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Yves Dolce

MCS Partner ISV

My PowerShell host prompt

Looking at others code is the best way to learn. I looked at some and modified it, adding the...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/09/2006

Throw If Fails

I like to use this when writting sample code: inline void Tif(HRESULT hResult) { if FAILED(hResult)...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/01/2006

Caching StockIcons for Windows Presentation Framework...

Here is what I've added to the code to handle the BitmapSource cache and hopefully (yes, I have...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/20/2006

Building the Windows SDK samples on Vista...

Well, because of UAC, one needs to change the folders and files' ACLs under...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/17/2006

StockIcons for Windows Forms?

This is what I had written to better understand the API, in C++/CLI and for Windows Forms. One could...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/16/2006

StockIcons for Windows Presentation Framework?

Windows Vista introduces a new native API that allows you to retrieve system-defined Shell icons:...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/16/2006

GraphEdt.exe and Vista...

I've been working on some COPP related code sample on Vista, I could not see the graph I had built....

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/19/2006


I've found those useful: Error and Exception Handling Exception-Safety in Generic Components

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/08/2006

Running Visual Studio 2005 on Vista RC1 with HighDPI

When moving the separator bars/sliders between the docked windows/panes, you'll have a terrible...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/07/2006

alias | where {$_.Definition -eq "Set-Location"}

Back from the airport, checked my e-mail and decided I would finally switch to PowerShell as it...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 06/27/2006

CoCreateInstanceAsAdmin and the Elevation Moniker

You might see that API referred here and there to help with the new UAC scenarios. And you'll also...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 06/13/2006


Converting an Image to an IPicture seems a recurring question. I did not tried the following code...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 06/07/2006

Catherine, una amiga mía, Technical Evangelist en DPE, wrote some C# code that will be shared soon...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 06/07/2006

x64 porting and your comments

I just realized I have not been receiving notification when you were posting some comments so please...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 05/23/2006

Bear Cub (Cachorro)

It makes a while I did not watch an interesting movie. I saw Vendetta and did enjoy most of it but I...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 04/25/2006

Brandon Bray on Channel 9, talking about VC++ 2005

The page: https://channel9.msdn.com/Showpost.aspx?postid=181706 The stream:...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 04/17/2006

cd "My Documents"

John was complaining about this not working so I wrote MyDoc.bat: @REM This will work if you did not...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 04/07/2006

C++ Templates - The complete guide

One of the numerous benefits that working at Microsoft brings is that you can just walk in one of...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 04/02/2006

Brazilian Groove

This CD is really very nice. This is already the 3rd time I'm listening to it in a row... Now, the...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 04/02/2006

Death and old calculators/computers...

Yesterday evening, for some reasons, I was thinking about death and how I started to know about the...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 03/28/2006

SQL 2005 Browser add-in for .NET Reflector

While Maarten and I are working on porting some VC++ 6.0/98 to VC++ 8.0/2005, I found this add-in...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 03/16/2006

What about removing some doubts about XAML?

Chuck Jazdzewski is an architect on the Windows Presentation Frameword team. I really like the way...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 03/15/2006

The new Aero Wizard and MFC

I've been suggesting Nikola to blog on this but meanwhile, here is an essential piece of...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 03/13/2006

"Crossbow" – Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation Interoperability

I can't say much more but as this is on that page, make sure you tune into MSDN TV in a bit less...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 02/10/2006

DJ mixes

I'm not (yet maybe) into that genre but a friend of mine gave me that site to listen to DJ stuff:...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 02/07/2006

VC++ 2005 IntelliSense, programming for Partial Trust and the extra...

  • What’s New in Visual C++ 2005 IntelliSense- Programming for Partial Trust and the WPF extra: - The...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 02/07/2006

Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking

Still in that Vista Ascend dry-run and heard about that. Although I'm not a network guy, that page...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 01/19/2006

Under Vista, help is on the way when your application crashes...

I'm in a Windows Vista Ascend dry run event this week and was introduced to that feature:...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 01/18/2006

What have I been doing?

Not that I think that most readers would care but just in case you wonder why I'm not posting as...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 01/14/2006

Listening to DB Boulevard's "Point of view" and waiting for 2006

I'd like to point to: C++/CLI is now a standard! "Ecma General Assembly has approved the document,...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 12/28/2005

64-bit TTT class this week...

Train the trainer that is. Although it's an old article (Feb. 2003), I'll read it later today as...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/28/2005

Secure Coding in C and C++.

This page contains code samples from Secure Coding in C and C++. You can also download Chapter 5 -...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/28/2005

Sending your C++ sultion/project files in a ZIP files

Before creating the ZIP file and for example, attaching it to an e-mail and send it to a friend, you...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/19/2005

How to compile MFC and ATL code with /clr

C++/CLI Do you want to use .NET from your COM DLL built with C++ and ATL? Well, it's not as easy as...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/17/2005


Very nice example of a mashup-style application using Virtual Earth, and various web services... all...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/08/2005


I keep reviewing C++ code that does not define any of those. Please have a look at Using the Windows...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/02/2005

Generics, generics, generics and generics in the CLR and the BCL

4 FAQs: - Generics FAQ: .NET Framework- Generics FAQ: Best Practices - Generics FAQ: Fundamentals-...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/02/2005

Programming with Concurrency talks at the PDC....

From https://microsoft.sitestream.com/PDC05/, those talks are quite interesting if you're interested...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 11/01/2005

"Reflecting" on an assembly without loading it...

Jim Miller mentioned that tool during the PNL04: Looking Ahead to the Future of the CLR panel: PE...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/31/2005

C++/CLI add-in for .NET Reflector

If you don't know that tool yet, stop reading and ... stop reading ... and download it from...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/20/2005

MFC 8 (VC++ 2005) and Windows Forms (Part III)

While describing to an ISV the MFC 8.0 support for Windows Forms, I thought about the managed class...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/16/2005

Down Under by Bill Bryson

When I read Canberra - Why wait for death? on page 127 and started to LoL I decided to mention it...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/16/2005

C++/CLI casts operator illustration

After reading the excellent Cast Notation and Introduction of safe_cast<>, I thought I would...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 10/03/2005

Transparent Assembly

Couple of new attributes: SecurityTransparent, SecurityCritical and SecurityTreatAsSafe. I did not...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/22/2005

The LINQ Project

From the PDC 2005 site: have a look at Q&A: Microsoft to Simplify and Speed the Development of...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/13/2005

"VS 2005 Diagnostic and Uninstall Tool"

I used to either uninstall manually or restore my whole partition image. I just saw that entry and...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/12/2005

Enumerating the assemblies in the GAC.

This is a version that fulfills my needs but if you need filtering, the information required is in...

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/08/2005

Believe it or not

but I love those photos. If I could, I'd take a plane now... ¡Gracias Thomas por mandar esta liga!

Author: yvesdolc Date: 09/05/2005

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