다음을 통해 공유

VS Data Community Submitted Bugs for VS 2005

During the month of May 2005, there were 44 bugs submitted against the VS Data tools by customers using the Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 release.  Additionally, three bugs related to VS Data tools were submitted by customers using a beta version of SQL Server 2005 via the SQL Server Beta Place process.  Hence, for May, there were a total of 47 bugs received.

Summary for the month of May 2005

Total number of issues / suggestions reported by customers 47
Quantity still active / under investigation                                 11
Quantity fixed or could not be reproduced (previously fixed) 20
Quantity resolved as by design or won't fix  4
Quantity postponed to future release  9
Quantity related/assigned to another feature area  3

Thanks again for your valuable input.