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Rangers Flash – February 2012

Projects Newsclip_image001_thumb[1]

Community News

Call to Action for ALM Rangers!


  • CALL #1 … One thing we love is celebrating your successes. Unfortunately not being omniscient we simply don’t know about many of them. So if you have done or know of some outstanding contributions/actions please send them to Chuck and Willy to post in our internal newsletters that go to our upper management and the MVP leads.
  • CALL #2 … Update your personal contact details in the Ranger Contact Details to avoid losing access to the ALM Ranger infrastructure if you have not already done so!
  • CALL #3 … Update your personal activities in the Ranger FY12 Activity list to ensure your contributions will be recognized!
  • CALL #4 … Review the BETA releases and give the teams candid feedback. If you have spare bandwidth and would like to help one or more of the teams with the final push towards RC release, then please contact the relevant project leads. Find the list of projects, teams and project leads in FY12 Projects.

Closing Humo(u)r

Conversation overheard in one of the Rangers team …

Thanks guys, I just downloaded and started the latest ALM Rangers base VM. It is great, but …

…. long silence … I think I may have a problem with my display drivers, because all the colo(u)rs are gone in Visual Studio?

This true story highlights the challenges of working with bleeding edge technology and builds, which preceded the explanation of the new user interface strategy. After a drink, however, this conversation is quite a funny story, which our Zombie Sabbatical champ will have to live with for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time Winking smile

To conclude, here are two more pictures from John Bergmanimage … when did you last backup you data? clip_image001

For more information refer to: Rangers Website | Rangers Solutions | Rangers Blog .
To include content in future Ranger Flashes:
Send your one-two liners to us latest a week before the last day of the month.