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Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Abhimanyu Singhal

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See An index to all Rangers covered on this blog for more details.

Who are you?

Abhimanyu Singhal, Principal Consultant at iMentor Knowledge Services and Visual Studio ALM MVP.  Focus on Visual Studio ALM , Microsoft .Net, Enterprise Solutions and Embedded Systems, I believe technology can be utilized in human advancement in ways not explored yet. Favourite Quote:- “There is no destiny, fate or chance, which can hinder, prevent or circumvent firm resolve of a determined Abhimanyu Singhal afterworksoul”.  I am an active member of Developer Community in Delhi and believe in growing knowledge by sharing.

What makes you tick?

Challenges, Solving problems, Critical Discussions, Exploring Technology.

Where do you live?

New Delhi, India.

Where do you call home?

Lately New-Delhi.

Why are you active in the Rangers program?

Believe Rangers Program is filling up  gaps quite well when it comes to adoption of Visual Studio Team System as an ALM Platform. Been working with a number of companies who want to adopt it but have been facing challenges. This is  one program which addresses those challenges. Collective Guidance and best practices development will help in making product more usable and will provide benefits for all associated with Visual Studio Team System.

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

Yet to start my contributions.