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Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Thorsten Dralle

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See An index to all Rangers covered on this blog for more details.

Who you are?
I am a software developer and a consultant for VSTS

What makes you “tick”?
Well, I think the software development topic is quite obvious isn't it? Beside of computers and software I like assembling electronic devices. The best case is to combine both worlds. It is great when you can press a button on a computer and some sort of device starts moving. Apart from the technical topics I enjoy to travel / walk around and take photos. Last but not least I enjoy playing a little bit piano.

Where you live?
I live in Stuttgart. Stuttgart is a city in southern Germany.

Where is the place you call home?
/home/Thorsten; Oh wait, I think you meant something different didn’t you?

Why are you active in the Rangers program?
Basically, there are three reasons that came into my mind when talking about the rangers program:

  • It is a great opportunity to get in touch with other rangers and VSTS staff from all around the world.
  • Fame and Fortune. Well, at least the first one for the beginning ;)
  • Last but not least; The most important reason is the possibility to support the community to introduce / use and to adopt VSTS

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?
Definitely the TFS Integration Platform. The reason for it is quite simple. It is a great platform if you have to migrate / synchronize between TFS and a 3rd Party system. The latest success story for me personal was the usage of the Integration Platform to migrate all the source control data from Perforce to TFS. The Integration Platform is a solid foundation for these kind of job and proofs it value.