다음을 통해 공유

Create Keyboard Accelerators for External Tools

Keyboard:  ALT + T, E
Menu:  Tools -> External Tools
Command:  Tools.ExternalTools
Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  9/25/2010
Code:  vstipTool0093


Make sure to check out the Windows Phone Developer Portal!


In vstipTool0059 (https://blogs.msdn.com/b/zainnab/archive/2010/07/24/using-external-tools-vstiptool0059.aspx) I showed you how to add external tools to Visual Studio (Tools Menu):




Did you know that your entries can have accelerator keys assigned to them?  It's easy!  First, to see what these keys look like by going to the Tools menu using your keyboard (ALT + T):




Now you can press any letter that is underlined to access that item.  For example, if the letter "G" if pressed then it will open up the "Create GUID" tool.  You can see how this is created by opening up the External Tools:



Notice the ampersand (&) before the "G" in "GUID"?  Anytime you put an ampersand before any character in your title, that will become the accelerator key.  As you can see all these entries have accelerator keys assigned to them.  Now you can create special keys for your external tools access, enjoy!