다음을 통해 공유

Finding Help Topics via Search

Our User Education team has been doing a lot of work getting our online help topics ready for release. You may have noticed that with each Beta and RC the online help was also updated to match the latest product changes.


One of the things we’re concerned with is how people find the right help topic via a search engine. So our challenge to you is to go to your favorite search (I use www.bing.com) and type in some keywords that define what you are looking for. Did you find it? Was it near the top?

Search using Bing.com


Note you can restrict the results to our online help servers by adding “site:msdn.microsoft.com” to the end of your query. You can also go directly to https://msdn.microsoft.com and use the search box there, which will do the same thing using Bing.

Search directly from MSDN using Bing

We would really like to hear about your successes and failures. Please comment below and let us know so we can help correct any issues, and rejoice a bit when it works. :)



David Williamson & Katrina Lyon-Smith