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Azure IoT HUB - Workshop: Použitie Raspberry Pi3 spolu s Azure IoT Hub

From End-To-End: Pushing a sensor telemetry for stream analytics and showing a result on the Dashboard Power BI.
Miesto: Microsoft Slovakia, Apollo Business Center II, Blok E, 3.posch., miestnosť Madagaskar, Prievozská 4D, Bratislava
Termín: 21.2. – 23.2. 2017, každý deň od 9:00h, rozsah 3 dni cca 25h
Prednášateľ: Roman Kiss, (autor, PMD, Didaktik alfa, 10 násobný MS MVP)

Dátum konania 21.02.2017 09:00
Dátum ukončenia 23.02.2017 17:00


Raspberry Pi3 with Windows 10 IoT Core,   DHT 11 Sensor, Relay, LED

Software Technologies

Microsoft Windows Azure Platform with services such as
Azure IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, Visualisation on the Power BI, Azure Service Bus, Storage, Azure functions, Azuree IoT Hub Routes, Device Twin, Device Method, Device Job, etc.

Použité nástroje

Device Explorer Twin, Azure Iot Hub Tester, MQTTBox, Windows 10 IoT Core, Visual Studio 2015, Programming language C#, Microsoft Windows Azure.

Čo sa naučíte

• How to create a demo program for DHT 11 sensor (temperature + humidity) with c# programming using the UWP (Universal Windows Platform),
• How to create a bootable image package for microSD card of the Raspberry RPi3,
• How to remotely debug and trace a demo program with Visual Studio 2015,
• How to integrate Raspberry Pi3 with Azure IoT Hub,
• How to create a job for Azure Stream Analytics,
• How to visualize a real-time telemetry data for Power BI Dashboard,
• How to generate a broker message for Azure Service Bus Topic,
• How to create a job to send a message back to the device such as Raspberry Pi3,
• and ...

Čo ešte môžete získať

Ak máte záujem môžete si priamo zo školenia priniesť zariadenia Raspberry RPi 3 starter kit, ku ktorým obdržíte rôzne utility, ku ktorým si naprogramujete vlastné príklady použitia :

Raspberry RPi3, 32GB microSD with Windows 10 IoT Core Preview + demo program,  Raspberry case,  Raspberry 2.5A Power supply,  DHT 11 Sensor,  2 Relay Module,  2x LED + Resistors,  GPIO Breakout board + ribbon cable + breadboard.

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