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VSTS Rangers – Champion Survey Results … Finally we can ring the Swiss Cow Bells :)

A while ago be asked all the active external VSTS Rangers and VSTS Ranger project leads to vote for their external VSTS Rangers champion of the current wave of VSTS Rangers projects, which included: TFS 2010 Requirements Management, TFS 2010 Branching Guidance, TFS 2010 Upgrade Guidance, VSTS 2010 Virtualization Guidance and Factory, VSTS 2010 101 Guidance and TFS Integration Platform. The votes were therefore submitted primarily by Microsoft Most Valued Professionals and Technical Community leads and we had the pleasure of sitting back and watch the votes and comments rolling in.Clipart Illustration of a White Character Taking Notes Down On A Clipboard, A Supervisor, Manager, Or Someone Taking Inventory

What is an external VSTS Ranger?

An external VSTS Ranger is in essence a VSTS Ranger, not employed by Microsoft and therefore external to Microsoft, who works on VSTS Rangers projects as listed on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/teamsystem/ee358787.aspx. In fact, all of the external VSTS Rangers are champions, because they are contributing their knowledge, their personal time and their passion to the VSTS Rangers initiatives, allowing us to work on and deliver the strategic out-of-band solutions.

What is the criteria to receive a “true champion” vote?

The activity and contributions were defined as ad-hoc, active, very active and champion. The latter implied that the VSTS Ranger has gone beyond the call of duty, has delivered beyond expectations and commitments and often jumped in to take over from where others failed to deliver.

And the champions are …

The top four winners are also presented on our VSTS Rangers site under the “Rangers Champions” category, whereby I am proud to mention that two of the champions are SA Architect community leads! Robert managed to secure an amazing seven (7) champion votes and ended up on the top :)
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Winning Team Of Blue Figures Holding Hands And Standing In A Circle Around Their Golden Championship Trophy Clipart Illustration Image

CONGRATULATIONS Robert, Zayd, Mathias and Neno! Well done and thank you!