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Brian Blackman wins the ALM Rangers Ruck Master Champion 2013 Award!

Brian Blackman has been nominated by his peers and has won the Ruck Master Champion award for being the top mentor, guide and coach for project leads and teams over the past twelve months.

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“Unedited” comments submitted with some of the nominations:

  • He's the only one! On a more serious note, Brian has been a great help, providing considered advice in a non-patronising manner
  • Because you can't think of Ruck without thinking Brian!
  • Helped a great deal in executing the Project and providing necessary suggestions.
  • Brian is not only ultra-bright and experienced, he ensures that whatever he touches turns into Ruck ingots. Without him Ruck would not be the power process that enables the Rangers to thrive in their challenging ecosystem.


Runner up was Jahangeer Mohammed who has “set an examples for other Ruck Masters to follow” as emphasized in his nomination.

Also see https://aka.ms/vsarunderstand for a list of all the winners to date.