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Clinical Documentation Solution Accelerator now available for download!

The Clinical Documentation Solution Accelerator (CDSA) for the Microsoft Office system is now released and available for you to download and start using in your clinical applications. 

CDSA is a Connected Health Platform resource that enables you or your customer to define and create clinically encoded documents. Documents can be created based upon ready-made templates (for example, for a Discharge Summary or a Referral) retrieved using the Microsoft Office System.


Key Benefits for Your Organization

  • Improve productivity and reduce training costs
  • Quickly design and create clinical documents
  • Directly link to external data sources
  • Easily share encoded documents

You can find out more about the Clinical Documentation Solution Accelerator including overview and developer guidance videos at :

· The CDSA landing page is at https://www.mscui.net/CDSA.htm.

· The CDSA community project is at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/cdsa.

· The new version of MSCUI is at www.mscui.net.

You can find more information on all Connected Health Platform resources on the Health ICT Resource Center site at https://www.microsoft.com/HealthICT


teddy bachour

senior industry technology strategist, ww health
