Move Azure Website from one AppServicePlan to another
Here are the steps to move Azure Websites from one AppServicePlan to another.
write-host "trying to load azure dlls"
Import-module azure
write-host "trying to log into Azure"
#Select-AzureSubscription -Default "Microsoft Azure Internal Consumption"
$AzureSubscription = "<GUID>"
$ResourceGroupName = "InternalConsumptionResourceGroup"
$WebsiteName = "nptesting"
$NewAppServicePlanName = "My2ndAppServucePlan"
# $NewAppServicePlanName = "InternalConsumptionAppServicePlan"
$NewServerFarmId = "/subscriptions/" + $AzureSubscription + "/resourceGroups/" + $ResourceGroupName + "/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/" + $NewAppServicePlanName
write-host "trying to get website details"
$websiteResource = Get-AzureRMResource -ResourceType "microsoft.web/sites" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceName $WebsiteName
$websiteResource.Properties.ServerFarmId = $NewServerFarmId
write-host "trying to udpate website details"
$websiteResource | Set-AzureRmResource -Force
write-host "done changing ASP"