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TechReady 13 Journal: T-1 days (HTML5 pre-event adventure)

One day to go … T-1.

05:00am … sunrise over Redmond, with Mt. Baker (seen from other side) lurking in the background.

While we sat in the HTML 5 pre-event training, the most beautiful day unfolded outside. Here are a few pictures I snapped during lunchtime … the walk-ways on campus and the African Sky blue are simply beautiful Smile


Finally a few pictures of Seattle … back in the big city, registered and getting ready for tomorrow’s ChalkTalk.


Questions of the day:

  • Why are the hotel room so huge? Back home one of these rooms would accommodate an entire family … and all I need is a bed.
  • Why do we spend an entire Sunday pondering over HTML 5 when it is the most beautiful day outside? … 933|<’s.

C U at TR13 tomorrow!