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External Ranger Guideline Checklist

Posted for easy referencing as requested by Bob.

As everyone knows we have been dogfooding new infrastructure and a new process (Ruck) to improve the experience, quality and predictability with Ranger projects. Like a toddler learning to walk, the initial dogfooding experience can be an experience of confusion, frustration and excitement … the level and combination of which depends on each and every Ranger.

We are on the verge of starting a new wave of projects, so it is probably the right time to repeat a few guidelines:

  • Peruse Where do I start as a new or re-assimilating Visual Studio ALM Ranger? when you have a spare moment.
  • Use the ALMExternalRangers DL for active collaboration … the DL is far too quiet J. Just make sure you use Controlled Vocab so that Rangers can filter and sort the emails … and most importantly to avoid upsetting Neno Smile
  • If you are unsure of anything or cannot find something, please ping me or raise a thread on ALMExternalRangers DL. We are here to help you 365x24x7 Winking smile
  • If a project interests you, ensure you step forward during the project kick-off meeting and volunteer your experience, knowledge and passion. We rely on you getting involved!
  • When you are active in a project and are unable to deliver for whatever reason (time, bandwidth, work, …) do not go dark, but instead notify your feature area/epic lead, ask for help on ALMExternalRangers DL or ping me! We are succeed and/or fail as one team!

… to cut a long email short, it is important to realise that you need to be active and collaborative, that you ask when something is unclear and raise your hand/keyboard when you are unhappy … otherwise you may not feel like part of the Rangers family, but may get the incorrect feeling that you are just another number/email/digital-identity.

We need your involvement, your candid feedback and your support to improve the Ranger program on all fronts. Please join us for the next Rangers Talk to ask any question, to have a look at the survey results (to date), and to raise ideas and recommendations. If you would rather do it outside of the Rangers Talk, please little “r” me at any time!


  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2011
    How can I join ALMExternalRangers DL?

  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2011
    Vinod, the external Rangers are automatically added as members to the ALMEXternalRangers DL during the registration process. The DL is used for active collaboration amongst active Rangers and is therefiore not shared with or accessibe on the public domain.