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Pre-TR Training … and a breakfast you should run away from :)

The ALM Rangers are slowly but surely gathering in Seattle for TechReady, semi-annual internal technical conference and one of the few opportunities for some lucky Rangers to meet their peers face to face.

using application insights to monitor health of our vs online home

Before we get started though, we had some interesting pre-TR training on Application Insights. As Charles Sterling coordinated the event was a success, fun and one of the major highlights Smile Thanks Chuck and team! During the workshop we started using application insights to monitor our blog and VS Online home. After a few clicks and minutes we noticed activity … wow, now to start observing some interesting patterns.Availability

See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn481095.aspx for details.

ride home to return within 48 hours

family > job > rangers … my colleagues will be happy to note that I am returning home to support my son at the soccer training tonight and at his matches on Saturday and Sunday …. to return on Sunday for TR18 Smile A few images taken during my return trip, highlighting the phenomenal weather and blue sky.


the infamous breakfast

If you ever visit Charles Sterling in building #18 and he says “let’s go for breakfast” … run!

DSCN4489 … the notorious 16,000 calories breakfast, which will keep me energised for the next few days Smile

See you at TR18!