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Placing the Call Stack and Call Hierarchy Windows

Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  11/24/2010
Code:  vstipTool0115


This tip is a fairly common one that people love.  When you are working with the Call Stack or Call Hierarchy windows they can sometimes get a little lengthy.  Usually you see them docked at the bottom:




Which is great but isn't very fun if you want to look at, say, twenty lines in the stack.  A common solution is to dock the window with Solution Explorer (which by default is docked to the right of your screen).  Just CLICK AND DRAG the tab:




Over toward Solution Explorer




And place it with the other tabs:




Now you are all set and can see much more information while you work:




Also, recall that this has no impact on your Design Mode experience because the window layouts are different (see vstipEnv0052:  https://blogs.msdn.com/b/zainnab/archive/2010/11/22/window-layouts-design-debug-and-full-screen-vstipenv0052.aspx).