM MA import / export) that write to the FIM Service are tied to this timeout to allow these operations extra time to complete if there are a large number of objects / values in a batch.
 Range 0-max(int16) 
 Default  1200
 Parameter serviceName
  • Will be converted to UPPERCASE.
  • Used to uniquely identify a FIM SERVICE INSTANCE.
  • Only one Instance is allowed per machine and each must be Unique in the system or FIM won't work properly
 Default  MachineName
 Parameter servicePartitionName
  • Will be converted to UPPERCASE.
  • This value is used by FIM to declare which Service Partition this FIM Service belongs to.
  • This is used to support an Isolated configuration
 Default  use the value of externalHostName
 Parameter externalHostName
 Description This value is used by FIM to define the external host name that should be used by clients to connect to FIM when you deploy a Load Balanced configuration.
 Default  Defined by Administrator during set-up
 Parameter processSystemPartition 
  • FIM creates requests that originate from within the database.
  • These requests will be marked as belonging to the SystemPartition.
  • All FIM Services will be configured to process these Requests unless this property is set to false.
 Default  TRUE
 Parameter receiveSynchronizationRequestsEnabled
  • Whether this instance of the Forefront Identity Manager Service should receive export requests from the Synchronization Service. 
  • At least one instance should be configured to receive export requests. 
  • Other instances can optionally be excluded from having to process those requests.
 Default  TRUE
 Parameter maxSimultaneousSynchronizationRequests
 Description  The maximum number of concurrent synchronization export requests.
 Default  6
 Parameter mailServerTimeoutIntervalInMilliseconds
  • Timeout value for the mail server to send a message when sent synchronously.
  • For example, this is used by the Email OTP gate.
 Default  5000