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New Tool: Visual Studio 2005 Device Command Shell [v0.96]

Device Command Shell:

The Device Command Shell (DCS) provides a command-line interface to several useful functions for developing Smart Device applications using Visual Studio 2005. It is implemented as a Visual Studio "Command Window" add-in for convenience and quick access. The application supports remote device commands such as copying files, starting/stopping/listing processes, working with the device registry, remote XML provisioning and more.

Install Location:

You can download the latest versions of the Device Command Shell and documentation from my GotDotNet workspace:


  1. You'll need to restart Visual Studio after installation
  2. On first use, you should create all the command aliases by executing the "DeviceShell.Connect.DeviceShell alias" command. From that point, you can simply type "CE." and get auto-completion support for all the commands

Supported Commands:
The Device Command Shell supports the following set of commands (for complete documentation visit my GotDotNet Workspace).

 - CE List
 - CE Connect
 - CE IP
 - CE Ping
 - CE Copy
 - CE Get
 - CE Del
 - CE MD
 - CE RD
 - CE Start
 - CE Stop
 - CE TList
 - CE Install
 - CE Config
 - CE Depends
 - CE SetProxy
 - CE SetPolicy
 - CE Certs
 - CE Query
 - CE GetRegKey
 - CE SetRegKey
 - CE CreateRegKey
 - CE DeleteRegKey
 - CE CreateRegKeyValue
 - CE DeleteRegKeyValue
 - CE Batch 
 - CE Help

Bugs and feature requests are always quite welcome :-).
