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Two ALM Ranger posters appearing in battlestar #40 and #41

To highlight our sim-ship adventure and especially our product owner and other supporting STARS Star, we have started distributing two ALM Ranger posters in building 40 and especially building 41.

Our sim-ship adventure


Our STARS StarStarStarStarStarStarStarStarStarStarStar

All of the ladies and gentlemen in the following poster are true Star‘s, collaborating and supporting the latest wave of ALM Ranger project teams. The Star‘s with an extra Star in their tile are the Star‘s that are truly going way beyond the call of duty in terms of guidance, encouragement and in some cases even actively contributing Smile


Move pictures from my recent visit to Redmond … Spring has sprung Smile


WP_000101 … we still have some fall-out from the Zombie Sabbatical Smile