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Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Sung Jae Kang

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See An index to all Rangers covered on this blog for more details.

Who are you?

Sung Jae Kang – Visual Studio Tools Evangelist – Microsoft Korea D&PE

I’m a Microsoft Visual Studio Tools Evangelist and Professional Agile & Scrum Developer Coach.

I'm lead of Visual Studio 2010 Korea Team Blog.

What makes you tick”?

I like baseball. And Microsoft Korea Baseball team's players.

Where do you live?

Seoul, Korea

Where do you call home?

Busan(Korea the best baseball city), Korea

Why are you active in the Rangers program?

Because I like .NET

I’m working as a specialist for Visual Studio and Application Lifecycle Management & Agile.

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

I’m new at the rangers program. Now I just have several Korean Article project, which can be found at the following site Korea VS2010.

Visual Studio Team Blog : https://vsts2010.net