ALM Rangers email etiquette … part 1
We deal with email, a LOT of email as eluded to in FAQ – How can I determine which of the 100’s of ALM Ranger emails is important to “Gregg”?.
To remain professional and efficient, we encourage all Rangers to embrace a few email etiquettes.etiquettes
controlled vocabulary improves productivity
concise is best
- If an email scrolls off the screen it is very unlikely it will ever be read.
- Long emails are discouraging and usually end up in an “action later” bin 13.
- Remember that a visual can potentially replace a thousand words

reply “r” versus reply “R”
TO versus CC
In our context we typically expect that if you are on the …
- To line you need to action the email and that a response is expected.
- Cc line you are included as FYI (for your information only) and not expected to respond.
spell checker is free
- Unintentional auto-correction errors are bad enough to decipher at times
- We should re-read our email before clicking send and remember that the spell checker is free!
Anything important we missed in this first part?